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Why fur is never cool

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Far be it from me to offend the sensitive Chinese, but it seems that avarice knows no bounds. A substantial number of arrests have been made in China over the contamination of milk products which has caused the deaths of a number of babies. Those responsible were adding the chemical melamine to powdered milk products so they could get away with watering down the products. The babies have died from, and many more are critically ill, with acute kidney failure.

Bird flu and other zoonotic diseases have originated in China (and other Asian countries) as a result of how animals are kept.

But that's okay. We'll keep sending them Australian animals.

Posted by Nicky, Friday, 19 September 2008 10:44:08 PM
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Yes you’re correct. Bird flue and many others world wide.

They showed a quick picture of the cows at the company in China.

"Oh my God what’s wrong with people."!

If you saw these animals squashed in these tiny bales so small the couldn’t move and SO poor.

I didn’t couldn’t sleep because I just kept seeing it in my mind.
I am 90% sure they were Australia cows. Look like Australian Friesians.
Could you ask one of your PETA contacts the check that out do you think?
If we can confirm they are in fact Australian cows I will sit outside Rudds office day and night.
As a matter of fact as he is so chummy with China I don’t see why we cant write to him and ask him to speak up about the lambs being tossed alive to the lions.

I will let you know the reply we recieve.

What’s the matter with the eyes of the world looking at something other than these children being made sick?

Ok it’s awful but can’t they SEE the conditions these animals are kept in.
No wonder people have been made sick.

I wonder if we import buy any of that baby product.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this illness was nothing to do with adding anything and they were covering up some awful disease. You would never know I suppose.

Even here in Australia when people have died and been made ill it’s been covered up.

The department actually sent out warning emails to all Drs Surgeries without informing the public not to buy the meat or eat it.

Maybe if we put out a web site showing pictures of the way Animals are kept in China and warning people it might finally make a difference.

I honestly don’t know anymore because there is so much cruelty done by people to animals everywhere you just start to hate the human race.

I have always wanted to arrange to drop a video in each households letter box Australia wide.

Be hard to do it all by ourselves I suppose.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Friday, 19 September 2008 11:44:25 PM
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Pretty clear who cares about China and Animal Welfare.

Just to let people know we have already had it confirmed they were Australian.

As the product is sent to Australia it might give another oportunity to highlight the fact we should be exporting China the final product not the other way around.

Good Animal Welfare and good health for our kids goes hand in hand.

So anybody interested to stop our cattle going to China are welcome to get the message out to the public.

We need co-ops to produce powered milk here and export to China (not the other way around)

Yet another example of the need for cojoint ventures between Aussie farmers and off shore companies.

Something our Animal Welfare groups seem to oppose.

It just gets stranger .

Every time we have an oportunity to expose cruelty to Australian Animals there is silence.

First AWB. Now the milk scare in China. BOTH involve Australian Animals so where are these so called leaders?

Not a darn word- again
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 5:28:32 PM
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PALE, has it ever crossed your mind that:

a) other animal advocacy groups may not subscribe to this forum,
b) the whole world does not jump to attention because PALE enters a post here and
c) other people in fact HAVE taken up the matter of Australian cattle being exported to China?

A link to whatever news item you saw which contained photographs might have been useful.

Not only is the way cattle are kept in China abhorrent, but I imagine what they do to them when their milk yield drops would be worse.
Posted by Nicky, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 7:57:42 PM
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Has it ever occured to 'you' that we might have contacted your friends "well before "anything started going to China and asked for help to highlight the way Animals were treated there.?

Well we did.

What we said was required was to get it out to the public 'before' our cows were sent to China.

Regardless or not if you agree we are simply doing our best for the animals in our own way.
All we are saying here is for goodness sake why do we always "ingore any oportunity to highlight this cruelty".

The milk scare is a very good time for our leaders to come out and start screaming about the way in which our Australian cows are treated.
Its the good time to explain to the public that Australian cows should be used here not there to supply powered milk for China.

Why? Because the average housewife doesnt know our cows are sent to China!

So while its in the media world wide we should take up that oportunity.
Just like we should have through the AWB enquiry regarding live exports.
We post these things Nicky - Not to upset or "offend" you but because we want to "highlight" these issues for animals.

Now is the time to highlight our cattle in China- but as usual we hear silence.

Its not good enough.

If people put their hands up to lead they should be capable of spotting these oportunitys very quickly.

What is required is footage of our Australian cattle in China on TV at peak times.

I can not see why we cant do that if we all pitched in together. We are certainly happy to put in our donation towards such advertsing.

PETA have far more funding than we do- So why? dont thery accept this offer.
Of course I am not suggesting you can control PET
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 9:23:28 AM
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PALE, if you want to claim that you have seen cattle in a Chinese feedlot that you can "confirm" are Australian, (which is what you appear to be saying, but it's not very clear) you need to provide some evidence that they are Australian if that's the direction you want to take. New Zealand exports large numbers of cattle to China as well, so you need to pretty sure of your evidence.

A relevant link would be useful, as I have said before. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that among the live animals fed to predators in Chinese zoos are "spent" dairy cattle either.

No-one can take credible action without evidence. The only person from government that I've ever seen participating in these fora is Andrew Bartlett, so saying "where are our leaders" is pretty empty really, since they probably will never read it. Nor have I seen anything by any of the well-known animal advocacy groups appear on this forum, so most likely this is not their preferred medium of communication. Their choice.

As I said in earlier posts, I have notified PETA via its various websites about animals in China, but you need to understand that PETA has a large enough brief on its own, it has extended very well to Australia so far, and they are not sufficiently resourced in Australia to be able to take up every issue that is identified by groups here.

Your efforts might be better spent communicating this to politicians through channels that will actually reach them if that is the approach you want to take. And before you say it - I already have. So, I believe, has Wirthless about long-distance transport and local processing generally after today's case of dead and dying sheep arriving at saleyards (and other similar cases).

Posted by Nicky, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 11:58:02 PM
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