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What really is PETA?

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(Sorry - posted this in the wrong thread)

To anybody interested. This is not information Nicky or Dickie would know about or be involved in.

Its just general info about what’s happening in Animal Welfare.

Pale stands alone in its work to reopen abattoirs in Australia to phase out live animal exports.
We are disliked because of this work. We looked at the 20 year history and wanted to help RSPCA and Animals Australia.

We wanted to establish a way in which animal welfare could be improved and each branch of RSPCA and also Animals Australia could be given large donations to support their work.

What we were not expecting TBO was the aggressive behavior towards people with such good intentions only wishing to help animals and these organizations.

Ingrid of PETA and Glenyse of Animals Australia have been very anti pale this anti pale is run from the top. What we want to know is WHY?

WSPA Voiceless Animals Australia ALL wrote to pale telling them they didn’t qualify to be members of each of their organizations and claiming our involvement in reopening abattoirs as the reason.

They had 'twenty years' before us to do something. Voiceless are new and could do a lot imop but need better advice.

The others are so nasty. We just don’t understand it. Horrible emails and phone calls to members. Kids being told they cant attend a rally after cutting out their little signs and mum making their costumes.

You might ask WHY these kids were made so unwelcome and their parents. "
“Because they were members of pale of course- the animal killers etc.”

What a horrible lot the animal welfare people are.
So we intend to change things.

Now others want the credit for our working with Muslim, Leaders. What a bunch of hypocrites after refusing our generous invitations and bagging us for our work...
Bugger what they stuff up on the way. Disgusting especially as they know nothing about plants and stock.

This behavior is holding up work to help animals.

That is ALL we are interested in-

"The Animals"
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 19 June 2008 8:01:01 AM
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PALE&IF: << What we want to know is WHY? >>

If PALE&IF's antics on this forum resemble in any way their approach to communication and liaison with other animal welfare groups in the real world, then it's hardly surprising that other groups don't want anything to do with them.

We've all seen the litany of barely coherent, rambling and abusive diatribes on OLO from this outfit. It's not as if they haven't been told, but they continue to alienate virtually everybody, including their natural allies.

I think PALE&IF probably does more harm overall to the welfare of animals than good - there are many of us who oppose live exports, but wouldn't go near such an amateurish and vindictive mob with a barge pole.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 19 June 2008 8:26:45 AM
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You have zero knowledge of our work. Its a matter of record you also have zero interest in Animal Welfare . We work with RSPCA QLD and farmers and Muslim Leaders of Australia= instead of against them.
I am sure thats very hard to follow for you.

Your late appearance in this thread is only for the purpose of being nasty. You carry a grudge.

You are very crude in your comments and that is also a matter or of record as well. As I told you on the other thread Morgan "I refuse to exchange comments with crude men."

Getting back to Animal Welfare you have shown no interest in it one way or the other.
However perhaps this is your chance to inform people which you prefer.

A Working together with farmers and Muslim leaders to reopen the abattoirs slaughtering in Australia to value add and to stop long haulage of animals
B PETA and the others idea of having people rolling around the streets naked with prentend blood on them protesting people eating meat.

Morgan you have time and time again posted pale are racist. Thats despite us being the only outside people to hold a MOU with Muslim Leaders of this country. We have built close friendships as well over the years.

I am just wondering if you not actually a wardobe member of PETA TBO.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Thursday, 19 June 2008 9:03:59 AM
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While I'm not surprised that PALE&IF didn't like my answer to their question, their reply illustrates what I was getting at. On the basis of their activities here and their woeful websites, who would give them the time of day?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 19 June 2008 10:06:44 AM
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CJ Morgan wonders why PETA is so unwilling to mix with PALE.

As an outsider I could suggest a couple of reasons.

PETA wants to be the peak organisation.

They can not countenance pretenders to the throne. They are the penultimate organisation for card carrying control freaks.

As such they can continue to empire build. More donations. More middle level managers. Enhanced career paths. Bigger offices. Paid vacations. Company cars. Superannuation. The more extreme they are the more free publicity the media whores give them. So then more money rolls in from the battalions of the easily led self righteous types.

Because CJ Morgan; PETA is primarily about self interest and money laundering instead of working for those defenceless, sentient animals. PETA is merely a vehicle to achieve the goal of self deification.

Your organisation is a threat to their superiority complex.

Creating a cause as a career move is much less problematic than marketing a new fast food or a creative product. Less competition after all.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Thursday, 19 June 2008 6:42:23 PM
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I read this on the net and thought I would post it here as it sums Peta up nicely. This is the comment in its entirety.

“Let's get something out of the way: No one supports cruelty to animals. No-one. Animals should be treated in as humane a fashion as possible, and some of the things done to animals in slaughterhouses and testing labs are abhorrent.

That said, PETA is a ridiculous organization that deserves exactly 0 support from any sane person. They hide behind the little social work they do with animals to mask a ridiculous, extremist agenda. They've written checks to convicted firebombers to come to their conferences and tell people that tossing jugs full of oil and gasoline "is a great way to fight for animal rights."

At a time when mass farming feeds millions, they want everyone to abandon this practice. They're even against companion animals and seeing-eye dogs. They're against using animals in research for cures to critical diseases.

PETA has created a dichotomy where you are either on their side, equating human and animal rights as totally equal or you are part of the inhumane animal torturers. It's absurd. Cute chick mascots encouraging people to "Go Veg!" may fool a few people who aren't looking any deeper, but make no mistake; PETA is not an animal rights champion. PETA is a group of ridiculous whack jobs who cover their extremism with a smokescreen of cute puppies.

The fact that they won't denounce ALF fire bombers should tell you everything you need to know about them.”
Posted by myopinion, Thursday, 19 June 2008 7:40:32 PM
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