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What really is PETA?

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And more importantly, I'd add that it is hardly a persuasive argument that PETA supporters are indeed reasonable people who are willing to make compromises and work with others.
'Black and white' might sound nice and simple, but that attitude can also be interpreted as 'my way or nothing' or 'I'm not listening.'

Again, it's not doing much to dissuade me from the hypotheses put forward in the early sections of this thread.
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Wednesday, 18 June 2008 8:12:10 PM
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#not nice Pale. #
Your pretty one eyed imo... It was nicer than you buddy’s ‘continued’ nasty swipes at us. I think you too oppose our work. Correct me if I am wrong.

#Come now Pale. Why do you think that human lives are threatened by antibiotic resistant bacteria? #
Dickie I am not going to pretend human lives are my main reason for protesting cruelty to animals. I would be telling a lie. I will leave that to the others.
Personally I pray that the low life’s insisting on cruel methods of intensive in feed lots die in agony of one of the diseases.
Why do you post to us about antibiotics Dickie?

No reason not to allow more creeks fed which also keeps down diseases.
But ask you or your buddy or PETA and the others to help do something about it and they say as usual- Do it yourself pale.

Just a few posts back I raised MLA passing the powers of feed lot accreditations to feed lot owners.
I didn’t hear you showing any interest and your mate carried on like a pork chop.
Then you come on here and post to ‘us’ about diseases! - Then you say Fair Go, We could well say the same to you.

You are aware of our work to promote free range and creek fed only because of the cruelty disease of intensive farming.

You don’t have to tell me about all the diseases bred through intensive farming. Why do you think we are promoting free range and creek fed instead of the intensive feed lots for cattle poultry and pigs? Not to mention reopening plants instead of live exports.

If you truly love animals you will do anything to make what changes you can. Not sit on higher moral ground arguing that animal should not be killed at all for food.
You would support the building of new plants with the latest tech and certainly support our request for help to implement gas into them.

"Sometimes we have to do unpleasant things for the greater good”

Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Wednesday, 18 June 2008 8:26:19 PM
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*until Ian McLachlan made such a fool of himself on television. *

Err Nicky, you mean when Ingrid suggested that she would have her
own meat barbecued when she died? ROFL

*Do you really think that any alternatives to mulesing would have even been researched or considered without PETA's exposure,*

Tens of millions of $ of grower research levies are invested into
all sorts of things, each year. Mulesing alternatives have been
looked at, but are only one of a whole pile of problems. Mulesing
is little different to circumcision of babies and anaesthesia of
babies is not compulsory in Australia. Meantime commercial companies
or animal welfare groups are free to provide alternatives at any time.

*What is wrong with campaigning for anaesthesia/analgesia to improve what must be a terribly painful procedure?*

So why haven't Peta accepted Trisolfen as a way of dealing with
pain? Instead, they prefer to promote solutions which will mean
the suffering of millions of sheep, all in the name of ignorance.

More and more farmers that I talk to agree with me that it is cruel
not to mules merino lambs, as the consequences through their lives will
mean misery for sheep. If they care about their livestock, which
most do, they will tell Peta to get stuffed
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 18 June 2008 8:44:51 PM
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I wonder what it is like to have a view of life that is so simple that it can be compartmentalised into black and white. – “Restaurants across the country are tapping into the demand for vegetarian menu items by serving more cruelty-free foods.” – (2) “The next time you're in a restaurant that lacks animal-friendly choices, politely ask the manager if he or she would consider offering vegetarian foods. Be sure to mention why offering pure vegetarian or vegan foods is important: A vegan option is a good way to reach out to health-conscious diners, people with dairy allergies, or anyone with religious dietary restrictions.” – (3) “Cutting meat, eggs, and dairy products from your diet makes an enormous difference—you will save more than 100 animals every year just by switching to a healthy, vegan diet. In this section, we’ll show you how to multiply your impact many times over by encouraging people in your community to follow your lead.” – (4) “Maybe you've recently learned how animals are treated in laboratories or realized that because you wouldn't eat your dog, it doesn't make sense for you to eat a cow or chicken.”

The above statements on Peta’s web site shows very simply that the organization is totally against anything other than a vegan diet. It does not suggest anywhere on their site that one should feel comfortable about eating meat or fish, in fact quite the contrary. What’s wrong with a vegan diet you might ask. Answer is nothing, but it should be a personal decision, not one advocated by using the guise that you are saving a cuddly little animal by becoming a vegan.

This is what separates Peta from an organization that is interested wholly in animal rights. It is really interested in pushing it’s worldwide agenda of a vegan only lifestyle. This is why it is fanatical and an extremist organisation. This is no different to Scientologists believing that everyone in the world should be one of them.

I think we should start a new Peta. People Eating Tasty Animals
Posted by myopinion, Wednesday, 18 June 2008 10:58:33 PM
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"Your picking simplistic morality arguments doesn't detract from the complexity of things like the wild dog issue, nor any of the other points I've raised."


I had understood that we had clarified the issue of wild dogs. I have clearly stated that I am not opposed to 1080 providing the poison contains anaesthesia, analgesic or a barbiturate to mitigate the cruelty and pain component. Why do you persist in raising it if this issue has already been clarified?

You continue to manufacture a grey area by your use of the word "morality." Is this a dirty word for you - too "simplistic?" I endeavour to live a life within the bounds of morality. That includes respect for other species.

"The full effects of Agent Orange were not known at the time."

It is disturbing to see you publishing false information TRTL. Again you are masking the black and white evidence by attempting to justify the chemical poisoning of the Vietnamese and the horrendous ongoing health impacts.

'Black and white' might sound nice and simple, but that attitude can also be interpreted as 'my way or nothing' or 'I'm not listening.'

That is more spin, TRTL. To the majority of people, black and white means that the issue at hand contains evidence that is overwhelming. It is not an excuse to dictate to others.

If you consider my argument as dictatorial, then that's fine. However, clearly all your arguments on this post have been to defend animal cruelty. Now it appears, in view of your propaganda, that you are also excusing a nation which carried out chemical warfare on another.

I now realise that you are from Mars and I from Venus. I shall not engage in further debate. I apologise for my rudeness in my previous posts - driven by a passion for defencelss creatures and an abhorrence of the industry which perpetrates unimaginable cruelty on those creatures. However, I am not so passionate that I am unable to reflect on my own poor behaviour.
Posted by dickie, Wednesday, 18 June 2008 11:06:27 PM
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So we can save animals by not eating them? Are you joking? Black-n-white synonyms: childish, irrational, illogical, delusional, pedantic, immature, diatribe, authoritarian.

I envisage cattle wandering the streets of Sydney just as in Calcutta. But wait, we would have sheep, pigs, geese, chooks, pheasants et al. Now that would cement our status as a tourist destination. Perhaps we could start a new work for the dole position. Herding and caring for the worthless, homeless and sacred domesticated livestock. Moving them from busy intersections and the like.

I won't shock Dick-n-Nick with what fate would await them should they wander outside the city limits.

Our population of domesticated livestock would plummet because they would have NO ECONOMICAL VALUE. When animals have no economical value they become endangered and then extinct. Many, many domesticated breeds are now endangered.

Proof? Compare the numbers of the shaggy coated long horned Scottish cattle with Black Angus. I have it on good authority that it is commercially counter-productive to run any other breeds in the USA as the market currently demands Angus.

When the farmed Deer market collapsed many Deer farmers simply opened the gates and left them open. So now they can die slow painful deaths from such conditions as abscessed gums (impacted seeds)

An illogical and delusional position promulgated by adherence to a fanatical concept.
Posted by Cowboy Joe, Wednesday, 18 June 2008 11:22:22 PM
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