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Animal Welfare

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Some thoughts on the bushfire comments
- Its true that fire is a necessary and normal part of the much of the australian bush environment
- The harm to wildlife from those fires will be impacted by human involvement in the environment, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.
- Our attempts to manage bushfires have at times resulted in excessive build ups of fuel for those fires resulting in much more intense fires when they do occur. It is my understanding that we are learning this lesson and trying to do stuff differently
- Fencing is clearly going to intefer with escape paths for animals. At the moment we need the fences so any suggestions on what could be done to lessen the impacts on wildlife during fires? I've not spent much time around fast moving wildfires, the fires on the farm where I grew up tended to be fairly slow moving and burnt wildlife was not something we tended to find after a fire.
- I suspect that the clearing of older larger trees would have some impact as well, tree nesting animals might be more impacted if nests are closer to the ground. I'm really speculating on that one, any thoughts.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 22 September 2006 8:00:03 AM
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Arsonists are not something that anybody has to just except.
Madam I am a Wild Life Carer at heart who has seen the damage done.

Graham Y has requested nobody create further personal attacks.

I have many wonderful things I can teach people about Roos.
The New Accreditation you see on the web page was my own work that I passed on to Mark and I have spent over twenty years studying wild life in the bush.
My English is perhaps not the best but I think people could learn a lot if they wished. I am sincere in my work. Roos especially are an area that I would like to see many changes.
Arjay I thank you for the Question.

Pig farmer if you do not mind would you just by pass my comments and speak with others. Your a Lady I would prefer not to exchange comments with at all.

Roos have the most wonderful family bonds that few people country or city know about.
I would like to have the opportunity to teach people about these things.
My property near the Snowy Mountains is actually a wild life centre for Roos. I worked with the Parks and Wildlife and together we all were amazed that there is still so much more to learn.
We cared for one Roo we named Snowy. He was an Eastern Grey. He would always return to our property if he was sick or injured. He knew we would help him. One time he left for a whole year and returned with a family and stayed. He and his soul mate only had the one Joey in years. Contrary to people who say they have a Joey a year. One day he was shot by a trespasser and two weeks later his Soul mate died of a broken heart. The vet working with us who tried to save her actually cried. We all learnt to many amazing things and I would like to teach people what to do and how to care for wild life.
Posted by AntjeStruthmann, Friday, 22 September 2006 8:51:36 AM
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I would just like everybody to know as Scout requested me to take over this forum ,I am happy to stay on and do so.I will do my best to educate the public about our wonderful wild life and all Animals.
Steve Irwin gave most of his life to wild life and I can only hope to attribute to some of his wonderful work by keeping the Animal Welfare Forum open.

Steve I hope I can serve you in some small way by keeping this forum open.

Its been a hounour to have had your advise in the past.

We miss you.
Posted by AntjeStruthmann, Friday, 22 September 2006 9:05:16 AM
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Hi Everybody.
Well its been a while. I had a girl!.
I have been stunned at reading this forum. As I told everybody I had joined pale and thought it was a great step in the right direction.
I have been asked by Antje To post this from Scout. Its her permission for Antje to take over this forum.
Thank you so much Antje

I liked your posts very much, I was very sad at cancelling my
registration at OLO too.

I would love to see it continue. Remember, that you are not responsible
for any of the posts. If there are offensive ones you can request
deletion by clicking on the red cross at the bottom of the post. Graham
may or may not agree - he has final veto.

I wish you and Wendy all the very best in everything you do.

Scout (signing off)

On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 00:35:53 +1000,
Posted by TarynW, Friday, 22 September 2006 9:49:52 AM
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I have just contacted the pale office. Wendy has been banned. GrahamY > Why Wendy?. She paid a membership. She posted nothing offensive to anybody.?

As a memember I can Say I know that pale has lost all its funding because of this and credabilty .

One big meeting has been cancelled already with muslim contacts not wishing any further disputes about their own entegrity
I also know this woman dedicated her life to helping animals.

The lady is now very ill.

I think it might be really nice if somehow we could get other funding for this organisation to carry on its work. If she gets well enough.

Does anybody want to help me.?

I also do not wish the woman pig farmer to direct comments to me either . Thankyou.

That way we can do as asked and carry on with the animal welfare thread. I have some information on poultry that is very informative.

Anyway that aside If we all ask our local butchers to support pale perhaps they would.

After all live exports effects them as well.

Does anybody else have any ideas.?

The petition is up on the AMIEU web page so I will write to them and ask.
Posted by TarynW, Friday, 22 September 2006 10:08:51 AM
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Hello Robert,
Good topic,
You are right. But a big but because the councils etc have stopped the winter burning of the old vegetation and under wood. This creates the biggest fires hazard. The fires especially during drought are therefore more devastating to wildlife and live stock as the autumn or winter fires. These animals lose also their last bit of food. I am sure that no farmer wishes his stock not to have anything to eat…..

I would lobby to get the reburning done when it is the most appropriate time to do. Which does in my opinion far more damage as it burns thoroughly. On the contrary it’s easier to extinguish.
The speed of the fire depends on the speed of the wind and the dryness of the bush/grass vegetation. A faster fire would be properly a better one than the slower creeping on.

Naturally with the next rain more trees and plants will germinate and provide shelter and food for all species of animals.

Yes, Possums and our native birds are under a lot of pressure from loosing their homes. Birds as much as possums as the introduced bird species take over the nesting wholes of the birds and so do the introduced bees.Naturally the dead trees with wholes provide homes also.

Fencing is one way of managing the fire as it slows it down. The type of fencing we have makes it also to death traps for animals to get stuck in especially between the 2 lines of barb wire.
Make sure that you leave the wholes in the fences as they help some of the animals to sneak through and escape the fires etc.

I would suggest that if you build a fence not to use the 2 or 3 lines of barb wire.
It injures your live stock especially cattle and horses and make the hide of the cattle useless. Which could be not only a value adding product but increase the income if scar free.
Posted by TarynW, Friday, 22 September 2006 11:08:27 AM
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