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Animal Welfare

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Very interesting posts since I’ve been on here last- sorry, been a bit time-poor.

Yes RObert, just heard the news on the radio in the car- how shocking! Having died instantly has saved him from extreme agony. He has two little kids too, so they’ll be in my thoughts as well. He will be missed!

Wendy, there indeed is such misconception about animal welfare groups; getting that message across to people is very important . As an ex-vegetarian I kind of know what they’re thinking.

Years ago we had a little veggie garden and my neighbours kept chickens- sometimes we had one visiting in our yard. We used to swap veggies for eggs coz at some stages we both had an oversupply- was much fun. Now my neighbours have moved away, and we don’t have time for the veggie garden esp with the water restrictions it’s hard to keep up, but we grow weeds instead- weeds, anyone?

Scout, good on you, for having set these plans.
I’ve looked for Catholic churches in my area- thought I start locally- many churches, I noticed, don’t have email addresses displayed.
When I get some time this week, I’ll send you an email. Just have to look through the posts to find it again;)

OZGIRL, good on you for dobbing in these animal abusers!
I find it hard to believe that people go out to buy an animal, then mistreat it. Such people should be banned for life from owning an animal! Not even a rat in jail.

Unfortunately, many people don’t seem to care to turn them in because they don’t see it as being any of ‘their business’. Many people still have the impression that dobbing someone in is a bad thing to do. This attitude needs to change- animal’s lives can be saved.
This morning on the radio I heard a plea to people to report child abuse- about half the time people don't tak eit seriously. It must be even worse in the case of animals.

OZGIRL, great thing to have addressed this- animal abuse happens everywhere.
Posted by Celivia, Monday, 4 September 2006 7:01:44 PM
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RObert I too came in to post on losing our beloved Steve Irwin..

He was the guardian of earths wonderful creatures and animals, great and small..

The world is a poorer place for having lost him and I feel this loss deeply that we have lost this unique human being...

I hope god sends us another Steve Irwin as soon as possible..
The plight of animals on earths survival depends on it.
Posted by OZGIRL, Monday, 4 September 2006 8:28:51 PM
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He got it off our web page.

This may comes as a shock to you but we do have some live exporters interested in broadening their options.

Ok a question for you. Who is the hub Of Halal In the world?

Nobody asked John Howard to Ban Live Exports overnight.

We are not the farmers enermy the middle man and live ship owners are.

None of which are owned by Australians. Its ALL off shore ownership except two in QLD.

Farmers need to ask the questions.

Please show some respect for Scout re your langauge.

She has invited Church Leaders to comment apart from the ladies.

You are a very insincere dishonest person.

You posted you were happy to advise regarding the different areas in WA.

You called me. I was surprised at your lack of general knowledge.

I have tried not to get personal but it must be said you spoke of nothing but yourself and your ego is sickening.

If you dont want to help dont offer. In Short you would be the most rude Man I have ever had to listen to.

Your well known as a little man trying to big note himself and nobody likes you in WA.

From my enquires your not part of the boys club for want of a another term.

I will not be addressing you again because you are hell bent on misleading the public and Scouts working to get some answers.

In Short your a dick head [forgive me father for I have sinned] who wont even use his name. your not even in the industry

I dont hide my identidy.

We are not only on about live exports but ALL Animal Welfare issues.

Such as the guy who just got off on a good behaviour bond after killing a pet in the most terribly manner.

Dogs being cooked alive[mainly grey hounds] and being eaten.
I suppose you would say Oh well its to feed Starving people.

Actually no its NOT. Its considered a delicacy.

Please See > And Ask The church leaders Where Are YOU!
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 4 September 2006 9:09:25 PM
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Yes thank you for your post on Animal Welfare.

I would welcome information on those dogs that were reported to follow up.

You certainly have my vote on the right to die with dignity if I could have the link please if your posting again.

Well I think we can all say we are thinking of Steves Family tonight regardless of any Animal Welfare.

Not all people agreed with Zoos. However all people agreed he was a show man through and through and he loved life and his family.

Here was a guy larger than life and although we never expect anybody strong and full of life to die so young Steves family would be in disbelief.

Steve got pretty chummy with kerry Packer back there who of course was a live exporter, so I cant say we saw eye to eye on everything.

Tell you what however he asked for footage not seen publicly of live exports with the promise if he was convinced he would say nothing in the future.

He was quite a man.

Perhaps all we can do is say a prayer for strenght for his family tonight and close off postings although I am sure his work with wildlife land will continue.

His Silence will be forever heard.

Thanks Steve
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Monday, 4 September 2006 9:38:52 PM
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"We are not the farmers enermy the middle man and live ship owners are."

Wendy, right now those so called "enemies" of farmers, are paying
them 60$ a head for their sheep, keeping their families fed!
Local processors are offering 76c a kg cwt or 18$ if lucky.
In today's West there is an article about volumes of sheep
selling for 50c to 2$. With friends like that, please
give me more "enemies" rofl.

Wendy dear, you are surely a caring lady, a lady who means
well, but so far all you have proven to be is a dreamer.
Farmers and their families would starve, if they waited for
your solutions!

The live trade is critical to WA and its farmers. Nobody
has offered a better solution so far, just lots of dreamers
who don't know the first thing about the mutton trade and
what is happening in WA.

No point in calling for an end to the trade, until somebody
comes up with realistic $ solutions for the thousands of
people that it affects. Its also time to give credit to
the many positive changes that the trade has made, in the
last few years. Credit where credit is due.

I'm just getting very tiered of the crapola talked about the
live trade, by many who don't have a clue about what is really
going on, just lots of well meaning dreamers. Its time somebody
told the truth, it was becoming painfull.

Stick to animal welfare issue in Australia Wendy, there are
plenty of them. Leave the live trade alone, until you have
a realistic solution. Bankrupting WA farmers is not an option.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 4 September 2006 9:47:18 PM
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Wendy ,kind words there for Steve..I would imagine if Steve were a 'mate' of old Kerry it would be in some way to benefit animals subjected to live export,such was his passion..'keep your friends close..your enemies even closer?'

Zoos or not..his zoos would have been run with the utmost attention to the needs of every animal and I think even saving endangered species..Id never question his motive on anything regarding animals,
but then I believed in him implicitly and of course someone here will surely enlighten me quick enough.

Wendy that thread put up by Alphafemale is called 'The dying are draining more than money,should we pull the plug?' the title is a bit of a challenge but the topic very is placed directly under 'Religion as a business' on the general discussion board.

Cheers Ozgirl.
Posted by OZGIRL, Monday, 4 September 2006 10:10:31 PM
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