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Animal Welfare

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Ladies and Gentleman The Man above is one of them.

Thank you Free Ranger.

Men who try will always provail.

Constructive critisim is always good but Yabby You have done nothing for the animals or the other concerned posters other than try to discreit me personally.

I did not say I could do all this alone. We need for everybody to work together to improve things for the Animals, Famers and public.
That includes the Government too.

This needs to be adopted as a Government and Governments policy of the States And Federal Government.

We have had many meetings and yes its slow because i totally fund it myself and this stage.

The programe has already been adopted.

To Slaughter Here and send Carcuss to be Halal boned and cut is a very sure way of handling the labour shortage of present.

We will also be training more people as well.

We have good advise from the x Federal Leader of the AMIEU who is no fool after 35 years of leadership.

The AFIC Australian Federation of Islamic council and Councils.

I dont know what your real agenda is but i suspect you dont either.
I dont buy the story being concerned about farmers.
I asked you by phone to get the word out we were happy to pay the farmers MORE than they get now.
I also said we would offer partnerships to export making the farmer a producer AND exporter picking up the cream.
What you dont like is this will put the live ship creatures out of business eventually.
If you had of been SINCERLY looking to help farmers you would have given this the time of day.

I dont often get angry but you have totally purposely misinformed people about our Free Range co Joint Venture Proposal. Worse still you have lied to people by saying there is no suffering of Animals on board these death Ships. Do you really think! people are that stupid.
To top it off to bag Richard Carlton when he is no longer alive to defend himself.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Wednesday, 6 September 2006 2:41:58 PM
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Wendy I know exactly what my agenda is. The band of farmers who
have joined me know it too. They also know how much better off animals are,
because of it! The thing is, I just don't need to
grandstand and broadcast dreams, we just quietly get on and get
real results. We'll talk about it more openly, when we have far
more runs on the board then we already do, which is already
quite a few.

I certainly would not recommend what you are proposing to any farmer,
for I personally feel what you are suggesting is doomed to failure
and would not stack up in the real world. Feel free to prove
me wrong! Go and make it happen in the real world of Queensland
Wendy, before you destroy farmers lives in WA, with many animals
worse off too.

My point about live sheep boats is, as Cameron Morse showed,
alot of changes have happened. This is not just a rehash of
years old footage, but information from a week weeks ago, by
a credible, unbiased, intelligent individual without an agenda.

Alot is also going on behind the scenes to change things. Perhaps
the industry has one fault, it has failed to make these changes
known to the general public, rather just preached to the converted.
Just this morning I've been busy making sure that this changes
in the future.

I'm just getting very tired or Peta and other radical groups
totally misrepresenting the reality over here, with their own
little agendas. Its time that WA farmers started informing
the general public a little better, or the many radical groups
will land up causing more misery for animals then they will
ever help, through sheer ignorance and zealotry
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 6 September 2006 3:28:42 PM
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I am Tied of PETA too.!I agree its for their own little agendas.
I am tied of Animal Liberation . I am tied of Animals Australia.
I am tied even of PACAT although I must say they have done some best work in the past.
Like You I know People Who are and Have worked Behind The Scences.

I am fighting Against Peta Against The Extemem groups for the farmers and Animals.

Until We form Farmers support groups for FREE RANGE SLAUGHTER HERE Farms nothing will change.

Do you think its fair that Animals Australia self appointed themselves as the so called Federation Umbrella of Animal Welfare in Australia? ha?

Do you think its fair they "self appointed" themselves to represent the Australian pubic.Ha?

Did you read the letter I posted From Them written to a Free Range farmer refusing to support him. ha?

What do these people want Ha? You know and I know too.

Telling the Government "they represent the public "while protesting against people eating meat.

96 percent of Australians eat meat for pity sake.

Have you even looked at "our site"
No wonder the farmers are pissed off. I dont blame them.

Do you think its good that the public think ALL Animal Welfare groups are a bunch of nuts. ha? Dont you think people lying in the main streets with pretend blood on them outside a meat conference is off. I do.
Cant you see they are trying to stop us having ANY relashonship with farmers.

We are the enermy. We are trying to make the public see the truth. After having said all that the poultry pork cattle intensive feed lots ARE BARBARIC . They are CORRECT. your claims of improving Animal Welfare are the pie in the shy Yabby.

I am fully aware of whats going on.

You bullys THINK you can ONLY promote Live Exports.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Wednesday, 6 September 2006 6:12:04 PM
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Let me Educate you.

Glenyce of Animals Australia cant stand for anything to be done unless its to her credit.

The members are all good people but misinformed.

These groups are consumed with inter fighting.

Animals Australia list of members>
Against Animal Cruelty Tas. (AACT)
Animal Action
Animal Active
Animal Activism Qld.
Animal Aid
Animal Liberation (ACT)
Animal Liberation (Qld)
Animal Liberation (NSW)
Animal Liberration (SA)
Animal Rescue Inc.
Animal Rights Advocates
Animal Rights Inc.
Animal Welfare League Qld.
Australian Catholic Study Circle,The
Australian Orangutan Project,The
Australian Wildlife Protection Council Inc.
Ballarat Organisation for Animal Rights
Blue Cross Animal Society of Victoria
Cat Protection Society of S.A. Inc.
Cat Protection Society (NSW)
C.A.T.S. (Inc.)
Choose Cruelty Free Inc.
Compassion for Animals
Great Ape Project
Help in Suffering
Humane Charities Aust. Inc.
Humane Society for Animal Welfare
Hunter Animal Watch Inc.
Kangaroo Protection Cooperative Ltd.
Native Bird Liberation Alliance
People Against Cruelty in Animal Transport
Project Jonah Australia Inc.
Save-A-Dog Scheme Inc.
Vegetarian/Vegan Society Qld.
Victorian Animal Welfare Association
Wildlife Victoria
Wildlife Protection Association of Australia
World League for the Protection of Animals

PALE are working with RSPCA QLD, so you would think that we would be excepted as members of WSPA.?
We are a large office with many people working twelve and sixteen hour day[unpaid] mostly seven days a week.
[ This Is our crime.!?

We say Eat meat but insist its humane.

With the exception Of the Humane Soceity in Sydney and A church The Catholic PALE is black listed via Glenyces orders.?

Why? Because we want to help farmers and we DONT tell people not to eat meat.
We are a threat to her and PETA.

You dont see one of them game to come on here and challange us do you?

You do your thing and I will Do mine.
I am used to people trying to stop HKM and PALE
Why Dont You Tell The people About the boat in WA that sat for a week off shore a few months ago.?

Dont bother to give me that jerks version because I know different.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Wednesday, 6 September 2006 7:53:51 PM
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Wendy, quite frankly I have no interest in the many squabbles going
on, within your so called animal welfare movement.

My focus is on the sheep, the farmers and the buyers. All the
rest, simply don't matter in the bigger scheme of things.

You can continue to squabble away with whoever you like, its
your business. When you actually have a realistic, workable
solution which has been shown to make a difference, speak up,
people will take notice. Meantime I know of no runs on the
board that you have achieved, just lots of talk.

The live trade debate is highly complex, with many variables.
Fact is, they have been trading livestock in the Middle East
for thousands of years. They will continue to do so, with or
without Australian participation. We can actually make a difference
over there, if we try.

But hey, you squabble away with whoever you like. However if you
post nonsense, I will point out why its nonsense. Thats exactly
what OLO is for.
Posted by Yabby, Wednesday, 6 September 2006 9:08:27 PM
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Thanks freeranger for all those links- but could you doublecheck this one, I’ve tried the address but doesn’t work. I looked at your website and am very impressed! Is that you on the picture holding the 140 gram egg? Wow that’s HUGE! Did you get to eat it;)

Ah! Thanks to PETA Yabby and Wendy agree on something ;)

Yabby, I don’t know if you have actually spent some time on the PALE and HKM sites- they are nothing like the radical, fanatic groups- really, have a good look, it all looks very realistic and practical, no-nonsense.

I might be wrong but I have the impression that you haven’t looked at these horrible video’s either about the treatment of exported animals- take a quick look. I do think that you are missing important info if you haven’t looked at all the information that Wendy has presented and the discussion will go nowhere if there’s stubbornness about not wanting to view Wendy’s links.
I’m sure that Wendy has read the report about that live-export ship you provided.

I'm feeling positive, overall about this. I really think the world in general is finally becoming aware of the cruelty of exports- the UN has set strict guidelines about the length of transports throughout Europe- and it’s a good thing too that WSPA has pressured a live exporter from Brazil to completely stop shipments of cattle to libanon. I’m positive that there will be more and more pressure from public and organisations like WSPA.

Yabby- you'll be such an asset if you could concentrate on positive things you can do- being negative and calling this realistic is not going to progress anything in the right direction. Oh please Yabby, just look at it from a different angle before you dump the idea.

It’s more realistic to believe that exports will be a thing of the past in the future than to believe that they will go on and on forever. They won't.
Posted by Celivia, Wednesday, 6 September 2006 9:26:10 PM
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