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Animal Welfare

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There may well be particular problems in WA because of the low population base, but certainly in the Eastern States the opportunities for direct marketing are immense. The Farmers' Markets offer a great opportunity - as do direct sales to restaurants etc. I participate in a number of Farmers'Markets (with free range eggs) and we have farmers selling lamb, beef, cheese etc - all produced on their properties and all meeting the strict regulations involved.
It may not be the answer for every producer - particulary those who don't want to be involved in the marketing of their produce. It never ceases to amaze me that so many farmers are price takers rather than price setters. They seem to take delight in sitting and whingeing rather than getting off their backsides and taking their product direct to customers.
Posted by freeranger, Saturday, 2 September 2006 5:50:17 PM
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Rex, you are correct about the WA potatoe saga, but that has more
to do with Govt policy. WA has a history of Govt wanting to control
everything, so you have the potatoe board, the egg board, it used
to be the lamb board etc.

Its exactly why we still have problems today. Nobody was allowed
to export lamb from WA, except the Govt Meat Commission, which
included people like Lawrie Connel on its board. The net result
was little investment in the meat processing sector, a lose-lose
situation for everyone, until the year 2000.

Grower markets are a worldwide trend that is increasing. Supermarkets
arn't really so much against them. In Britain some supermarkets
actually volunteer their carparks, for them to be held. Their
thinking is that people might buy a bit of fresh produce there,
but they will buy all the rest, from toilet paper to corn flakes,
from the convenient centre right there.

In WA they are doing well and could be expanded, where there is
a population base to hold them. But at the end of the day, we are
an export state, with 10% of the population, producing 30% of
Australia's exports. I still think we should secede :)

So our marketing has to be export focussed, if you look at the
big picture. Growers markets will solve problems for many niche
growers and provide value for consumers who go there, but in
this instance I am trying to focus on the big picture, not that
of individual niche growers. 7 million sheep need to go somewhere
and growers markets can't deal with that kind of volume.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 2 September 2006 10:27:55 PM
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Good your posting. If I could WSPA in your ear when are you doing you debate? I cant wait.

Rex informative as well.

organics creeping up everyday.

Sure the Government make it hard to get export licences no argument there.

Thats why we started HKM to do it for them free of charge.

Freeranger is correct. There are ways of building more abattoirs and we must insist the Government and others makes that happen.

This Sad Story some peddle and if we stop live animal exporting it would destroy familes is not true.

Those familes have a responsibilty to find alternative methods or exporting their meat> LIKE IN A BOX.

To kill two million animals and send them in boxes is doable and is being done.
Well then we just increase two by seven. Its not rocket science.

The people at the other end still get their meat.
Dont give me that crap they will stop buying Australian lamb either because they wont. Even if they did Animal Welfare comes FIRST
So the answer is more plants.

As the muslims have shown great interest in farms and helping to establish abattoirs in Australia I cant see why the farmers dont take them up.

All I here is one person brining up reasons we cant build more plants in Australia.

What a rediculous argument that is.

We are more than capaple of producing our own meats out of plants.

Sure there are some doods getting kick backs from live exports in a number of ways.The AWB export Live animals so say no more.

These are the ones who are against stopping the trade.

We will build more abattoirs and the people will be looking at the Government who support just that.

You have been given some options and offers of contacts to do just that.

Farmers will be making heaps more because the farmers is also the exporter along with his mulim Partner or any other for that matter

. Get off your bums and take some responsibilty instead of as Freeranger said Winging.

Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 3 September 2006 5:59:45 AM
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yo vetman
You sound like you care about animals so it would be a pity for you not to post.
Really I mean that.
Tell you something Vetman. I am as PRO Australia as anybody and I share the veiw mix or leave. however this post is not about that. I would happliy chat away to you regarding that on another post.
Just before you rush off, I have got to tell you the facts as they are as much as it amazed me
I attended a AFIC meeting a couple of years ago about the cruelty of Live xports to Muslim Countries. To be honest I was not expecting much of a hearing. There was not ONE person in that room that was not AGAINST it. not ALL muslims are undereducated backward low lifes.
Many are well educated good people. I came away thinking if Only I could get a roomfull Of Government heads with as much compashion and common sense.
Please continue to post for the animals vetman and we can deal with the other stuff on another forum. You just send me the link OK?
Cheers man.
Take A look At This
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 3 September 2006 6:59:18 AM
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Wendy, Still don't know when the debate is likely to happen. The subject of royalty payments or 'kickbacks' for allowing birds to be de-beaked will generate some publicity but when ... is an open question. We are concentrating on getting a realistic national definition of what 'free range' means so that consumers know what they are buying.
Posted by freeranger, Sunday, 3 September 2006 8:27:55 AM
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We are pleased with the meeting we had between the Management of the two Companies.
We received your fax today and due to the reputable nature of your company we look forward to our future co-operation.

To take things to the next level, please address the following issues.
1. What is our duty to you?
2. Which areas will we start the abattoirs and co partnership of farms.
3. When can we meet with Australian Farmers?
4. When do you expect our two companies to commence work?

We agree for one of our managers to stay in Australia to help with our future work force and to communicate between the two companies.

As discussed in our meeting, we have a license to export from Australia to China and import to Australia from China. Whatever product is marketable either in Australia and/or China we are happy to co-operate with you, especially meat and fruit products, this being our specialty.

We are pleased to establish an animal farm with you but would like more information on how to establish this.

XXXX is a well financed and well established company with good reputation. Our trade partners spread in Central Asia, Russia, Korea and Japan. Australia is our new market and looking for to be your partner for mutual benefits of both parties.
We appreciate that your company will organize an inspection of abattoirs and farms in Queensland. And other States of Australia and as discussed WA.

Start focusing what you CAN do.

You are now aware services come FREE to Farmers and great costs to me personally.
If you want change do something. It’s not hard to make a phone call.
If you can’t do that much to improve things for yourselves we consider you have NO
Regards for Animal Welfare and we will pursue you.

One by One Farmer by Farmer Australians SHAME LIST, Family by family.
Its the “Foreign Owned“ shipping companies that DON’T want changes.

As they Say On Teli

Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Sunday, 3 September 2006 8:55:11 AM
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