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Animal Welfare

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Ive had a quick read thru the list of posts and some pretty in depth stuff regarding live animal exports etc.

The topic is titled 'Animal wefare' so I guess that takes in all forms of animal cruelty..
For instance living in rural sa I see instances all the time where I see a dog tied up for days, no shade, water bowl long since dry, no food, bones starkly protruding from ribcage, mange.
A good example of these animal lovers are farmers cattle dogs etc.

I ring the RSPCA but as a lot of the time Im passing thru wonder if they ever did get to investigate my complaint.

This goes for all kinds of domestic animal abuse, cats ,dogs, guinea pigs, shetland ponies etc...
My question is I guess do the general population turn a blind eye to the suffering of domestic animal as we sometimes do to say wife beating, child cruelty etc..
Its all very well(and extremely important) to speak of animal exports and cultural practices but I feel it is strongly a case of at least taking charge to change something that we DO have the power to change right now(next doors suffering dog, our own?)

In the meantime whilst working to make the big changes I hope that we are not so focused on the bigger picture that we forget the inhumanity that is inflicted on helpless creatures right under our very nose every day?

Alphafemale has started an extremely important thread regarding a suffering also very close to home regarding the right to die when life becomes unbearable..a look see?
Posted by OZGIRL, Sunday, 3 September 2006 4:31:46 PM
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Knocked Back contracts from Japan.? Wool growers are in deep trouble.?
Clever All you convince me and every body else of mate is they need to totally restructure the whole industry.
Instead of helping you sit there talking utter crap.
They have improved conditions since the Cormo?
Yeh like we just saw a few months ago on 60 Minutes again.
Oh Yeh But I forgot Richard Carlton was a dick too who got conned.
Nice knocking a bloke who is not here to defend himself but that would be your style.He was a smart and expereinced reporter.

What bugs me about you buster is you have gone out of your way to knock any ideas to open up or build new abattoirs or anything else for that matter.
You couldnt care bloody less about the animals suffering its real clear.
You flatter yourself mate with your high and mighty attitude.
Most people can see however you just troll the different posts being a pain in the arse wherever you are.
I not going to give names and dump on my contacts.
What I am going to tell you sport is my friend works on the ships and somewhere else at times.
You havent got a clue what you are talking about or your just a person who tells lies.
You reckon its all too hard and they couldnt do the paper work.
I read that somewhere you said there would be too much paper work.
Anybody who knows the indusrty could do it.
yeh mate even a bit of paper work.
Or do you reckon only smart arses like you can export stuff.
Ah Yabby. What do you export anyway I think I read Yabbys some place.
Bit Different to Halal Meat mate. You havent said one thing about
about anything you have not coppied off an net search.
I know because I am the real deal and these people are in the right.
As I said before I am no soft touch and if I say its cruel its pretty crook.
Give these people the respect they deserve.
Posted by BennySampson, Sunday, 3 September 2006 10:15:03 PM
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Benny, yup Wammco knocked back countless orders from Japan,
until they got 45 Chinese workers. Aussies didn't want the
job. Yup, the wool industry is in deep deep trouble.

What you think of me, I really don't care lol.

I'll tell you what. In the middle of this week
the Newdegate Field Days take place in Newdegate.
Thousands of WA farmers will go there over a couple
of days. Why don't you take a placard or two, with
what you believe, some info that Wendy thinks is so
great, go and stand by the entry gate and promote
your beliefs and her cause. Find out for yourself
what thousands of WA farmers think.

Have fun :)
Posted by Yabby, Sunday, 3 September 2006 10:49:08 PM
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from the rural news

A group of West Australian producers has formed a joint venture with Malaysia, to supply the world with halal meat products.

The Wheatbelt Growers Co-operative from Dowerin has signed an agreement with the Perak State Development Corporation to provide 100,000 sheep and 16,000 cattle each year.

Perak wants to become the world distributor of halal food to Muslim countries, with a potential market of 300 billion people.

Chief Minister Tajol Rosli says that'll provide a valuable alternative for Australia's live export trade.

"As it is now, halal food from Malaysia is recognized throughout the world.

"There are some countries that produce halal food, but it is not recognised, especially by the Middle East.

"If it's marketed as Australian, then the recognition by the Muslim countries would not be as good as if it is marketed from Malaysia."

The deal consists of 100,000 sheep and 16,000 cattle would be killed in WA each year under halal slaughter codes and the meat exported to join venture partner Perak State Development Corporation in Malaysia.

The cooperative is negotiating for the slaughter to be carried out at xxxx and the first meat is expected to be exported in 12 months, but is hoped it will happen sooner.

It would seem Yabby not all of em. I will leave this forum but not before I adress the extream idiots matter. On that I think we might even agree for once Yabby. I can understand people getting pissed with this peta lot and Animal Lib lot and the farmers thinking up your noses because they tell everyone to stop eating meat. I cantyt understand your trying to put the boot into Wendys joint ventures with overseas .
Thats just plain stupid. Its The Way To Go mate If you care a dam about Animal Welfare In Australia.
Now I know why they opended another forum. Have Fun
Posted by BennySampson, Monday, 4 September 2006 8:06:57 AM
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Ozgirl, you are quite correct. There are plenty of local animal
welfare issues that need addressing, happening all around us.
The notion that we have it all so right in Aus, but that they
are all so evil overseas, is a flawed one.

The live trade became a focus as it had been raised on other
threads. Its great to have ideals, but they sometimes also
have to be balanced with rational debate and accurate information,
or the whole thing just becomes alot of verbal masturbation.
As thousands of farmers incomes are involved and they are in
deep enough trouble as it is, it was time for some reality to
come into the debate.

Benny, your press release is 2.5 years old. Hopefully by now,
100s of thousands of sheep have gone to Malaysia. How many
so far?

Shoot the messanger all you want, it makes no difference to me.
But before you talk of banning the trade, come up with some
real workable options, that don't bankrupt thousands of farmers
in the process. So far nobody doing the screaming and shouting,
has suggested any.

As a past exporter I can tell you that 95% of people who emailed
us, upon further investigation turned out to be frawds or dreamers
wanting to make a fast buck. I know quite a few Aussie companies
who even went broke over some of those deals, with seemingly
serious overseas companies. Life is not always what it seems
on the surface. Sadly people need pain to learn that, as the
world is full of the gullible.
Posted by Yabby, Monday, 4 September 2006 10:13:29 AM
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For lovers of wildlife I've just heard the sad news that Steve Irwin was killed today.,23739,20349534-952,00.html

His contribution to the wefare of native animals has been an inspiration which should be long remembered.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 4 September 2006 2:51:37 PM
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