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Animal Welfare

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Wendy, as far as I am concerned, Landmark were bought from Wesfarmers, as AWB were concerned that if they lost their wheat
monopoly, there would not be much left. Landmark are commission
agents. They put their hand out for 5%, when people sell livestock.

Plenty of Aussie papers are owned by non live exporters. The West
Australian, HWT group, etc. etc.

Serious overseas investors are invited at any time to go and
see Kim Chance and put a proposal to him. They can even buy farms,
go farming, whatever they want. They can meet any amount of local
farmers, if they are actually serious. In my experience in exporting, there are lots of dreamers out there, few can do people
with serious money behind them. One has to differentiate between
pure time wasters and serious investors.

The role of churches is to preach to their flocks. They know zilch
about farming, the meat trade, live exports. More emotional rhetoric
is not what is required, intelligent rational analysis is short
enough as it is.

I have stated before on here a number of times that I am against
battery hens. Yet 80% of consumers still buy their eggs
Posted by Yabby, Thursday, 31 August 2006 9:53:11 PM
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Scout and Good Scouts, Celivia others.

Scout time I said thank you for all your hard work.

I will try to give you a few answers to your questions.

I emailed you however I have some problems with recieving.


Write To Steve Fielding Of Family First.

He represents all the Churches[votes] Thats how Bush wins elections.

AVA Australian Vetinary Association who approve intensive farming and live exports.

They have not been looked at. THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE.

Write Mark Vaile, Downer, Howard.

Form Jobs for Australia Groups.

Form Free Range Farmers groups

Close your insurance , bank accounts etc with companies running live exports and intensive farms.

Last night Yabby Replied to an email I sent him.

I have asked him for permishion to post it on your site.

He said Yes. So I will do that and reply to him in order to actually get something going to see if he will help to get some contacts of farmers.
He said he would before. I must remind everybody we are not only looking at WA. It is just one state in Australia.

Yabby is correct about greenareas and the red tape. With the lack of water and lack of will to re open plants and build new ones we do require some support from Authoritys.

Mark Vaile wants to keep live exports going.

The reason is the agents[ shipping aggents donate through others to "certain" political parties.

They are the grubs of this world who trade on unspeakable cruelty for money while destroying country towns by taking the jobs overseas.
The difference in price is set by trade and taffifs and the Ministers of trade MUST undo their grubby liitle deals.

I will post responding to ben Antje Taryn and all the others soon.

We should also thank Yabby.[ Although Yabby we need to move on now , you have made you postion clear.

We need to talk about churches and the best way to get abattoirs open and lots of them.

Thanks for giving us someone to pick on.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:18:15 PM
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Hi Wendy,
Thanks for the mail. I have in fact been extremely honest with you about how the real
situation is here in WA, clearly quite different to what you people over there perceive
it to be. The industry is also changing constantly and those changes have to be
acknowledged. As various people on OLO openly started discussing the live trade,
I have responded so that more of them are informed about the WA situation.

I am certainly not strongly in favour of the live trade. I am in favour of win-win
solutions for the 7 million sheep a year that are turned off from WA and that farmers
don't constantly get the rough end of the pineapple, as so often happens to them.
Right now, with a drought, local meatworks taking advantage of that drought and
. As Cameron Morse
showed, the part of the trade that he investigated is in fact humane and well run.

If you followed the WA rural press, I am in fact known for being a stirrer in
the meat industry, having written many letters to suggest that more meat plants
need building in WA and that farmers should take a stake in those plants. But I
am also aware of the reality of what 7 million sheep is. 4 million of those go
live exports. To deal with that, you are talking of investments of maybe 150
million$ all up. You are talking of enormous markets, prepared to pay a reasonable
price, they simply dont exist right now and neither do the investors. Until they
do, all the chanting against the live trade is meaningless and a waste of time.

I am a member of a coop called Wammco, as are 1000 farmers here.
Wendy, your proposals need to be realistic, not fairyfloss dreamer stuff.
If its dreamer stuff Ill tell you, I play life honestly and straight, warts
and all. But you are free to shoot the messanger, as so many do, when they
dont like to hear the reality of a situation.

take care

Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 31 August 2006 10:43:42 PM
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Of course we can slaughter here IF we want to.

Even the AFIC have done a Press Releases agreeing sayings its doable and preferable.

Sure its going to cost to build new plants.

So What,. As you said the middle East pump 80 90 B A day[no worries]

Do we need State Government blessings?
Yes we do.

Why? Because its normal for overseas investors of large funds to seek the comfort that they have their approval.

We need farmers with land backbone forsight basic common decency towards Animal Welfare. Yes WE do.

Yes we do. Why? Tarrifs ., training ,

Rodger Fletcher is a good example Yabby employing many and running around 60 million a year.

Farmers must stand up and stop being frightened of being blacklisted.

Mr Jim Dywer was one of the first slaughter people to come back from overeas to set up red meat exports. In those days they used to pump the RBrian around the edges of the ships to keep the meat.

He is still alive and still exports skins to China. He and his mates called for a meeting with the NZ Priminster back in 1931.

They warned of many things regarding taking animals alive.

If anybody knows this industry its him.

I will try to set up a video voice tape on this link so he can tell everybody about abattoirs and live exports.

If you go to the AMIEU sites they will ALL tell you the same thing.
OK Now How about commenting on Intensive Farms for pigs chooks and especially Amada Vanstones piggery. Is that ok with you too??

please everybody read this. Most of your answers Scout are here>


In The Next Few Days i will Try To Lighten things Upo by Posting Some Pictures Of Strippers At The AWB Enquiry Protesting Their Live Animal Export business..
This topic is upsetting and draining so We think a laugh helps at Times.
PS THe Girls did A good Job.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 31 August 2006 11:21:56 PM
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Whewww, where do I start. Lots of faults in what you have written
there Wendy. Lots of faults too in the Pacat report.

I've just been reading a copy of the Hassall and Ass report on
the live export industry.

Fact is the live export trade doesent cost, but gains the nation
13000 jobs, plus 1.8 billion.

The first person to lose without the export trade, is in fact the
farmer. If a WA farmer sells a sheep to say Fletcher tomorrow,
he'll get around 16-20$. From the live trade, that same sheep would

But lets look at the bigger picture. The present Saudi mutton
price is around 3$ a kg C and F. So on a 20 kg carcass thats
60$. That same live sheep they'll pay 103$ for. Of that some
is for freight, about 78$ per head is spent directly in Australia,
alot of it in regional areas. Trucking, pellets, AQIS, vets,
etc. etc. If farmers have 55$ in their pockets rather then 18$,
they spend it and create even more regional jobs. So your
economic analysis is flawed dear.

BTW, Fletcher can't find Aussies to work in his works in Narricup.
So he has flown in 160 Filipinos, Aussies don't want the jobs.
Posted by Yabby, Friday, 1 September 2006 12:36:46 AM
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yeh Mate tell that to the thousands of workers who lost their jobs Through live exports. I dont think Wendy would want you calling her deary either. I lost my job along with heaps of others so its your theory that doesnt stack up. This womans pretty on the money. Wendy if i were you and all the other readers I would just get on with the job and get others who are interested and work with Scout. I reckon hes just jamming this on here on purpose to try and stop you lot telling the people the truth.
The bloke doesnt give a hoot about the Animals. I cant say I am a soft touch. Truth is nobody is in the industry much but the way those animals are treated turns me stomach and no amount of money is changes that
So mate you either just get on these things to stir or someones paying you to try to stop the others getting on with the job. So you dont give a hoot about the animals and its all about money for shipping agents. We get that already ok. But dont tell me mate that live exports create jobs because me and mates all lost jobs and thousands more as all the plants were forced to close because of live exports.
Sorry Scout and others but I have seen the way the animals get treated mate and thats this end. I know they face much worse on the ships and even worse the other end if they live. This idiots telling me who lost his job like the thousands over the years and sat back watching our abattoirs close it doesnt cause job loses. Well mate I am a butcher and its my trade and your full of bull to put it as nicely as I can. Ilost me house because of live exports forcing the place down so tell your lies to somebody else.
Posted by BennySampson, Friday, 1 September 2006 7:20:06 AM
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