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Midas McGauran and his Mixed Grill of Misery

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Yes it really is that simply- Your On.

Rodger Fletcher is a self made million air. He is a perfect example of how it can be done.
Hes done it and doing it for a long time now.
He also employs many People.

At The peak of Australias Live Exports trade with Saudi Arabia, there were over 3 million sheep being exported way back then to that country alone.
When the effect of the Saudis 1989 ban came into place, the exports of chilled meat more than tripled. This is just one example that destroys the assertion of minimal substitution, as advanced by the live animal export lobby.

Also please never forget the levies set up and the fact we Aussie meat prodiucers are entiled to our half share at least of those lobbies to reopen along with the infustructure grants now afforded in ME etc.
Dont forget the clear block on meat industry in Australia to bring in labour just like EVERY other Industry is encouraged to do!
Read the letter I posted up to from leading Muslim reps.
Do not assume you know more than these people themselves.

Dickie- Could you please reply to our above post to you regarding a TV show like RSPCA Rescue for Animal Groups to educate the public ?

Also what do you think about Animal Groups meeting with Muslim Contacts and working together by introducing overseas guest to Aussie farmers with a view to reopen plants here in Australia?
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 20 October 2007 5:50:49 AM
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Pale, if its that simple, well then no need to get your knickers in
a twist about the live trade. Just buy the sheep before they go
on any boat. Farmers don't have a problem with that.

We saw what happened last time the trade to Saudi was restricted.
Despite larger sales to Kuwait, Jordan etc, because of less live
sheep, WA mutton prices sank to the floor. Sheep were being trucked
all the way East for processing, thousands of km. Processors could
lick their greasy little fingers, with demand and supply so out of
balance that farmers were even more at their mercy then normal.
It was basically a disaster for farmers.

Fletcher will tell you that he can't pay more for sheep, because
of cheap chicken from Brazil, high processing costs here,
taxes like payroll tax etc. How many people have lobbied to have
payroll tax dropped on meat exports? Why should an export industry
be taxed extra?

You Aussie meat producers? When did you produce or sell meat last?
You are free to vote in MLA elections just like anyone else, if
you did produce any meat.

If you kept up to date with the labour story, you would know that
Andrews agreed to the meat industry bringing in 457 workers, but
with a long list of conditions. Processors say that those conditions
are such, that the end labour cost is far higher then the present
award, so makes the whole thing unworkable and unviable. So we
are back to square 1.

But anyhow, all this is resolved now. No more problems, Pale
will buy the lot! Yippee!!
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 20 October 2007 10:07:16 AM
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For those obsessed about the evils of the Middle East, there is in
fact another practical solution. Given that we in WA are closer
to Malaysia, then some Eastern States centres, so its really only
a hop,skip and a jump, there is no reason that the Malaysians
can't not get involved.

Build a modern, humane, large works in Malaysia, where workers are
plentiful and willing to work. Then use some modern boats to
transport sheep there, for processing and value adding. That fits
in with their Halal hub plans. Given the close distance,
turnaround time would be zilch.

But of course that sort of thinking is outside the little square
that the veggie brigade limit themselves to. If its a boat, it
must be evil etc. Rather truck them to the East, which is just
as far or further, in crowded conditions, no food or water.

Somehow rational thinking does not seem to enter these debates
alot of the time, just blinding ideology.
Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 20 October 2007 2:04:33 PM
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You make a very valid point Yabby, and one that seems to have shut them up too.

I think I would prefer a boat trip to a road train. Does anyone keep tally of the death rates on road transport?
Posted by PF, Saturday, 20 October 2007 7:08:18 PM
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For Pity Sake don’t do to Verna what you did to us and others.

Its not smart to burn everybody who gets involved with you.

I do not think she would appreciate your supporting live exports after having her picture! up on your web page.

That’s so inconsiderate and thoughtless.

As to your question regarding road transport the DPI has a MOU with RSPCA. I am pretty sure you would know that by transporting pigs.
However knowing the DPI State Governments and the slack attitude towards Animal Welfare the answer is pretty much No.

Yabby Said
How many people have lobbied to have?
payroll tax dropped on meat exports? Why should an export industry
Be taxed extra?
Pale replies
Yabby that’s probably the most sensible thing you have ever said.
Yabby said
You are free to vote in MLA elections just like anyone else, if
you did produce any meat.
Pale Replies.
Thanks Yabby I look forward to it after a proper investigation of them and AWB contacts- along with Livecoupre and others.
It’s really very simple.
We just want half and half. Half the Levies sub grants building here instead of ME.
Yabby Said
Build a modern, humane, large works in Malaysia, where workers are
plentiful and willing to work. Then use some modern boats to
transport sheep there, for processing and value adding. That fits
in with their Halal hub plans. Given the close distance,
turnaround time would be zilch.
Pale replies.
We started that. All was going well. Animals were to be slaughtered HERE and sent on to JAKIM in full caruss form. Several Plants in each State to train Aboriginal and Regional people etc. JAKIM most certainly are the future hub of Halal..
However Andrews and Government are making it difficult to continue.

Yabby Said
If you kept up to date with the labour story,

What Story Yabby?

Kerry Obiens Office called me Friday.
There is no Story. Of COURSE we know about bringing in wokers.

They don’t even HAVE a policy as yet!

What else is new. Hopleless.
Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 20 October 2007 8:35:53 PM
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dickie, because the answer the first time was pitiful. The second time even worse.
Posted by rojo, Saturday, 20 October 2007 9:43:48 PM
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