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Midas McGauran and his Mixed Grill of Misery
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Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 13 October 2007 12:02:55 AM
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Dickie Yabby CJ Morgan
Firstly Dickie Thank You for opening this important thread to give people the oportunity to comment on the 7.30 report exposing the same lies of Peter McGauran and both sides of Government. Thank You also to Lyn White of Animals Australia. We must never forget Labour States are up to their arm pits in donations from all sorts of industries as well as the Howard Government. HENSE The Silence again from Kevin Rudd and Labour. Secondly it wouldnt matter if they were paying a MILLION dollars a sheep nothing makes this treatment ok. It might also interest CJ Morgan who posted a sensible posts that WE pay the difference between the extra twenty dollars in way of taxes and subs that are cleverly directed to the miserable low lifes involved in this barbaric trade. I see our old Yabbs is one about his worms again. [ fasinating] I will say Dickie Yabby has made better contributions to posts in the past encouraging the Government to allow skillied labour to work in plants throughout Australia. This might interest CJ Morgan to know that ONLY Abattoir workers are being kept out of the country. Now isnt that interesting! The Governments- Please note I said GovernemtS! are so scared to loose the support of the seriously rich companies involved in this evil trade that carts our materials off in their most vailable form. Dickie I am just wondering if we can look at bring charges against the Govener General? We were advised in writing by the Queens office some time ago both he along with Mark Vaile and Downer were reasonsible. Interesting thought. Perhaps we could drop in and arrest the bastards as they `sip their high tea`. Or better still pop them onboard one of the death ships with ALL of the Australian Government and live Animal Export agents. Could make interesting headlines. Charges to be laid against the Australian Govener General after Her Majesty the Queens advise. Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 13 October 2007 2:42:13 AM
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Your compassion for animals is astounding! Im a big meat eater but I dont see why in this day and age that an animal must suffer at the hands of terrorist before being consumed in a bloody kebab. I watched the 7.30 report last night and was bloody horrified, that sheep wasnt hog tied its legs were broken and it was in an extreme amount of pain. Stuff them, if they want our superior meat products they can buy them the way we cut them up with our own trained labour, if not perhaps they can get pigs for thier kebabs. Another defender of the undefendable, we must have standards or it will lower us to thier level. If the UN can tell us to take certain people into our country then surely they can direct how animals will be treated from where we have taken those people. More Hypocracey Posted by SCOTTY, Saturday, 13 October 2007 2:57:24 AM
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"Your compassion for animals is astounding!"
Thank you Scotty, for I do care a great deal about animals, thats why I want change. Fact is that the only ones doing anything to change things in the Middle East, are Australian farmers. So the reality is that farmers are getting results, the rest make alot of noise, alot of claims, collect alot of money from donations, but I have yet to see them achieve anything in the Middle East, unlike Aussie farmers. Actions speak louder then words! Yup there are still lots of things to resolve in the Middle East, but that does not mean that they are impossible to solve. I could most likely go down the street where you live and video some guy beating his wife and put it on tv. I could then yell "ban marriage for it leads to wife beating" Clearly my argument would not stand up, for many marriages function ok. Best to try and assist those marriages where there are problems. The same principle applies in the meat industry, but the fanatical end, usually veggies, just don't get it, so they achieve nothing. So thats the reality. Farmers are getting results, the rest arn't. I'd rather back those who are bringing about change, then those who protest so much that they achieve nothing. Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 13 October 2007 2:38:23 PM
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Dont you believe that garbage. Fact is this problem wasnt created by the farmers originally. They back then were guilty of nothing other than not asking the right questions. They knew and understood very little about the dirty world of trade deals. Farmers now do know and they are several that wont send their animals live. They prefer to make sure they are slaughtered here. The ones that dont care are many and more the new ages creeps who are anything BUT farmers. Yabby reads the Government web pages that are full of utter crap. Another thing is farmers are not doing anything. They get subs which are paid forby OUR tax dollars and so does this bARBARIC Industry. We are talking Packers Murdocks deals lerks trade deals and subs . There is no reason they cant slaughter here and its about time the FARMERS ALL stood up not just some! Muslims have no problem with Halal Slaughter plants HERE and it SHOULD BE A LAW ALONG WITH PRE STUNNING. Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Saturday, 13 October 2007 8:16:35 PM
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"Despite claims of being an animal welfare organisation Animals Australia has not invested one dollar or provided one person to improve animal welfare in the Middle East."
Thats a quote from: I remind you that MLA is essentially farmer owned. Thousands of farmers vote how their levy monies, which cover most of the MLA budget, are spent. That includes the above website. Compare the results of Aussie farmers in the Middle East with any other group. Farmers are getting results with all the levies they pay, the rest of you talk alot and do nothing to help animals in the Middle East Posted by Yabby, Saturday, 13 October 2007 8:44:42 PM
Oops Dickie, I didn't know you were a god fan. You and BD would
make a great couple :)
Animals and people can cohabit quite well. But at the end of the
day, we are all recycled. The worms will get you in the end Dickie,
so you are no exception.
Your average sheep leads a free range life for most of its life.
No factory farming like pigs or chickens. Plenty of green grass,
plenty of sunshine, a bit of sex thrown in. They are fed through
droughts, kept free of predators, treated for worms.
At the end of their lives they go on a boat, basically a floating
feedlot, and gain weight along the way. They have food, water,
shelter, all the basic requirements.
The end of their lives is in fact far quicker then most humans.
With those, we make them suffer until their last breath,human suffering
is noble, according to our religious folks.
So when you are on your deathbed and they refuse to let you die
but make you suffer Dickie, it might hit you that humans get a
far worse deal then your average sheep.