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Before The Bang

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"I wonder what they are building today in Americas great science war labs to bless other men and women with?"

A bigger PILL manufacturing plant to cope with all the underage pregnant teenagers!

Like I said Gibo, if you mis-interpret the good book and let those who want you to believe in the way they make you believe, it's up to you, the individual.

The words of the bible were written by a person who's brain was limited to the boundaries of his village, because that person never knew there was a world beyond. LOOK AT THE DATE, WHEN THE BIBLE WAS WRITTEN!...then, when you have done that, think of what was available at that time..
put two and two together and you have the same situation as today..

Less than 100 years ago, we knew nothing of motor cars, we are presently flying to the moon in rockets!...has the penny dropped yet?
Posted by SPANKY, Thursday, 11 October 2007 4:34:33 AM
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(lol)..Undisciplined?..I do not require a book for/or to dicipline myself with...nor do I have the desire to enter into aimless prattle with someone who is obviously controlled by a book written by someone with the knowledge to commensurate with that of a pea.

I got news for you babe..I WROTE THE DAMN BOOK!

Now..can we please return to the big bang bit?
Posted by SPANKY, Thursday, 11 October 2007 4:45:42 AM
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'Science is a corpse waiting to be buried in the tribulation of the Bibles last days'
'Get you facts right too'.

So, Gibo, who invented the PC in front of you? A follower of science (that corpse-like thing) or God? I can't grasp the extent of your beliefs.

What 'facts' did I get wrong?
Posted by Jack the Lad, Thursday, 11 October 2007 1:07:00 PM
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Obviously the postings on this thread are not a serious look at the facts that may have caused existence of matter and life. The Bible merely states in the beginning of time God (first cause) created space and matter. There is no possible conclusion drawn by the Bible on when that took place except it was the beginning of time. Matter and space is as old as the beginning of time. Time is measured by a cronology of events. The following verses indicate the beginning of light as it related to the Earth. Until the sun was evident on the third day there was no cronology evident in 24 hour days. As only the sun can defined a day as 24 hours. It could be that space and matter is as old as God - unlimited in time.
Posted by Philo, Friday, 12 October 2007 10:19:28 PM
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Philo, 'Obviously the postings on this thread are not a serious look at the facts that may have caused existence of matter and life'.

So why do you resort to bible mythology?

'As only the sun can defined a day as 24 hours'. It's not 24 hours on the moon. Or Venus. Mars is closer in day length. The sun does not define the length of day. It is the period of one planetary rotation.
Posted by Jack the Lad, Saturday, 13 October 2007 10:57:55 AM
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Ok, so let me see if I understand all of this correctly,

We have a thread entitled "Before the bang" and the majority of this thread is based on religion.

Obviously, some of us are somewhat one-track minded, mislead and the misinterpretation of some of these postings are made by those who's lives are controlled by the pages of a book.

This is quite sad, having read the good book on many occassions, I find it (and I say this with all sincerity) the most depressing book ever written.
So,...basically, according to our christian (or whoever) brothers, we must all live in harmony... and depression and guilt and poverty...riding a damn donkey for the rest of our over sweetened, guilt felt, neurotic ridden lives...FOR WHAT?..TO WAIT FOR THE INEVITABLE BIG BANG!
Posted by SPANKY, Saturday, 13 October 2007 7:31:40 PM
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