The Forum > General Discussion > Multiculturalism
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Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 12:00:28 AM
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The federal immigration minister, Al Grassby, laid out a road map for multiculturism in Australia just over half a century ago, in 1973. Here is his speech : . The federal government has just now published, half a century later, the final report of a public enquiry : “Multicultural Framework Review”. The objective and procedure of the enquiry are described as follows : « The Review examines the state of Australia’s multicultural society and recommends changes to laws, policies and institutional settings that build on the strengths of multiculturalism and enable it to respond to contemporary challenges. The Government and the Panel wanted the widest possible range of Australian voices to contribute to the Review. That meant finding innovative and inviting ways to communicate with the public. The Government received 90 submissions that helped to shape the Terms of Reference for the Review. It published information about the Review and an invitation to make submissions in texts in 33 languages and in audio format in 35 languages. The Panel also invited young people aged 4 to 24 to express in pictures their experiences and views of our multicultural society. The 103 artworks they contributed can be viewed at the Online Art Exhibition. As a result of these efforts, the Panel received 796 submissions, 126 of them in languages other than English, which were then translated to inform its thinking. » . The title of the final report is “Towards fairness: A multicultural Australia for all”. Here it is : . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 12:46:47 AM
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Law on Forced Marriages . Australia's forced marriage offences carry a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment, or nine years' imprisonment for an aggravated offence. An offence may be aggravated in several circumstances, including where the victim is under the age of 18. If the victim is under the age of 18 and is taken overseas for the purpose of forced marriage, the maximum penalty increases to 25 years' imprisonment. Here is the relevant text published by the federal Attorney’s Department :'s%20forced%20marriage%20offences%20carry,under%20the%20age%20of%2018. . Posted by Banjo Paterson, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 12:56:25 AM
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Hi Bezza,
You ask what colour hijab would I like for my birthday or Christmas? I'm going to have to decline your kind offer. I wouldn't want to embarrass you. It might clash with your white robe and hood. Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 11:07:09 AM
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That's ok I am not a fashionista. We must have a coffee one day when I am in Melbourne. You are right when you say it is a small minority, except in Lakemba. They were all very much on side on the 8th October. I think you missed the crux of the matter. The real terrorists have the unspoken support of the majority. The majority does not want to stick their neck out but they are locked in since childhood. The next election will raise a few signals. Very few step up and inform on the dangerous ones, but it does happen. Consider their situation, they are surrounded by family, neighbours, mosque all believers. To act in opposition could see them killed, or beaten up or ostracised at best and have to leave and make a new life elsewhere. There is an undercover anti Islam Arab organisation but it seldom puts its head above the parapet. probably under a new name. It is a glaring example of the failure of multiculturalism. Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 11:48:54 AM
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Hi Bezza,
We've covered this subject so many times. I don't see Muslims as being incompatible with us and I certainly don't see Islam as a monolithic culture - or pigeon-holing them in stereotypical Western assumptions as to what a Muslim looks like, what they think, or how they are going to behave. Muslims are not a uniform group of people. They come from different cultures, are linguistically diverse and are born and raised all over the world. Whether they live in Sydney or Melbourne or elsewhere - individual differences exist. The same applies to us all. Have you actually visited a Muslim community in Lakemba? Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 30 July 2024 1:10:05 PM
it is approved of by that same community.
After all that girl ignored the word of Allah on whom she should
associate with. That is a capital offence. It is almost never ends
up in a court in Moslem countries.
I notice Albo has closed the Republic ministry.
So you republicans might have to wait till the law in the UK is
superseded by Sharia Law and the Royal Family is replaced by a
Caliphate and Calif. Won't be long now with the current birthrate.
Then you won't need a republic
Foxy what colour Hijab would you like for your birthday or Christmas ?
Trigger warning !
I should have said for Mohammad's birthday.
errr did he really exist ? Some say that he was invented.