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The Forum > General Discussion > The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

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Is the US President Joe Biden the best Democrat to run
against former President Donald Trump? and can Joe Biden
perform the responsibilities of the job for another
4 years?

Many voters apparently want the President to step down
but can't agree on a suitable alternative. And that could be
a problem with an election just 4 months away.

None of us can really predict what the election results will
be and whether Biden decides to stay or leave. It's his
decision to make.

I would be surprised though if he would allow one bad
debate to oust him out especially to a man he must despise.
A fraudster - who stands against everything Biden holds
dear. I'm not sure if Biden will give up without a fight.
Unless he puts his country first.

Which he just may do. Being a good guy.

Trump has changed America. He's made it all about politics.
And he's made politics about himself.
Americans should send this man back to selling real-estate.
And yes, I am biased. Very much so in this case.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 10:47:01 AM
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As I predicted, Biden's family has come down in favour of him staying. Hunter is particular has been pushing against any idea of withdrawing from the race. And why wouldn't he? The only reason Hunter isn't already in prison is that daddy is president so of course he wants him to hang on. Daddy can give him a pardon but only for the things that have currently come to light. But under a different president other things would emerge such as the goings on re Barisma. So Hunter needs daddy to remain in power.

Speaking of the family, you know things are bad when even the normally reliable left-leaning fact checker, Snopes, turns on the Biden's. They have now revisited the issue of Ashley Biden's diary and now confirm that (1) it is genuine and (2) it confirms that as a child she was forced to have inappropriate showers with daddy and (3) that, in her mind, is the cause of her hyper-sexuality. Morality is on the ticket??

Other interesting takes. When Trump agreed to the terms of the debate as laid out by Biden's handlers, many Trump supporters thought it was a trap that Trump had fallen into. But it now seems that Biden's team never expected him to accept their terms and were forced to have the debate they knew Biden wasn't up to. As such, Trump accepting the debate might turn to be the greatest electoral tactic since Reagan disarmed the age issue in 1984...

The best and most prescient comment I've seen so far...the Democrat leaders and the Democrat media aren't mad that they finally saw how decrepit Biden is...they already knew. They're mad that you saw it.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:02:27 AM
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'had resonated more with undecided voters'.

Be real Foxy, if you're putting your faith behind a braindead zombie who stares off into space, rambles incoherently and doesn't make any sense, it's not because you're 'undecided' it's because you have existing bias against the other guy.

Stop the BS.
Get real.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:06:46 AM
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"Daddy can give him a pardon but only for the things that have currently come to light. But under a different president other things would emerge such as the goings on re Barisma."

Biden himself is no longer coherent enough to face the music.
He's off with he faries and probably doesn't even remember half of the things he's done.
'Shady Acres Nursing Home' for him.
The rest of them are still fair game though.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:12:40 AM
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Hi AC,

I've recently read quite a few comments from various
American politicians. Many understand that a bad debate is
not the sum total of a person and their record. American
voters need to be made aware of the stakes of the election
and know who their candidate is and what they stand for.

The American people by now should know Joe Biden and his
character, and they know Trump and his.

The prime aim of the 2024 American election should not be
about the re-election of Joe Biden but about preventing
Trump's re-election to power and the parade of horribles
he'll bring in with him.

Yes, Biden is 81 - so what?

Why keep pointing out his age? What does that have to do with
the character of the man? What about the character of the man
he's running against?

Biden is not going to get any younger but he can get better.
He can debate better and he needs to start now.

Democrats need to chill out and back him.
Rally round the flag boys - no matter what!

Joe Biden doesn't need advice. He needs to stay the course.
Look at the way he bounced back at the rally the next day
in North Carolina. American need to have the man's back.
The stakes are too high not to.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:31:46 AM
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Hi AC,

I am being real.

The stakes are too high. And, the re-election of
Trump is too vile to contemplate.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:34:36 AM
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