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The Forum > General Discussion > The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

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Totally agree Bezza,

And which particular forum poster are you talking about? It could anyone of half a dozen forum old farts, then again it could be the lot.

What will he be like in three or four years time ? Ah.... DEAD!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 3:43:25 PM
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"Doesn't anyone else here recognise the symptoms of dementure ?"

Some of the information coming out of the Biden camp is that the timing of the debate wasn't advantageous for him (9pm local time). They say he's at his best between 10am and 4pm.

There is a condition which I became familiar with via both my parents called Sundowners Syndrome although in the US it seems to be called plain Sundowning.( Basically, dementia patients, although able to operate reasonably coherently during the day, become increasingly disoriented in the evening - ie sundown. Its very well known, prevalent in Alzheimer patients, somewhat less so in dementia patients. Its incurable and, for dementia patients, gets progressively worse.

I wouldn't be surprised that if there is a second debate, they want it to be held in the middle of the day.


Some are saying the Democrat National Congress can't afford for Biden to pull out the race since they've already printed up millions of fake ballots ticked in his name and it would be prohibitively expense to change it to someone else.

I think its a joke....or is it?
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 5:09:51 PM
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Well, listening to the news this morning there
certainly seems to be divisions in opinions
regarding whether the US President should stay
or step aside. People are divided and it's hard
tp tell what the final decision will be at this

If he does decide to stay and run - and does get
re-elected - I think that he'll probably resign
early. I think what is motivating him now is to
prevent Trump's re-election.

It's all very unsettling at present. All we can do is
watch what happens next. Hopefully things will work
out for the best for all concerned. I'm not laying
any bets though - as to what the outcome will be.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 10:51:20 AM
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Well, well.... the sentencing on Trump's bogus felon charge of falsifying records has been postponed back to 18 September. There are several possible reasons....

* the Supreme Court's ruling on the immunity issue now means that a large portion of the so-called evidence in the trial is no longer admissible. Therefore the judge, even though he's hopelessly compromised any claims to being impartial, realises that its absolutely certain that the case will be overruled on appeal. Bill Barr, ex-Attorney-General and no friend of Trump, has confirmed that it cannot survive appeal. Even the prosecutor is on-board with this. So it might be that the judge/prosecutor are preparing to abandon the case following the SCOTUS decision.

* OR... they fully intend to double down of jailing Trump and just want to move it closer to the election date to inhibit his ability to appeal such a sentence.

Its difficult to know which, since thy haven't said. As one CNN commentator said of the Biden WhiteHouse, we don't know what they're doing because they don't don't know what they're doing.

Elsewhere, its now generally confirmed that the insurrection case against Trump has fallen apart and that the Georgian election interference case is all but over.

In the end, the only thing these bogus charges achieved was to solidify Trump's base and cause undecideds to see him as a persecuted political opponent of the regime.

Who knows. Maybe the US democracy can be saved after all.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 12:02:12 PM
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Before any Trump supporters get too excited about
the Supreme Court's ruling - we're told that:

"A US President has immunity for all his official acts
only. As long as they are not manifestly or
pulpably beyond his authority. He is not immune from
unofficial acts."

The following link explains:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 12:21:25 PM
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AC said- "Liberal Hegemony and War - Prof Glenn Diesen at FOR"

Answer- With respect I watched the video but I think I interpreted it differently. I'll watch it again later.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 2:25:52 PM
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