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The Forum > General Discussion > The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

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America is in freefall.
That guy has the nuclear codes.
Obviously he's not making the decisions
What would the other world powers think?

Biden is a braindead zombie.
He needs to be taken back to Delaware to 'rest comfortably'
You want to talk about democracy what about the 25th amendment?
He's not fit to remain in office for another 4 months let alone another 4 years after that.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 30 June 2024 12:47:43 AM
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It’s like Jill's talking to a toddler who used the big boy potty

LISTEN: New audio has just been released of Joe Biden’s team watching him exit the debate stage.

It took Joe Biden exactly 3 seconds to forget he had already shaken Schumer's hand.

Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights:

This man is not fit to carry the nuclear codes.
This is shameful, bordering 'elder abuse'

The guys brain has short circuited.
There might as well be smoke coming out his ears, as he stands there with that vacant look on his face.

He's not fit to decide whether or not he wants the chocolate custard or the vanilla custard.
No offense to the elderly, this guy is just not sharp enough to do the job of Commander in Chief of a nation of 300+ million.

That people would actually vote for this guy;
Or even rather vote for him than Trump 'their lesser evil'
Doesn't say much for democracy.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 30 June 2024 8:47:31 AM
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Only 7 posters interested in this.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 30 June 2024 9:14:24 AM
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The fall out continues. The biggest issue here is that the Democrats and the media (really the same thing) have been able to gaslight a sizable portion of the US electorate into thinking Biden is even slightly competent and compis mentus.

And then the truth was revealed for all the world to see and the media can no longer hide it (although there will still be some fools like our resident vulpes who buy whatever they're sold). This for the media is an existential threat in that it reveals their bias and penchant for outright lying to maintain their side in power. They can't really forgive Biden for doing that to them which is why they are turning on him almost to man - and woman.

OTOH, it now seems they are stuck with their man unless they can engineer a death or a 25th amendment removal. If I were Biden (or at least one of those who make all his decisions for him) I'd be doubling his security guard forthwith. No one wants to end up like Obama's cook. It seems that his nomination is already locked in in some states and can only be removed if he's dead or ruled insane. (On the evidence of the debate, he's pretty close to both of those anyway).

Its pretty funny and not a little ironic that the moderators are getting the blame for not tipping the scales in his favour by fact checking Trump. Of course, had they been doing fact-checking they would have had to stop Biden after pretty much every sentence.

Still, 33% thought Biden won the debate which surely shows that insanity is rife in Democrat circles. And we'll still have those who'd vote for a turnip rather than Trump. and those who, despite having the evidence that they've been gaslighted for years, shoved down their throat, will continue to beleive whatever they're told eg "A choice between someone (Biden), who's fought for ordinary folks his entire life". Sheesh!
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 30 June 2024 9:50:19 AM
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It took 3 attempts from debate moderator Dana Bash to
get Donald Trump to answer the question of whether he
would accept the results of the 2024 election regardless
of who wins?

"If it's fair and legal and a good election - absolutely."
Trump responded refusing to commit outright. He then
alluded to the persistent lie he's told his entire career -
that American elections are over run with fraud. Despite the
evidence against that.

And this coming - from a leader of one of the two dominant
political parties in America in a persistent attack on
the public trust on the country's democracy.

Trump's answers follow a distinct pattern in which he argues when
he's losing - that the system is rigged against him.

His behaviour during the debate echoed this pattern of lies and

It clearly showed why Trump has lost much of
the support of many of his staff and colleagues, including - his
previous Vice President who refuses to endorse him.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 June 2024 11:34:04 AM
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Whether the President Joe Biden decides to step aside
we shall have to wait and see. But hopefully American
voters will decide to vote for a US President who does
embody the American values of empathy and caring, rather
than winning by any means and at all costs. Which is what
Trump stands for.

Make America Great again?

With Trump - it will be - Make America (and the world)
Shake again!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 June 2024 11:46:37 AM
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