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The Forum > General Discussion > The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

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Trump's on a roll. SCOTUS has now upheld his immunity claims which pretty much means that all the bogus J6 court cases are now in the toilet.


Kamala got smacked down on Twitter for her outright lies about Trump. She claimed that Trump would ban abortion and that only she and debate-phobic Joe could stop him. Then thousands of twitter followers united to produce 'community notes' showing that Trump has replated and specifically said he wouldn't ban abortion and would leave it to the states - as he said also during the debate. Kamala got caught out yet again.

Then Musk with 183 million followers outright called her a liar and pointed out that these people can't get away with this under the new twitter regime. Back in 2020 they could make the straight-up lies and not only would it be allowed, but anyone who challenged the lie would be banned from Twitter, Facebook etc under instructions from the FBI. But now twitter let's the truth blossom and the other social media players are forced to follow suit.

Imagine if that applied in 2020. Hunter's laptop story would never have been suppressed by the deep state and Biden would now be a footnote in history.


When Trump was president, Foxy was completely in favour of psychologists breaking the Goldwater rule and diagnosing from afar. So I'm sure she'll be okey-dokey with this...

Why Joe Biden Acted Like a Child in the Presidential Debate..

Just kidding - there's zero chance Foxy will take the slightest notice of something that tells her things she doesn't want to be true.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 1:01:58 PM
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Bari Weiss is a treasury - in my view the finest journalist in the US at the moment. The left hate her because she doesn't fall for their rubbish but they can't outright attack her with their usual ad hominems because she's female, a lesbian, married to her lesbian wife and from an ethnic minority.

This is her latest piece which shows why the Democrat world are driven mad by the debacle that was the debate....

The piece is headed "They Knew. Biden is no longer fit to be president. Last night’s debate exposed the lies we’ve been told. "

You would do well to bookmark Weiss's webpage and visit regularly. Or subscribe if you really wanted to stay close to the truth.

"Rarely are so many lies dispelled in a single moment. Rarely are so many people exposed as liars and sycophants. Last night’s debate was a watershed on both counts.

The debate was not just a catastrophe for President Biden. And boy—oy—was it ever.

But it was more than that. It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, ..."
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 1:34:48 PM
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The New Yorker has put forward what in my view are
sensible arguments about replacing US President Joe
Biden in the upcoming Presidential election.

They argue that acting in a rash manner without any
real plan might lead to bad results. They say that if
there was one obvious clear replacement for President
Biden things might be different. However, having to
whittle down a field of contenders in 4 months they say
feels more like a protest rather than a measured strategy.

The choice remains - opting for a known candidate over
the chaos of the unknown.

The known candidate is the better option.

The New Yorker says that the Democrats have to hope that
President Biden can keep giving speeches like he did in
North Carolina and that the debate will just become a
bad memory.

The Democrats also need to remind the country why they
rejected Trump in 2020.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 1:37:44 PM
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Here is a different perspective from The Los Angeles

Kurt Bardella wrote for the LA Times back in 2019:

"At a time when Trump continues to go lower and lower.
Biden brings to the national stage the strength, decency,
and a sense of duty that are sorely needed in our political

Bardella says that 5 years later, duty to country is
required of Joe Biden once again.

"This time, the act of duty that is needed is one of
tremendous personal sacrifice - something the President is
all too familiar with given the personal tragedies he has had
to overcome over the years."

"It will require strength. It will require introspection. It
will require him to do something that is against his nature.
That act of duty and sacrifice which is also one that embodies
the very essence of our democracy - to voluntarily relinquish

There's more at the following:
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 2:17:27 PM
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We're told that US President has always put duty
and his country first. Will he do it again this time?

And what will his see as the best decision for the country?

How will the American voters respond?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 2:20:28 PM
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Doesn't anyone else here recognise the symptoms of dementure ?
It is unrelenting, as time goes by he will become more unable to
express his thoughts and it will become harder to explain complicated
situations to him. Sometimes it progresses rapidly.
A man in that state and in that position is very dangerous.
What will he be like in three or four years time ?
Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 3:13:47 PM
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