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The Forum > General Discussion > The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

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Bidens lies:
The most dangerous one was implying that Putin plans to invade further into Europe, the least dangerous one was implying he had a golf handicapp of 6 when he needed help off the stage and needed to take a single step at a time.

The most dangerous lie implies that WWIII is inevitable.
If Russia did go further eastwards into European NATO countries it would trigger Article 5

Russia has a military alliance with North Korea which would automatically bring them into it, and North Korea also has military alliance with China, which world automatically bring them into it.

Implying the Putin plans to rebuild the Soviet Union is false, but they have built something else and it's called BRICS and countries are lining up to join WITHOUT COERCION, and why wouldn't they, they don't need to hold US dollars, they reduce risk of having assets seized, and get access to commodity markets with special pricing in their own currency.

Biden implies that WWIII is inevitable;
But they are the ones who scuttled the peace negotiations in Ukraine in favour of war, and they are the ones overthrew the countries elected leaders 10 years ago.

You can say whatever you want about Trump, but at least he's coherent.
From what I hear the Obamas want Biden gone.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 1 July 2024 4:32:58 PM
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Hi AC,

"You can say whatever you want about Trump, but at least he'coherent. From what I hear the Obamas want Biden gone."

I agree with you, the only way out for America is war, it has sustained their economy for over 250 years, it made them the greatest economic power on earth. They will go for it again. Eisenhower a militarist and a conservative tried to warn the world of the dangers of the American Military Industrial Complex, and how it would inevitably lead to catastrophic war. The only thing Eisenhower got wrong was the time frame, he thought it would take 20 or 30 years, but through shear good luck its now up to 70 years without the catastrophe befalling the world yet, but its coming. Maybe it poetic justice that the worlds last hurrah is set off by a stupid old American fool in a dressing gown wearing slippers, whilst sipping coco!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 4:53:01 AM
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AC- I've come to the belief that 'an equality of nations' won't work and their needs to be a 'top dog nation' that creates stability and facilitates the concept of sovereignty (a power sandbox). More and more I see 'equality' as an artificial synthetic construct related to mass governance (Desmond Morris talks about tribes and super-tribes in The Human Zoo). It's almost as if mass society is just trickery to force people to do things they don't want to do- what is the alternative to mass society- sometimes people need to be mobilized in large groups to meet goals- totalitarianism seems to have infiltrated western society under the auspicies of freedom- the classic prison without bars. What's required seems to be a sort of light touch 'stability by dominance'. There are also the concepts of soft and hard power (Nye, others), idealistic (ideological) vs realistic power. Those that misuse power get a smaller sandbox those that use it well get a larger one. If you give people the option to opt out of the regime at some point (with time) there will be pressure to find a solution to the resources lost through lack of participation (either on the governing or governed side). Totalitarian regime's such as Wokeness and Communism don't allow the option to opt out. There needs to be a way of regimes allowing those that want to live differently to do so with a small but significant penalty but without taking away their ability to survive and prosper completely. Occasionally the 'top dog nation' will screw up (and there are asymmetries such as oil, Suez/ Panama canals that distort and create natural paradox in policy). There is the issue of insurgency and conflict within American identity creating internal instability (I'm not sure if this is what you are referring to when you say that the US is broken)(Yuri Bezmenov talked about this in his famous derided speech on western open society). I'm not sure if my internal conflict with some of your comments is based in some of the above.

mhaze- Thanks for your comments. Kudos.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 5:49:51 AM
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The above, another one of your backhanded plugs for your national socialist ideology. It would seem so, why don't you come clean and spit it out. Are you ashamed of its terrible history?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 6:11:36 AM
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Hi CM,
"AC- I've come to the belief that 'an equality of nations' won't work and their needs to be a 'top dog nation' that creates stability and facilitates the concept of sovereignty."

- Well, this is what has brought us to the current set of problems.

Think of that long skinny table Putin has at the Kremlin.
That's the world America built, and the US sits at the head of the table.

The rest of the world don't want this anymore.
They want a round table, where everyone gets a seat and is treated equally.

To put it all into perspective, you need a healthy look at the system we built and operate under, and you need to understand what it is and what we're doing wrong.

Liberal Hegemony and War - Prof Glenn Diesen at FOR

This will be the best video you watch today, if you give it a look.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 7:55:31 AM
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Major media outlets such as The New York Times and
The New Yorker have publicly called for the US President
Joe Biden to withdraw from the Presidential race.
His family has apparently advised him to stay. That a
90 minute debate should not affect his good performance

His family members have argued that one bad night should not
define him nor jeopardize the election.

The President has acknowledged that he didn't have a "great
night." But, he claimed that former President Trump's
lies, outright falsehoods, and denials, and not answering
questions including about Jan 6 insurrection, and whether he
would accept the election results if he lost, had resonated
more with undecided voters.

Biden stated:

"I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all
my heart and soul I can do this job. I know I don't walk as
easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I
don't debate as well as I used to. But here's what I also
know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong.
I know how to do this job."

He's got my vote!
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 10:33:58 AM
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