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The Forum > General Discussion > The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

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Hi AC,

There is sad news, a young Australian Brock Greenwood (24) has been killed in Ukraine fighting in that unjust war on the side of the Ukrainians. Described as brave, a hero, no one knows what motivated him to, "go off and fight", but his death is another senseless tragedy in a another senseless war! PEACE.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 July 2024 6:19:14 AM
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Hi Paul,

People get inspired to try to correct injustice.
Young people joined the Peace Corp many years ago.
Others went to work on a Kibbutz in Israel - when
a Jewish homeland was being formed across the - before
they decided to keep others out. Now many go overseas
to help in other ways.

If the former US President Donald Trump gets re-elected
for a second term - things will change drastically. Putin
will be allowed to do what he wants. Ukraine will be just
a stepping-point for Putin's fantasy of restoring the
previous Soviet Empire. And Israel will also be given
a freer hand.

Poor Us President Biden - and the attacks on him - will
undoubtedly continue. It's a a strategy that the Trumpsters
see as their end-game towards success.

All any sane person can do is hope for a miracle.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 July 2024 10:51:01 AM
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I personally hope that Biden will step aside prior to the
Democratic Convention. I feel sorry for the man - and he
deserves acknowledgement for the past. However he must
now put the country first. A Trump win would be a disaster for
everyone. It would be much worse than anyone of us could
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 July 2024 12:59:13 PM
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I feel sorry for Brock Greenwood's mother and family.
If he believed in the cause, well that's for him but I think his decision was misguided.

Russia lost 27 million people in WWII defeating the NAZI's
If you think Russia is going to lose the war then you're sorely mistaken,
- And as gullible and foolish as Brock Greenwood, R.I.P.

I'll show you all something.
This is no joke, truly.

Our Western leaders foreign policy - is SUICIDE

That's our actual foreign policy and I can prove it in 2 minutes.

Here's the Commission On Security and Cooperation in Europe - U.S. Helsinki Commission

We are a US government commission that promotes human rights, military security, and economic cooperation in 57 countries in Europe, Eurasia, and North America.
Nine Commissioners are members of the Senate, nine are members of the House of Representatives, and three are executive branch officials.<<

Now read this about their policy:

Decolonizing Russia: a Moral and Strategic Imperative
Thursday, June 23, 2022, 10:00 am

>>Russia’s barbaric war on Ukraine—and before that on Syria, Libya, Georgia, and Chechnya—has exposed the Russian Federation’s viciously imperial character to the entire world. Its aggression also is catalyzing a long-overdue conversation about Russia’s interior empire, given Moscow’s dominion over many indigenous non-Russian nations, and the brutal extent to which the Kremlin has taken to suppress their national self-expression and self-determination.

Serious and controversial discussions are now underway about reckoning with Russia’s fundamental imperialism and the need to “decolonize” Russia for it to become a viable stakeholder in European security and stability. As the successor to the Soviet Union, which cloaked its colonial agenda in anti-imperial and anti-capitalist nomenclature, Russia has yet to attract appropriate scrutiny for its consistent and oftentimes brutal imperial tendencies.<<

What they are talking about is this 'Russia is too big. We want to balkanise it, make it weak and subserviant and exploit its wealth'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 13 July 2024 1:37:33 PM
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- Though they pretend its for 'honourable' reasons.

Here's some of the transcript:

Today’s a discussion to look at the foundational reasons for Russia’s aggressive and brutal foreign policy that leaving innocent people dead, displaced, and hurt in ways difficult to imagine. Investigating those reasons will help us craft policies and come up with ideas that will actually contain Russia and make a long-term peace on the Eurasian continent and beyond be possible. Tragically, and ironically to an extent, these are the very same reasons you see ethnic minority Russians dying in Putin’s senseless war in Ukraine in larger proportions than ethnic Russians. Without addressing the core of this, we’ll only be applying a Band-Aid to wound that will inevitably start gushing blood – in this case, literally. And that brings us to the subject of today’s discussion, the issue of decolonizing Russia.
Russia’s barbaric war in Ukraine has exposed the Russian Federation’s viciously imperial character, something that has been apparent to an acute observer for some time, but now it’s apparent to the entire world. Let me make it clear: Ukraine is not the first. And, if left unchecked, it won’t be the last instance of this. The Russians for decades now have waged wars on people Chechnya, Syria, Georgia. This aggression also is catalyzing a long overdue conversation about Russia’s interior empire, giving Moscow dominion over many indigenous non-Russian nations, and the extent to which the Kremlin has taken to suppress their national self-expression and self-determination.

These people are fanatics.
Putin had a 77% turnout in elections.
Of those 77% of people that voted (which was a high turnout) 87% of those people voted for Putin.
The West wants you to believe that all these people are victims and that there was a gun to there heads forcing them to vote as they did.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 13 July 2024 2:05:45 PM
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So what is the United States policy?
- Break Russia into smaller pieces.

Which brings me to the Russian nuclear doctrine.

According to a Russian military doctrine stated in 2010, nuclear weapons could be used by Russia "in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, and also in case of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened"

* 'when the very existence of the state is threatened'

Ok so lets summarise here.

If the U.S. gets what it wants,
if it achieves what its setting out to do

Then that would mean threatening the existence of the Russian state,
In which case Russia who has more nuclear weapons than anyone else in the world, launches missiles and EVERYONES GETS VAPOURISED and those who don't die of a nuclear winter that blocks out the sun for 2 years and kills virtually all life on the planet.

The West is the Suicide Squad.
That's our foreign policy, SUICIDE.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 13 July 2024 2:07:13 PM
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