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The Forum > General Discussion > The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

The American Presidency - Showmanship Or Substance?

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I watched the debate between US President Joe Biden and
former US President, Donald Trump.

And yes. It did not get off to a good start. President
Joe Biden appeared frail and his voice was weak and raspy.
He got off to a slow start.

Donald Trump seemed self-assured and confident. Though more
subdued and not as aggressive as the last time. His advisers
must have got through to him as to what's more appealing.

I was sorry to see that there was no fact-checking done.
The hosts of the debate did not interfere with what was
being stated.

Donald Trump did not accept
responsibility for January 6th when he told the mob to fight
like hell or they wouldn't have a country.

Trump did not give a clear answer whether he would stand
by the election results this November.

Trump went back and forth in his denials about where he stands
on freedom in America, and the right of women to make
decisions about their own body. Despite the fact that he'd
selected 3 members of the supreme court with the
intention they would undo the protection of Roe vs Wade.

He denied calling veterans "suckers" and "losers," despite a
staffer confirming he'd said it. Who's since been fired.

And the list went on. He blamed immigration for many things.
He blamed NATO and American ally agreements for not
contributing enough.

This was a man who seemed unstable, unpredictable, all over the
place. It's up to Americans to decide - who do they want -
a man like him or someone who's going to listen to advice
and has a proven track record..

Showmanship or Substance?

America's choice..
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 June 2024 2:38:59 PM
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I forgot to add - should the Democratic Party have
a chat with the President and persuade him to retire
prior to the election? And if he agrees, who would
they nominate as his replacement to run against Trump?

Any suggestions?
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 June 2024 4:32:54 PM
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It would be great if Hillary Clinton could be
persuaded to run again!
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 June 2024 5:24:42 PM
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Why not?

If Trump can do it, so can Hillary.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 28 June 2024 5:26:49 PM
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Just think about what Trump achieved here.

He allowed Biden to choose where the debate would be held - the most anti-Trump network in the US.

He allowed Biden to choose the moderators - two of the most anti-Trump talking-heads on the most anti-Trump network in the US. (Although I do have to say they weren't anywhere nearly as biased As I expected).

He allowed Biden to choose the rules of the debate.

He allowed Biden to choose the timing of the debate.

Biden took a week off from being president so that he could go into seclusion to prepare while Trump continued travelling the country campaigning.

Biden was able to choose where he stood on the podium and the order of the closing remarks.

He allowed Biden to get away with no drug testing.

It was basically Daniel walking into the lion's den after the lion had been given a submachine gun.

And still Daniel/Trump prevailed spectacularly.

A monumental achievement.

And Trump will still lose because elections are no longer free and fair in Biden's USA.
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 28 June 2024 5:45:35 PM
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Sad really, a country in decline with two old slugs thrashing about like a snake in its last throws of life. That was the debate.

I watched those two old fools debate each other today. Trump should be locked up in jail. Biden, well, he should be locked up in an asylum! Putin, Jinping and that crazy man in North Korea must be rubbing their hands with glee, watching that pair of idiots going head to head.

A conversation between Putin and Jinping watching it all unfold on telly;

"Vlad"..."Yes Xi"...."See what democracy gives you!"..."Hummm, two old farts like that pair"..."Yes Vlad, democracy, its a waste of time!"......."I'll agree with that one Xi, a waste of time, not wanted in Russia"...."and not in China comrade, Vlad what if we end like that pair?"..."No problem comrade, we get a gun and shoot ourselves!"...."hummm me think so comrade, the only solution!"
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 28 June 2024 10:39:47 PM
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I think I tuned out after I head Biden talking about women being raped by their siblings.
I was like 'wtf', and then decided it wasn't worth my time.
America is just a train wreck in slow motion.
Stand Clear.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 28 June 2024 11:23:33 PM
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"I watched those two old fools debate each other today. Trump should be locked up in jail. Biden, well, he should be locked up in an asylum! Putin, Jinping and that crazy man in North Korea must be rubbing their hands with glee, watching that pair of idiots going head to head."
- Pretty sad state of affairs right?

>>"Vlad"..."Yes Xi"...."See what democracy gives you!"..."Hummm, two old farts like that pair"..."Yes Vlad, democracy, its a waste of time!"......."I'll agree with that one Xi, a waste of time, not wanted in Russia"...."and not in China comrade, Vlad what if we end like that pair?"..."No problem comrade, we get a gun and shoot ourselves!"...."hummm me think so comrade, the only solution!"<<

- They will not lower themselves to the level of desperate childish western leaders.
They have a plan, and the West will fade into insignificance on their own.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 28 June 2024 11:33:52 PM
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"Showmanship or Substance?"
Not a great deal of either, in my opinion.

"I forgot to add - should the Democratic Party have
a chat with the President and persuade him to retire
prior to the election? And if he agrees, who would
they nominate as his replacement to run against Trump?

Any suggestions?"
- I've heard the name 'Michelle Obama' thrown around.

"It would be great if Hillary Clinton could be
persuaded to run again!"
- I was thinking about whether or not we could cryogenically freeze her so we can be rid of her, and whether or not it would be morally right to potentially unleash her on future generations of the earth.

No, I think we should do what I first suggested many years ago.
Let's just build a nice fancy prison to put them all in.
They can all go nutty raving on and on about their plans for global conquest and exploiting other people and nations and attacking their political enemies somewhere where the rest of us are all free from any harm. Maybe we can make it a reality TV show?
- Tune in and watch Hilary going batty.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 1:27:12 AM
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everybody lost
Posted by mikk, Saturday, 29 June 2024 3:47:37 AM
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everybody lost
by "everybody" I assume you (rightly) mean Westerners ?
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 29 June 2024 6:17:49 AM
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Well, it certainly put the parasites into a panic !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 29 June 2024 6:19:30 AM
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Hi AC,

Honestly, if I was an American I would be embarrassed to admit that is the best we have to offer for leadership.

You ask; should the Democratic Party have a chat with the President and persuade him to retire prior to the election? And if he agrees, who would they nominate as his replacement to run against Trump?

Anyone who is still standing vertical and seems to be breathing.

"have a chat" Well the men in the white coats arrive; "Mr President come with us, you are going to the new White House...its called 'The Shady Pines Retirement Home For Old Farts"....Biden "That's they have warm coco?"...."Yes they do Mr president, and you will get your medication eight times a day, now come along with us."

America is in decline, they most certainly are, and it will be poetic justice that they will pay for their years of crimes against humanity. Unfortunately millions of innocent people, maybe the whole world, will also pay with their lives, as the monster thrashes about in its final deadly throws! Ironically it might be down to the likes of Putin and Jinping to prevent it.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 29 June 2024 6:43:50 AM
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I just want a peaceful transition to a multi polar world, but yes you're right, empires seldom go away without a bang.

Right now Putin is playing the long game, apparently there were 13,000 Ukrainian losses last week. They are sending 18 year old girls in to demine as sappers, it's kind of sad.
America meant it when they aid 'We will fight to the last Ukrainian'
But NATO and the West is being demilitarised.

America would be stupid to pick a fight with China.
North Korea and China have a military alliance.
Russia and North Korea have a military alliance.

1.2 million North Koreans will cross the 38th parallel and take Seoul, and don't forget they have thermonuclear weapons with hypersonic glide vehicles that can even reach the US east Coast.

Japan and Seoul need to accept the changing geopolitical reality in the region re North Korea who is lo longer isolated.

Not to mention that China would take Taiwan in weeks, and the US stands to see 200+ naval ships sunk to the bottom with as many of its allies along with it.

The big problem is the US would pick a fight that it can't win, and then they would them move to use nuclear weapons to prevent their total annihilation.

How will the US react if it loses 2 or 3 carrier fleets?

Beyond that, the western empire is over, they are not going to beat Russia, China, Iran and North Korea and would find themselves in serious trouble just openly taking on any one of them, so far from home.

But a war with China would seriously impact the global economy and supply of goods.
- The single mums will go to war themselves when Kmart and Best n Less are all out of stock.

Financially the world is moving towards BRICS, and at the end it will be the West who might be the ones isolated.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 9:10:07 AM
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Albo wouldn't win a war with the single mums, let alone the Chinese themselves.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 9:30:34 AM
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If I was to be honest - the debate to me made me
want to ask - "Is this the best America's got?
A bully running against a frail grandfather?

It was sad. Pathetic in fact.

Biden did not pull up Trump in his exaggerations
and downright lies. Neither did the hosts of the
debate. No fact-checking.


My hope now is that Biden's advisers will tell him
to just pull out and allow someone else to take
the party reins.

Trump belongs in either a mental institution or jail.
He simply deserves to be booted out - for good

And no - I don't have "Trump Derangement Syndrome."
I have an anti-bully, pro-integrity, anti-stupidity,
pro-truth telling, syndrome.

I would like to see real leadership. A person of vision
who thinks not just of himself.

However it seems that currently in the US stupidity and
bullying are not handicaps
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 June 2024 9:51:33 AM
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Well if we can move away from the moronic fantasy-land that is AC's world, and back to the US elections...some more takes from the fall-out of Dementia Joe's performance:

* there are myriad people in the Democrat Party world currently talking about how to replace the silly old duffer. They seem to forget that he was elected as the candidate by the people who make up the Democrat Party. All they are showing. yet again, is that they don't give a rat's arse about what the people think. In the Democrat world the plebs will get what they're given and like it, and the leftists here are just fine with that.

* anyone who purports to follow politics should be drawing some lessons from what we've seen in the last 24hrs. For months (years really) the people who should know better, have been saying that Joe is fine, Joe is running things, Joe is on top of the brief, thank God Joe is there. We now know they were lying. Not just gilding the lily but straight out lying. Lessons should be learned from that.. but they won't be.

* why did they allow Joe to go on stage and make such a fool of himself, the office of President and all those who've been telling us lies about his capacity? Well, in a form of Stockholm Syndrome, they get to the point where they start to believe their own lies. That's extraordinarily dangerous.

* way back in January I predicted that Michelle would be the candidate. Others here scoffed at my naivety - not scoffing now. But it seems that Michelle is rather fond of her new life of luxury in her multiple $million mansions (all earned legitimately mind you!!) and doesn't really want to deal with the plebs any more. But they all know that if they (the Democrats) lose control of the deep state then they could all swing, so she might have to suck it up to try to save all the crooks in the Democrat hierarchy.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 29 June 2024 9:59:00 AM
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"Well if we can move away from the moronic fantasy-land that is AC's world, and back to the US elections...some more takes from the fall-out of Dementia Joe's performance:"

It makes little difference who wins the elections
I've been telling you all for some time
America is going down the toilet, and no president is going to save it.

>>The Republican previously said he’d raise tariffs by 10% on all imports and indicated he’d put taxes as high as 60% on products exported by China. Biden has maintained charges that Trump hiked on Chinese goods while president, announcing new tariffs as high as 100% on electric vehicles.

Trump brushed aside claims his policies would raise US inflation, and cause pain for American consumers. A hike in import taxes would likely raise costs for US households, according to economists, and be damaging to nations across Asia and elsewhere that run trade surpluses with the US.

Such hikes would only hurt countries “that have been ripping us off for years, like China,” Trump said. “It’s going to just force them to pay us a lot of money, reduce our deficit tremendously, and give us a lot of power for other things.”<<

Is Trump an idiot or are the US citizens idiots?
Trade tariffs aren't going to hurt China any more than it will hasten the United States own demise. It will be American consumers who will be paying those tariffs and becoming even more impoverished, to try to build up U.S. industry (and US oligarch class) which is uncompetitive compared to eastern markets anyway.

- So I'll just sit back with my Moccona coffee and Arnotts Tee Vee snacks and watch the whole entire West devolve and eat itself with a bunch of clueless maniac school children in charge.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 10:31:44 AM
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There is now a new meaning to the chant "Four More Years !"
This type of decline is relentless and as each year goes by
he will become more irrational in things he will say or do.
It will become harder to explain situations to him.
There needs to be a carer appointed.
A carer's job is to make sure he is not manipulated by family or
anyone else and to see he takes his medication.

What the situation is, is now very worrying, someone else is making
the decisions for Biden. They do it by making him think it was his
decision. He will not remember whose idea it was.
In difficult international situations like Gaza who
really is negotiating with Hamas and Israel ?
Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 29 June 2024 10:33:18 AM
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Hi again AC,

Australia wouldn't win a war with a platoon of cream puffs! It is troubling what are frighting possibilities. Some irony in the fact, like Vietnam should have been from early days, Korea today could be one country, it was the Americans who denied both the Vietnamese and Korean people any possibility of that through a democratic process. Now look at the situation, particularly with North Korea. Same with China and Russia, with the downfall of Maoism and Stalinism the west was presented with a golden opportunity to create goodwill and friendship, but no we wanted it all our own way, and look where we are now.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 29 June 2024 10:46:32 AM
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Lets really consider what's at stake for Americans
and its allies, in November.

Consider the current choice Americans currently have.
A choice between someone (Biden), who's fought for
ordinary folks his entire life and someone (Trump)
who only cares about himself.

The debate didn't change that and that's why there is
so much at stake in November.

Biden didn't have a good night but neither did Trump
with his usual attack tactics, lie after lie, avoidance
of questions, no policies and clearly showing that he's
a threat to the American nation and the world. A man
who will destroy - not defend.

Donald Trump's potential presidency should cause not
only Americans, but all of us around the globe -
far greater discomfort than a Joe Biden debate

That's worth thinking about.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 June 2024 10:49:57 AM
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"All they are showing. yet again, is that they don't give a rat's arse about what the people think."
- And yet you all still champion and believe in democracy?

Remember when we were all like kids and you would hold some other kids arm - probably a sibling or some other younger relative... and make them punch themselves (not hard, but for laughs) and say "Stop punching yourself, why do you keep punching yourself for?"

mhaze, tell me - why do you keep punching yourself?

"For months (years really) the people who should know better, have been saying that Joe is fine, Joe is running things, Joe is on top of the brief, thank God Joe is there. We now know they were lying."
- Umm, derrr. I've been saying his brains melted for at least a year or two.

"why did they allow Joe to go on stage and make such a fool of himself, the office of President and all those who've been telling us lies about his capacity?"

Did you see Jill talk to him like a 5 year old?
'Good boy Joe' [Pat on head]
'Now it's time for your chocolate chip ice cream'

Way back in January I predicted that Michelle would be the candidate. Others here scoffed at my naivety - not scoffing now
- Maybe her or Gavin Newsom

And somehow you don't believe these people stuff everything they touch?

It's time we started making our own way in the world.
The US can't defend us anyway.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 10:50:20 AM
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"Lets really consider what's at stake for Americans
and its allies, in November.

Consider the current choice Americans currently have.
A choice between someone (Biden), who's fought for
ordinary folks his entire life and someone (Trump)
who only cares about himself.

The debate didn't change that and that's why there is
so much at stake in November."

I'm not sure it's correct to characterise things that way.
Case in point - Why are record numbers of African Americans voting Trump / Republican?

I told you the answer 6 months or more back and the media is only recently reporting and panicking about it.

The black man is pissed off, for years of being lied to.
He wants payback and retribution against the party that promised him everything, but gave him nothing.

And how best to voice that discontent?
Vote Trump.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 11:03:58 AM
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And here I was thinking that Trump supporters were
old, white, evangelicals, and white uneducated
(without a college degree) men. Trump loves the

In any case there's really no excuse for anyone not
to see Trump's complete sociopathy and realize the
threat the man poses to the American nation and the world.
You'd have to be truth deprived and not have the skills
to separate fact from fiction.

All anyone has to do is simply read Trump's own social
media feed to be disgusted. And if they're not -
then they aren't a reasonable human being.

All we can hope for is that the sane outnumber the insane.
So much depends on it.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 June 2024 11:57:45 AM
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How would you like to be the commander of one of the US's underground
nuclear weapon launch sites ?
THE MESSAGE comes from the President. Would you think has he been
manipulated and does he really understand what he is ordering ?

Frankly, I would disarm the site if possible and pass back a msg that
I am concerned the President is unaware of what he has ordered.

"why did they allow Joe to go on stage and make such a fool of
himself, the office of President and all those who've been telling us lies about his capacity?"

Now that is an interesting question. It presumes he does not make his own choices.
Posted by Bezza, Saturday, 29 June 2024 1:52:26 PM
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"Is this the best America's got?
If you're looking for something to really worry about look at what's on offer here ! I'm referring to the voters !
Posted by Indyvidual, Saturday, 29 June 2024 3:51:34 PM
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Hi Bezza,

I think that without any formal mechanism to force Biden
not to debate, or now to step aside, the decision to
debate was his and his alone.

I also think that despite Biden's poor performance the
decision not to step aside or remain and potentially go
on to an election defeat is again his to make and his

Of course people such as big Democrat donors who think -
"Game Over," if he stays, and other influential Democrats
will undoubtedly try to influence him.

Personally the person that could convince Biden to step
aside and give a replacement a chance could probably
fall to his closest adviser - his first lady. Jill Biden.

We shall have to wait and see what Biden decides.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 June 2024 3:54:03 PM
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Our voters may muddle through, but they usually get
it right in the end. I have every confidence in our voters.

It may interest you to know that surveys and voting behaviour
polls show that more than four fifths of Australians
" think some federal politicians are corrupt," and in the
previous two federal elections the votes for the major
political parties have been at their lowest level in more
that 70 years.

I repeat - the voters do get it right in the end.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 29 June 2024 4:03:44 PM
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Are YOU one of the Aged Welfare rorters with a million dollars in the bank, 4 million in assets ,and earning about $3,000 a fortnight, and still collecting aged welfare. From Monday that will be the score card allowing old welfare rorters to keep their snouts in the trough. Absolutely shameful, bring on a Seniors National Service. Albo's too bloody kind to you old fellas.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 29 June 2024 7:39:58 PM
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America is such a dumb country.

One guy wants to close the borders
The other wants to keep them open in hopes of new voters
What a corrupt nation.

... But with those borders open comes a drug epidemic.

It's almost like Karma,
The US politicians have exported death all across the planet
And now they leave the borders open, so the death can be imported to their own citizens.

But they are such a greedy corrupt nation out to rob and steal from anyone
They will keep their own people sick and deprived of medical treatment for profits
Unless it's drugs they can sell their own people, to keep them sick.

They live in a world of exploitation.
And the chickens are coming home to roost.

I'm willing to bet that at some point when they can't fight anyone else and win anymore the United States will again go to war with itself.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 29 June 2024 11:44:10 PM
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America is in freefall.
That guy has the nuclear codes.
Obviously he's not making the decisions
What would the other world powers think?

Biden is a braindead zombie.
He needs to be taken back to Delaware to 'rest comfortably'
You want to talk about democracy what about the 25th amendment?
He's not fit to remain in office for another 4 months let alone another 4 years after that.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 30 June 2024 12:47:43 AM
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It’s like Jill's talking to a toddler who used the big boy potty

LISTEN: New audio has just been released of Joe Biden’s team watching him exit the debate stage.

It took Joe Biden exactly 3 seconds to forget he had already shaken Schumer's hand.

Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights:

This man is not fit to carry the nuclear codes.
This is shameful, bordering 'elder abuse'

The guys brain has short circuited.
There might as well be smoke coming out his ears, as he stands there with that vacant look on his face.

He's not fit to decide whether or not he wants the chocolate custard or the vanilla custard.
No offense to the elderly, this guy is just not sharp enough to do the job of Commander in Chief of a nation of 300+ million.

That people would actually vote for this guy;
Or even rather vote for him than Trump 'their lesser evil'
Doesn't say much for democracy.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 30 June 2024 8:47:31 AM
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Only 7 posters interested in this.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 30 June 2024 9:14:24 AM
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The fall out continues. The biggest issue here is that the Democrats and the media (really the same thing) have been able to gaslight a sizable portion of the US electorate into thinking Biden is even slightly competent and compis mentus.

And then the truth was revealed for all the world to see and the media can no longer hide it (although there will still be some fools like our resident vulpes who buy whatever they're sold). This for the media is an existential threat in that it reveals their bias and penchant for outright lying to maintain their side in power. They can't really forgive Biden for doing that to them which is why they are turning on him almost to man - and woman.

OTOH, it now seems they are stuck with their man unless they can engineer a death or a 25th amendment removal. If I were Biden (or at least one of those who make all his decisions for him) I'd be doubling his security guard forthwith. No one wants to end up like Obama's cook. It seems that his nomination is already locked in in some states and can only be removed if he's dead or ruled insane. (On the evidence of the debate, he's pretty close to both of those anyway).

Its pretty funny and not a little ironic that the moderators are getting the blame for not tipping the scales in his favour by fact checking Trump. Of course, had they been doing fact-checking they would have had to stop Biden after pretty much every sentence.

Still, 33% thought Biden won the debate which surely shows that insanity is rife in Democrat circles. And we'll still have those who'd vote for a turnip rather than Trump. and those who, despite having the evidence that they've been gaslighted for years, shoved down their throat, will continue to beleive whatever they're told eg "A choice between someone (Biden), who's fought for ordinary folks his entire life". Sheesh!
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 30 June 2024 9:50:19 AM
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It took 3 attempts from debate moderator Dana Bash to
get Donald Trump to answer the question of whether he
would accept the results of the 2024 election regardless
of who wins?

"If it's fair and legal and a good election - absolutely."
Trump responded refusing to commit outright. He then
alluded to the persistent lie he's told his entire career -
that American elections are over run with fraud. Despite the
evidence against that.

And this coming - from a leader of one of the two dominant
political parties in America in a persistent attack on
the public trust on the country's democracy.

Trump's answers follow a distinct pattern in which he argues when
he's losing - that the system is rigged against him.

His behaviour during the debate echoed this pattern of lies and

It clearly showed why Trump has lost much of
the support of many of his staff and colleagues, including - his
previous Vice President who refuses to endorse him.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 June 2024 11:34:04 AM
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Whether the President Joe Biden decides to step aside
we shall have to wait and see. But hopefully American
voters will decide to vote for a US President who does
embody the American values of empathy and caring, rather
than winning by any means and at all costs. Which is what
Trump stands for.

Make America Great again?

With Trump - it will be - Make America (and the world)
Shake again!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 June 2024 11:46:37 AM
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If Donald Trump is a threat and democracy is on the
line in America as US President and many others have
stated then President Biden must step aside.

The President's duty and his presidential oath and
legacy requires an act of humility and selflessness
on his part.

President Biden now has the power to show America that
he's a good guy who will do the right thing for the
country and in this case that's stepping aside and
allowing the Democratic National Convention (DNC),
to choose another nominee in Chicago in August.

Of course many Democrats and voters are still standing
behind and strongly backing the President. It's now the
President's decision as to what he's going to do.

Personally, I am leaning towards the Governor of California -
Gavin Newsom.

But Newsom is backing Joe Biden. And Biden says he has no
intention of stepping aside - yet.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 30 June 2024 1:30:29 PM
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Attagirl Foxy. They handed you absolute proof that they've been lying to you about Biden for the past 4 years, and you just going on believing their lies. But they need people like you Foxy, to maintain the grift and their grip on power, so hang in there.

I'd recommend you watch this ( - especially the last minute) but I doubt you will and doubt even more it'll make any sense to you. (Quote: "they're not anti-Trump, they're just pro-power")

It seems Biden will be continuing. He's having a meeting this weekend with his family to decide what to do. But we all know which side the family will come down on. They need him in power to protect them from prosecution for their past grift and to facilitate their future grift so they'll urge him to stay. Jill, it seems is very fond of being the first lady and not so concerned about the elder abuse involved.

So the family want him to stay on. It just comes down to whether the Democrat leadership think they can find a more electable figurehead for their own grift.

Speaking of find a new figurehead....why not Jill herself. After all it seems she's been running the country for the past 4 years anyway. Funny that no one mentions Kamala.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 30 June 2024 4:12:57 PM
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Speaking of lies....

The Dept of Defence have been forced to come out and admit that Biden lied when he said no personnel died on his watch,

And the US Border Patrol have come out and said that he lied when he said he had his support and that they supported his policies. Indeed they tweeted that that was a lie even before the debate had finished.

Then there is the lunacy that he 'beat Medicare'.

Honest Joe!!
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 30 June 2024 4:16:43 PM
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Foxy, I have just read their rules on Biden continuing if he wishes.
However that is the point isn't it, is what he says is it his wishes,
he may think it is but who is pulling the strings.
Persons in this state continue their decline just getting worse.
They often do not understand that they a real problem.
I would like to know how many times a day he asks this question;
"What day is it ?"
If he asks that more than about 5 times then he is well on the way.
He must be removed forcibly by the military if the legal rules
forbid it. They can claim he is a danger to the state.
Posted by Bezza, Sunday, 30 June 2024 5:49:05 PM
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I think it's quite clear that the Democratic Party
did close its eyes to President Biden's increasingly
obvious mental and physical deficiences.

Now, after Thursday night the only real option that's
left if the President still insists on running for the
Democrats - is wishing for a miracle. Hopefully, he
will be made to see that he needs to step aside.

As for Kamala Harris?

I wouldn't bee surprised if she's had mentors and has been
schooled very well during this time. Lets not forget that
she's a professional prosecutor. She's no pushover and
is exactly the type of personality needed to confront Trump.

Given the chance she would nail Trump to the floor every
step of the way. She's also not going to give any hugs to
either Netanyahu or Putin or Xi. Given the chance she just
may inspire a landslide win for the Democrats.

In any case - the Democrats have enough capable people to
choose from as their nominee. Trump's time in the sun - just
may be running out.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 July 2024 10:01:00 AM
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The antics of the insane Woke are pushing more & more people to Conservatism which offers some flickers of hope !
Parasitism must be stopped !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 1 July 2024 10:23:31 AM
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Bidens lies:
The most dangerous one was implying that Putin plans to invade further into Europe, the least dangerous one was implying he had a golf handicapp of 6 when he needed help off the stage and needed to take a single step at a time.

The most dangerous lie implies that WWIII is inevitable.
If Russia did go further eastwards into European NATO countries it would trigger Article 5

Russia has a military alliance with North Korea which would automatically bring them into it, and North Korea also has military alliance with China, which world automatically bring them into it.

Implying the Putin plans to rebuild the Soviet Union is false, but they have built something else and it's called BRICS and countries are lining up to join WITHOUT COERCION, and why wouldn't they, they don't need to hold US dollars, they reduce risk of having assets seized, and get access to commodity markets with special pricing in their own currency.

Biden implies that WWIII is inevitable;
But they are the ones who scuttled the peace negotiations in Ukraine in favour of war, and they are the ones overthrew the countries elected leaders 10 years ago.

You can say whatever you want about Trump, but at least he's coherent.
From what I hear the Obamas want Biden gone.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 1 July 2024 4:32:58 PM
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Hi AC,

"You can say whatever you want about Trump, but at least he'coherent. From what I hear the Obamas want Biden gone."

I agree with you, the only way out for America is war, it has sustained their economy for over 250 years, it made them the greatest economic power on earth. They will go for it again. Eisenhower a militarist and a conservative tried to warn the world of the dangers of the American Military Industrial Complex, and how it would inevitably lead to catastrophic war. The only thing Eisenhower got wrong was the time frame, he thought it would take 20 or 30 years, but through shear good luck its now up to 70 years without the catastrophe befalling the world yet, but its coming. Maybe it poetic justice that the worlds last hurrah is set off by a stupid old American fool in a dressing gown wearing slippers, whilst sipping coco!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 4:53:01 AM
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AC- I've come to the belief that 'an equality of nations' won't work and their needs to be a 'top dog nation' that creates stability and facilitates the concept of sovereignty (a power sandbox). More and more I see 'equality' as an artificial synthetic construct related to mass governance (Desmond Morris talks about tribes and super-tribes in The Human Zoo). It's almost as if mass society is just trickery to force people to do things they don't want to do- what is the alternative to mass society- sometimes people need to be mobilized in large groups to meet goals- totalitarianism seems to have infiltrated western society under the auspicies of freedom- the classic prison without bars. What's required seems to be a sort of light touch 'stability by dominance'. There are also the concepts of soft and hard power (Nye, others), idealistic (ideological) vs realistic power. Those that misuse power get a smaller sandbox those that use it well get a larger one. If you give people the option to opt out of the regime at some point (with time) there will be pressure to find a solution to the resources lost through lack of participation (either on the governing or governed side). Totalitarian regime's such as Wokeness and Communism don't allow the option to opt out. There needs to be a way of regimes allowing those that want to live differently to do so with a small but significant penalty but without taking away their ability to survive and prosper completely. Occasionally the 'top dog nation' will screw up (and there are asymmetries such as oil, Suez/ Panama canals that distort and create natural paradox in policy). There is the issue of insurgency and conflict within American identity creating internal instability (I'm not sure if this is what you are referring to when you say that the US is broken)(Yuri Bezmenov talked about this in his famous derided speech on western open society). I'm not sure if my internal conflict with some of your comments is based in some of the above.

mhaze- Thanks for your comments. Kudos.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 5:49:51 AM
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The above, another one of your backhanded plugs for your national socialist ideology. It would seem so, why don't you come clean and spit it out. Are you ashamed of its terrible history?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 6:11:36 AM
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Hi CM,
"AC- I've come to the belief that 'an equality of nations' won't work and their needs to be a 'top dog nation' that creates stability and facilitates the concept of sovereignty."

- Well, this is what has brought us to the current set of problems.

Think of that long skinny table Putin has at the Kremlin.
That's the world America built, and the US sits at the head of the table.

The rest of the world don't want this anymore.
They want a round table, where everyone gets a seat and is treated equally.

To put it all into perspective, you need a healthy look at the system we built and operate under, and you need to understand what it is and what we're doing wrong.

Liberal Hegemony and War - Prof Glenn Diesen at FOR

This will be the best video you watch today, if you give it a look.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 7:55:31 AM
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Major media outlets such as The New York Times and
The New Yorker have publicly called for the US President
Joe Biden to withdraw from the Presidential race.
His family has apparently advised him to stay. That a
90 minute debate should not affect his good performance

His family members have argued that one bad night should not
define him nor jeopardize the election.

The President has acknowledged that he didn't have a "great
night." But, he claimed that former President Trump's
lies, outright falsehoods, and denials, and not answering
questions including about Jan 6 insurrection, and whether he
would accept the election results if he lost, had resonated
more with undecided voters.

Biden stated:

"I would not be running again if I didn't believe with all
my heart and soul I can do this job. I know I don't walk as
easy as I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I
don't debate as well as I used to. But here's what I also
know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong.
I know how to do this job."

He's got my vote!
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 10:33:58 AM
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Is the US President Joe Biden the best Democrat to run
against former President Donald Trump? and can Joe Biden
perform the responsibilities of the job for another
4 years?

Many voters apparently want the President to step down
but can't agree on a suitable alternative. And that could be
a problem with an election just 4 months away.

None of us can really predict what the election results will
be and whether Biden decides to stay or leave. It's his
decision to make.

I would be surprised though if he would allow one bad
debate to oust him out especially to a man he must despise.
A fraudster - who stands against everything Biden holds
dear. I'm not sure if Biden will give up without a fight.
Unless he puts his country first.

Which he just may do. Being a good guy.

Trump has changed America. He's made it all about politics.
And he's made politics about himself.
Americans should send this man back to selling real-estate.
And yes, I am biased. Very much so in this case.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 10:47:01 AM
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As I predicted, Biden's family has come down in favour of him staying. Hunter is particular has been pushing against any idea of withdrawing from the race. And why wouldn't he? The only reason Hunter isn't already in prison is that daddy is president so of course he wants him to hang on. Daddy can give him a pardon but only for the things that have currently come to light. But under a different president other things would emerge such as the goings on re Barisma. So Hunter needs daddy to remain in power.

Speaking of the family, you know things are bad when even the normally reliable left-leaning fact checker, Snopes, turns on the Biden's. They have now revisited the issue of Ashley Biden's diary and now confirm that (1) it is genuine and (2) it confirms that as a child she was forced to have inappropriate showers with daddy and (3) that, in her mind, is the cause of her hyper-sexuality. Morality is on the ticket??

Other interesting takes. When Trump agreed to the terms of the debate as laid out by Biden's handlers, many Trump supporters thought it was a trap that Trump had fallen into. But it now seems that Biden's team never expected him to accept their terms and were forced to have the debate they knew Biden wasn't up to. As such, Trump accepting the debate might turn to be the greatest electoral tactic since Reagan disarmed the age issue in 1984...

The best and most prescient comment I've seen so far...the Democrat leaders and the Democrat media aren't mad that they finally saw how decrepit Biden is...they already knew. They're mad that you saw it.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:02:27 AM
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'had resonated more with undecided voters'.

Be real Foxy, if you're putting your faith behind a braindead zombie who stares off into space, rambles incoherently and doesn't make any sense, it's not because you're 'undecided' it's because you have existing bias against the other guy.

Stop the BS.
Get real.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:06:46 AM
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"Daddy can give him a pardon but only for the things that have currently come to light. But under a different president other things would emerge such as the goings on re Barisma."

Biden himself is no longer coherent enough to face the music.
He's off with he faries and probably doesn't even remember half of the things he's done.
'Shady Acres Nursing Home' for him.
The rest of them are still fair game though.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:12:40 AM
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Hi AC,

I've recently read quite a few comments from various
American politicians. Many understand that a bad debate is
not the sum total of a person and their record. American
voters need to be made aware of the stakes of the election
and know who their candidate is and what they stand for.

The American people by now should know Joe Biden and his
character, and they know Trump and his.

The prime aim of the 2024 American election should not be
about the re-election of Joe Biden but about preventing
Trump's re-election to power and the parade of horribles
he'll bring in with him.

Yes, Biden is 81 - so what?

Why keep pointing out his age? What does that have to do with
the character of the man? What about the character of the man
he's running against?

Biden is not going to get any younger but he can get better.
He can debate better and he needs to start now.

Democrats need to chill out and back him.
Rally round the flag boys - no matter what!

Joe Biden doesn't need advice. He needs to stay the course.
Look at the way he bounced back at the rally the next day
in North Carolina. American need to have the man's back.
The stakes are too high not to.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:31:46 AM
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Hi AC,

I am being real.

The stakes are too high. And, the re-election of
Trump is too vile to contemplate.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 11:34:36 AM
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Trump's on a roll. SCOTUS has now upheld his immunity claims which pretty much means that all the bogus J6 court cases are now in the toilet.


Kamala got smacked down on Twitter for her outright lies about Trump. She claimed that Trump would ban abortion and that only she and debate-phobic Joe could stop him. Then thousands of twitter followers united to produce 'community notes' showing that Trump has replated and specifically said he wouldn't ban abortion and would leave it to the states - as he said also during the debate. Kamala got caught out yet again.

Then Musk with 183 million followers outright called her a liar and pointed out that these people can't get away with this under the new twitter regime. Back in 2020 they could make the straight-up lies and not only would it be allowed, but anyone who challenged the lie would be banned from Twitter, Facebook etc under instructions from the FBI. But now twitter let's the truth blossom and the other social media players are forced to follow suit.

Imagine if that applied in 2020. Hunter's laptop story would never have been suppressed by the deep state and Biden would now be a footnote in history.


When Trump was president, Foxy was completely in favour of psychologists breaking the Goldwater rule and diagnosing from afar. So I'm sure she'll be okey-dokey with this...

Why Joe Biden Acted Like a Child in the Presidential Debate..

Just kidding - there's zero chance Foxy will take the slightest notice of something that tells her things she doesn't want to be true.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 1:01:58 PM
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Bari Weiss is a treasury - in my view the finest journalist in the US at the moment. The left hate her because she doesn't fall for their rubbish but they can't outright attack her with their usual ad hominems because she's female, a lesbian, married to her lesbian wife and from an ethnic minority.

This is her latest piece which shows why the Democrat world are driven mad by the debacle that was the debate....

The piece is headed "They Knew. Biden is no longer fit to be president. Last night’s debate exposed the lies we’ve been told. "

You would do well to bookmark Weiss's webpage and visit regularly. Or subscribe if you really wanted to stay close to the truth.

"Rarely are so many lies dispelled in a single moment. Rarely are so many people exposed as liars and sycophants. Last night’s debate was a watershed on both counts.

The debate was not just a catastrophe for President Biden. And boy—oy—was it ever.

But it was more than that. It was a catastrophe for an entire class of experts, journalists, and pundits, who have, since 2020, insisted that Biden was sharp as a tack, on top of his game, ..."
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 1:34:48 PM
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The New Yorker has put forward what in my view are
sensible arguments about replacing US President Joe
Biden in the upcoming Presidential election.

They argue that acting in a rash manner without any
real plan might lead to bad results. They say that if
there was one obvious clear replacement for President
Biden things might be different. However, having to
whittle down a field of contenders in 4 months they say
feels more like a protest rather than a measured strategy.

The choice remains - opting for a known candidate over
the chaos of the unknown.

The known candidate is the better option.

The New Yorker says that the Democrats have to hope that
President Biden can keep giving speeches like he did in
North Carolina and that the debate will just become a
bad memory.

The Democrats also need to remind the country why they
rejected Trump in 2020.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 1:37:44 PM
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Here is a different perspective from The Los Angeles

Kurt Bardella wrote for the LA Times back in 2019:

"At a time when Trump continues to go lower and lower.
Biden brings to the national stage the strength, decency,
and a sense of duty that are sorely needed in our political

Bardella says that 5 years later, duty to country is
required of Joe Biden once again.

"This time, the act of duty that is needed is one of
tremendous personal sacrifice - something the President is
all too familiar with given the personal tragedies he has had
to overcome over the years."

"It will require strength. It will require introspection. It
will require him to do something that is against his nature.
That act of duty and sacrifice which is also one that embodies
the very essence of our democracy - to voluntarily relinquish

There's more at the following:
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 2:17:27 PM
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We're told that US President has always put duty
and his country first. Will he do it again this time?

And what will his see as the best decision for the country?

How will the American voters respond?
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 2:20:28 PM
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Doesn't anyone else here recognise the symptoms of dementure ?
It is unrelenting, as time goes by he will become more unable to
express his thoughts and it will become harder to explain complicated
situations to him. Sometimes it progresses rapidly.
A man in that state and in that position is very dangerous.
What will he be like in three or four years time ?
Posted by Bezza, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 3:13:47 PM
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Totally agree Bezza,

And which particular forum poster are you talking about? It could anyone of half a dozen forum old farts, then again it could be the lot.

What will he be like in three or four years time ? Ah.... DEAD!
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 3:43:25 PM
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"Doesn't anyone else here recognise the symptoms of dementure ?"

Some of the information coming out of the Biden camp is that the timing of the debate wasn't advantageous for him (9pm local time). They say he's at his best between 10am and 4pm.

There is a condition which I became familiar with via both my parents called Sundowners Syndrome although in the US it seems to be called plain Sundowning.( Basically, dementia patients, although able to operate reasonably coherently during the day, become increasingly disoriented in the evening - ie sundown. Its very well known, prevalent in Alzheimer patients, somewhat less so in dementia patients. Its incurable and, for dementia patients, gets progressively worse.

I wouldn't be surprised that if there is a second debate, they want it to be held in the middle of the day.


Some are saying the Democrat National Congress can't afford for Biden to pull out the race since they've already printed up millions of fake ballots ticked in his name and it would be prohibitively expense to change it to someone else.

I think its a joke....or is it?
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 2 July 2024 5:09:51 PM
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Well, listening to the news this morning there
certainly seems to be divisions in opinions
regarding whether the US President should stay
or step aside. People are divided and it's hard
tp tell what the final decision will be at this

If he does decide to stay and run - and does get
re-elected - I think that he'll probably resign
early. I think what is motivating him now is to
prevent Trump's re-election.

It's all very unsettling at present. All we can do is
watch what happens next. Hopefully things will work
out for the best for all concerned. I'm not laying
any bets though - as to what the outcome will be.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 10:51:20 AM
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Well, well.... the sentencing on Trump's bogus felon charge of falsifying records has been postponed back to 18 September. There are several possible reasons....

* the Supreme Court's ruling on the immunity issue now means that a large portion of the so-called evidence in the trial is no longer admissible. Therefore the judge, even though he's hopelessly compromised any claims to being impartial, realises that its absolutely certain that the case will be overruled on appeal. Bill Barr, ex-Attorney-General and no friend of Trump, has confirmed that it cannot survive appeal. Even the prosecutor is on-board with this. So it might be that the judge/prosecutor are preparing to abandon the case following the SCOTUS decision.

* OR... they fully intend to double down of jailing Trump and just want to move it closer to the election date to inhibit his ability to appeal such a sentence.

Its difficult to know which, since thy haven't said. As one CNN commentator said of the Biden WhiteHouse, we don't know what they're doing because they don't don't know what they're doing.

Elsewhere, its now generally confirmed that the insurrection case against Trump has fallen apart and that the Georgian election interference case is all but over.

In the end, the only thing these bogus charges achieved was to solidify Trump's base and cause undecideds to see him as a persecuted political opponent of the regime.

Who knows. Maybe the US democracy can be saved after all.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 12:02:12 PM
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Before any Trump supporters get too excited about
the Supreme Court's ruling - we're told that:

"A US President has immunity for all his official acts
only. As long as they are not manifestly or
pulpably beyond his authority. He is not immune from
unofficial acts."

The following link explains:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 12:21:25 PM
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AC said- "Liberal Hegemony and War - Prof Glenn Diesen at FOR"

Answer- With respect I watched the video but I think I interpreted it differently. I'll watch it again later.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 2:25:52 PM
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Right now we have Biden continuing to send Ukrainians to die for nothing
- If Ukraine capitulates Biden loses the election, so he has to keep escalating.
And we have Netanyahu, whose been killing tens of thousands of innocent people
- Just so he can avoid stepping aside, in which he'll be instantly arrested and sent to jail, so he has to keep escalating.

Netanyahu is actually planning on starting a larger war that they cannot win, they are going to have hell rain down upon them and are banking on America coming to intervene to save them, and maybe get America into a war with Iran at the same time.

So all this BS is about an old man with dementia whose lost his mind and somehow wants to still be the president, and make war against another nuclear superpower and another bloke who has surrounded himself with religious genocidal lunatics, and who may also end up dropping the bomb on Lebanon - just to avoid going to jail.

Another angle to all this no-one is thinking about.
Biden is REALLY not competent, and what do I mean exactly?
Blinken and Sullivan and the people around Biden could be telling him anything.
They could be misleading him, like the true strength or state of the US military for example and lead him to make some really bad choices, the potential is there.

The other world leaders don't even know who's really running the show in America right now.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 2:28:01 PM
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"The following link explains:"

Whenever Foxy says that, what she really means is she found someone who tells her what she wants to hear and will look no further. Phew!

Yes, the SCOTUS decision doesn't cover unofficial acts by the president. So he's immune for all things done as part of being president but if someone can prove that something he did was outside his role as president then that's not covered. But the burden of proof is on the accuser to show that it was outside the presidents official role.

The important point here is that all the cases against Trump, from the hush money case to the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case to the J6 insurrection case to the Georgia electoral interference case - ie ALL of the cases against him- are either partially or fully official acts as president.

Therefore all those cases are in trouble. So the hush money case fails because a large part of the evidence covers acts he did as president. The classified documents case fails because the president has immunity (now) to do what he wants with documents.

This will go over Foxy's head, but these cases are all now falling apart. The hush money sentencing is delayed and the prosecutor has announced a review of the case, the Georgia case was already basically dead anyway, the classified document case is now being reviewed and the J6 case won't be pursued since it was clearly part of his official duties.

People Foxy relies on to tell her what to think will try to parse this as only a 99% victory for Trump, but its now clear that all the attempts by the Democrats to prosecute and persecute a political opponent are squashed - a good result for democracy.


Biden has said that he was so tired during the debate that he almost fell asleep.
This was a surprise to many since they didn't realise he was ever awake.
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 2:49:00 PM
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Here is another link -
explaining what the immunity ruling means for Trump's criminal
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 3:32:40 PM
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Wow! Foxy's Guardian article basically agrees with what I said.

Agreeing with the stenographers of the Guardian - now I'm starting to think I might be wrong!
Posted by mhaze, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 3:40:04 PM
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Saw this on the Net just now; Kudos to the author
When one tries to “reason” with a Democrat, remember you are dealing with a person who
believes that a man can be a woman and a
woman can be a man and that such a delusion
should be encouraged, not discouraged. Discouragement of the delusion is considered
immoral and bigoted. Thus, our society has unnecessary dilemmas concerning bathrooms, athletic competition at all levels, and “pronoun”
controversies subjecting ourselves to all manner
of laws, rules, regulation and more needless
government control. Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous
gender ideology and denial of biological reality. President Trump should make a declaration that he is identifying as a woman. The left wil have to admit the absurdity of their
gender ideology or accept and celebrate
“Donna Trump” as the first woman President, thus
beating Hillary, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand to the
glorious goal of one of their “female firsts” . Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania, he
will also be the first gay president and the first
Lesbian president. He will also be the first lesbian
President married to an immigrant! What a most
glorious event for the democrats to celebrate.
Posted by Indyvidual, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 4:29:00 PM
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Joe Biden has spent most of his professional career
in politics. He knows how the system works. He's of
the old school.

When all's said and done, Biden may well be the Democratic
Party's candidate come August. If he decides to take
himself out of the running - who his replacement will be
is anybody's guess.

What scares me is what a Trump win would do. The Strategist,
sums things up thus:

1) A Trump victory could help bring about a Republican take
over of the Senate at the same time Republicans hold the
House of Representatives.

2) Together with a Supreme Court that has increasingly
demonstrated sympathy for positions supported by Trump
and Congressional Republicans this would bring about
the American equivalent of a parliamentary System with
power consolidated in the hands of one party.

3) There would be few checks on power strong enough to
mitigate the imbalance.

4) Trump's plans to weaken the independence of the civil
service could be done.

5) He could fulfill his promise to politicize the Justice
Department and regulatory agencies. Giving him more power.

6) Trump would be free to lower taxes, impose tariffs, further
restrict access to abortion.

7) Ease already loose controls on gun owners and enforce
immigration law as he sees fit, and increase the enormous

We're told that Foreign policy would also be vulnerable
because the US political system gives broad latitude to
the executive.

The Strategist says that "It's quite possible Trump would
reduce or even eliminate support for Ukraine, hollow out US
commitments to NATO. Give Israel an even freer hand to prosecute
war in Gaza and Lebanon, and build settlements. Refuse to
participate in global efforts to combat climate change and
prioritize bilateral trade issues with China over broader
concerns with Beijing's behaviour abroad."

It is frightening. The Strategist says that:

"Elections have consequences - and this one more than most -
given the differences between the candidates far exceed any

Allies, like Australia, need to prepare themselves for major
changes come January if Trump gets elected.

We should be concerned.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 5:44:42 PM
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Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 5:47:37 PM
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That's pretty funny Indy.
I can just imagine them all losing their minds.

Zelensky is looking very sombre here.
A turning point maybe, reality of the situation starting to set in?

He talks about too many wounded and dead people on the battlefield
That time is short, they only have a few months and he doesn't want the war to continue for years.

I wonder if it might be better if the war ends before November
Trump said he'd end it on his first day back in office.
I wonder what his foreign policy positions are?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 5:54:22 PM
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Hi AC,

Dangerous Doctor Donald's foreign policy is 3708 nuclear war heads, he hopes to press the button 3708 times before the other bloke can fire a shot.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 3 July 2024 9:36:36 PM
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I found this interview between Trump and Dr Phil to be interesting.
Dr Phil seems to be pretty much on Trump's side- whatever that means.

Not that I would have changed my view about Trump if Dr Phil wasn't on his side.
Posted by Canem Malum, Thursday, 4 July 2024 3:21:53 AM
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Today is the 4th of July, Yankee Doddle Dandy! The nut jobs are still at it I see!

The Kudos Kid,

No doubt a devout Trumpster, it fits in well with the garbage you post at times.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 4 July 2024 4:42:08 AM
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Hi Paul,
"Dangerous Doctor Donald's foreign policy is 3708 nuclear war heads, he hopes to press the button 3708 times before the other bloke can fire a shot."

I'm lead to believe that Russia has significantly more warheads and nuclear launch platforms than the USA.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 4 July 2024 5:26:27 AM
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Hi AC,

Numerically the Russians have more, but the US has better deployment systems. If WWIII breaks out with an all out nuclear war it wont much matter about numbers or who gets off the first shot we'll all "cactus".
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 4 July 2024 7:35:30 AM
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Apparently, there's no nuclear missile treaties anymore
We might as well have schoolkids 'duck and cover' under their desks again
- for all the good that would actually do
Re-scaring the adults might not be a bad thing
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 4 July 2024 8:16:55 AM
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Hi Paul,

If you have the time the following link is worth a read:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 July 2024 10:22:54 AM
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Hi Paul,

Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 July 2024 10:33:02 AM
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From Foxy's bogey-man list of things Trump might do....

"5) He could fulfill his promise to politicize the Justice
Department and regulatory agencies. Giving him more power."

Yes, we are well aware that the Democrats are concerned Trump might do the things the Democrats have been doing ever since the Obamessiah got elected. Democrats fretting over their opponent politicising the DOJ is a bit like Hannibal Lecter fretting that someone else might think of him as being rather tasty.

"6) Trump would be free to lower taxes, impose tariffs, further
restrict access to abortion."

Lower taxes? oh the humanity.
Restrict abortion? Well Trump has said more times than your average lefty can count that he won't do anything to alter abortion and wouldn't sign any abortion bill that came out of Congress; that following the SCOTUS rejection of Roe v Wade, all abortion issues are now with the states.
But as with most things Foxy falls for, the facts aren't really immaterial.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 4 July 2024 10:37:13 AM
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Yep, 4th of July has just occurred in the USA. Of course the entire world should be celebrating the event that bought into being the most successful society the world has known; the most democratic society the world has known; the society that really invented human rights and caused them to be adopted by a good portion of the planet.

Things aren't looking so good for that polity these days as it gets overrun by grifters and charlatans of the left, but all's not yet lost. And even if it is lost for good later this year by re-electing the Democrat regime, still the past two centuries will have made 4 July 1776 a seminal day in the history of the world.

The world would have been a very different and poorer place (in all senses of the word) had the US revolt against George III failed.

In Australia we should always remember that the loss of the 13 colonies was the catalyst for the settling of Port Botany and the eventual entre of this continent into the civilised world.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 4 July 2024 10:50:02 AM
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There is a big difference between the old school of
nationalism in America and what Trump is peddling in
his isolationist, protectionist, inward-looking, agenda.

Biden is old school. He's of the generation that believed -
America always had a very powerful sense of nationalism.
Their nationalism is very different to other countries.
It's based on the idea that America has values which are not
only unique but should be spread to the rest of the world.
To all of humankind.

With Trump it's a totally different story.

"Donald Trump" does not exist. He is a character
and a symbol who is viewed as being more than a mere
mortal by his "Make America Great Again" (MAGA), cultists."

"In that role, Trump is permission for revenge, craven power,
and permission for them to engage in the worst human behaviour."

"Trump imagines himself in those terms. He's a professional
wrestling heel. A "fighter", a type of god and messiah, a
"billionaire", and Titan of business, "a genius who is never
wrong and has amazing genes, an action hero movie star,
a virile and potent conqueror and seducer of women,
and an idol for men, a reality
TV star and now a warlord and aspiring dictator who is the only
person who can "save America."

"Donald Trump views American politics and his role as a TV
program where he is the star, casting agent and producer."

There's more at:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 July 2024 11:42:17 AM
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It was always going to be so.

Following the debate debacle, it was, or should have been, obvious that the left's gurus have been lying to their followers for years about the mental and physical state of Biden. Right up to the moment he walked on stage they'd been telling and convincing their flying monkeys that all was well, that Biden was fit and on top of his brief and to not believe the evidence of their own eyes about how decrepit the man had become. And being used to doing what they were told; being used to believing what gumph their gurus feed them they dutifully bought it.

Then boom-crash. The real Biden became too obvious for even the most sycophantic follower to deny.

And they went into a deep funk. But after a few days, they come out of it and are now returning to believing everything they're told by the same gurus who lied to them for years. It was always going to be so.

Read Foxy's Salon link with that in mind.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 4 July 2024 3:51:23 PM
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The type of Trump foreign policy we can expect if by some miracle he wins.

This is a story from 2019 when he was at the helm of US policy. He was negotiating with the Taliban leadership about how he wanted to exit Afghanistan. He was talking through an interpreter. He explained to the Taliban that he would be withdrawing in stages and that he expected them to met specific criteria at each step otherwise the withdrawal would be halted.

Then he addressed the Taliban leader. He said that if even one American soldier was injured during the withdrawal he would kill that Taliban leader. The interpreter hesitated to pass on the message but Trump insisted. The message was passed on.

Then Trump pulled out a piece of paper, handed it to the Taliban leader and walked out of the meeting without another word said.

The paper was an aerial photo of the Taliban leader's home.

No American was killed in Afghanistan for the balance of Trump presidency.

Then Biden took over and the carnage resumed resulting in the abject disaster of the Biden flight from Kabul.

Why didn't Putin do anything in Ukraine while Trump was around? That's why. True leadership as opposed to pretend leadership.
Posted by mhaze, Thursday, 4 July 2024 4:04:05 PM
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Here is a link - from Donald Trump's 2024 election interviews:

What Trump will do.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 4 July 2024 5:47:23 PM
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"What Trump will do."

Sounds pretty good, eh? What's not to like?
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 5 July 2024 8:25:58 AM
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What's not to like?

I guess that depends on your values, and beliefs, and what
you hold dear.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 July 2024 10:14:25 AM
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What Trump might do....
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 5 July 2024 5:16:54 PM
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What Trump did:

"Don't you just hate it when the facts don't align with
what you so want to be true."
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 5 July 2024 5:54:33 PM
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""Don't you just hate it..."

I would Foxy if there was a single fact in that bit of propaganda. Alas....
Posted by mhaze, Friday, 5 July 2024 6:07:12 PM
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Thanks Foxy for the link,

It made for interesting reading, only a die-hard fanatical Trumpster like mhaze wont/cant see the crimes of the Dangerous Doctor Donald, what a criminal, but mhaze loves him, he is one of his modern day folk heroes, probably has a large 12" x 10" glassy of The Donald on his wall, right between the pics of Vlad and Kimmy!

But should Trump be elected again in November I say America deserves him, and they reap what they sow. mhaze will paint his face red, white and blue and put on his buffalo horns in celebration.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 5 July 2024 11:15:49 PM
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Hi Paul,

It's all a matter of wanting to win at all costs.
About image. Anything that tarnishes that image is
deflated or denied.

It's a question of values, and beliefs. And your culture.

Some people - see our current government as "unravelling."
They see our Foreign Minister only as a gay, lesbian, female,
a "token" appointment - and not as a pair of safe experienced
and trusted hands,

They see A "scarf wearing"
Senator - as just a "token" Muslim woman - capable of only being
concerned about Muslim issues despite the fact that there are
many people on both sides of politics who want to see this
conflict in the Middle East come to an end.

It's therefore no surprise as to who they would support in the
upcoming American elections. He fits into their version of

Everything else is "fake news".
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 July 2024 11:53:15 AM
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Again - it is a question of beliefs, values, culture, and
what you hold dear.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 July 2024 11:55:23 AM
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Hi Foxy,

A dear friend of mine is a Senator and a Muslim, and I can tell you she is no "token women". Given an issue, and there's no better fighter for what she believes in than Senator Mehreen Faruqi. I don't know Fatima Payman at all, but I do admirer her for standing up for what she believes in. I personally wouldn't vote for any religious based political party, I recall how wacko the old Rev Fred Nile group were in NSW politics.

BTW; Anyone who thinks Penny Wong is some kind of "token" is a fool, but then again its ttbn, who was raving on about dementia on another thread.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 6 July 2024 12:45:47 PM
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Hi Paul,

Growing up my family who as you know fled from
the Soviet Regime, voted only for the Liberal
Party. Menzies was strongly supported. As were
the other Liberal leaders that followed him.

I never questioned anything in those days.
Things changed after I travelled over the world.
Especially living and working in the US.

t was quite an education.

It will be interesting to see what America decides.
And even what whether Biden decides to run or step

I'm keeping my fingers-crossed for a good outcome for
us all.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 July 2024 1:13:46 PM
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Someone said that America should be a diarchy with both Trump and Biden as Presidents. Between them they would satisfy 100% of the population. Trumps a criminal, that's 50% of Americans satisfied, Bidens an idiot, that satisfies the other 50%. Problem solved.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 6 July 2024 1:50:44 PM
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Hi Paul,

Trump simply can't be elected.

He just can't.

Imagine what would happen to the Ukraine. To China's
attempted influence in the Pacific. To the Baltic States
and other former Soviet occupied lands. To giving Israel
a freer hand. And the list goes on.

Apart from all these things - the man believes he's been
exonerated by the Supreme Court's ruling despite the fact
that none of his pending cases have been dismissed nor have
the verdicts already reached against him been overturned.

All its given him is a delay. He's not been exonerated and
his legal troubles are far from over. A delay in his Washington
trial on charges of election interference has been indefinitely
extended. Also he will still face criminal charges in 2
other criminal cases, and the verdicts reached against him in a
criminal and a civil case have not been overturned.

As for Joe Biden?

Did you happen to see the ABC - interview with Biden a day or so
after the debate? He did very well.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 6 July 2024 2:44:05 PM
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"Did you happen to see the ABC - interview with Biden a day or so after the debate? He did very well."

From the transcript of that interview....

"George Stephanopoulos: What I want to get at is, what were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you know how badly it was going?

Joe Biden: Yeah, look, (pause) the whole way I prepared, nobody’s fault, mine. Nobody’s fault but mine. I prepared what I usually would do sitting down as I did, came back as foreign leaders or the National Security Council, for explicit detail. I realized about part way through that I could quote it, the New York Times had me down at 10 points before the debate, nine now or whatever the hell it is. The fact of the matter is that what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn’t. I mean, the way the debate ran, not my fault, no one else’s fault."

Now admittedly, compared to Kamala he sounds like a genius, but that response is utterly incoherent, complete gibberish. And bear in mind, the interviewer was a personal friend of the Bidens, the interview was recorded and edited so that the worst parts could be wiped, and in all likelihood Biden was give the questions before-hand.

If that was doing "very well" then your expectations are laughably low.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 6 July 2024 5:37:16 PM
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So Foxy digs up some highly partisan propaganda that claims to show Trump abuses of power. I point out that the list is entirely fact free and doesn't show a single factual instance of abuse of power by Trump (although it does show some examples of things Biden did which are abuses of power). Now the sane thing for Foxy to do would be to show how indeed her list was factual.

Instead she, and Paul who likewise falls for the propaganda, gather around and try to ensure each other that all is well and they aren't being led down the garden path. Search for truth it ain't.

There's a new report from the New York Magazine which is titled "The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden The president’s mental decline was like a dark family secret for many elite supporters."

The report shows how family, friends, supporters, donors and the close media, all knew about the decline of Biden's mental state over the past three years, but were determined to hide it from the public because they didn't want to help the Republicans back into power. Here's the link although I know the usual suspects won't read it...mustn't read anything that doesn't support the narrative...

Here's the thing. Over the years we see all the TDS crowd saying that the stories about Biden are rubbish because the only place you see it is in conservative media. Of course we can now prove that the reason it wasn't in the progressive media was that they were actively seeking to fool the public. And those anxious to be fooled were indeed fooled, weren't they Foxy, weren't they Paul.

Now this should be a learning experience but they are incapable of learning. If you reject information because it doesn't come from sources you approve, you end up relying on the honesty of the sources you approve. And if they are dishonest, as we now know they are, you just end up being fooled, over and over and over.
Posted by mhaze, Saturday, 6 July 2024 6:36:01 PM
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Mr Mhaze Trumpster,

Paul has no time for either The criminal Trump, or the gar-gar Biden. So don't claim, "Paul who likewise falls for the propaganda, gather around and try to ensure each other that all is well and they aren't being led down the garden path." YOU are a liar!

BTW, you soon skedaddled off the vaping thread when I showed you up as a liar making false claims, with your spin that the NZ Government was supporting your deadly vaping habit.
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 6 July 2024 6:50:33 PM
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" So don't claim, "Paul who likewise falls for the propaganda"

Did you not thank Foxy for the link? Did you not accept that it was true?

Do I really need to remind you of what you said only a day or two ago?

Re Vaping, I stopped posting there when it became clear that you had no intention of addressing the facts. Specifically, I showed proof that the dramatic change in smoking rates between Aust and NZ AFTER 2020 was due to vaping and you simply refused to address it. You had started a thread about vaping without actually knowing anything about it and had, as usual, simply fallen for the propaganda emanating from your gurus. I got bored trying to educate you when it was clear you had no intention of being educated.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 7:09:51 AM
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Take a good look at Biden.
This is the man who was V.P. under Obama, and Ukraine was his project. This braindead zombie steered the world towards a nuclear conflict with Russia and got hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians killed.
- The West should've taken the Minsk agreements more seriously, but they wanted war.

1/2/2020 Joe Biden's 2020 Ukrainian nightmare: A closed probe is revived | TheHill
>>Two years after leaving ofice, Joe Biden couldn’t resist the temptation last year to brag to an audience of foreign policy specialists about the time as vice president that he strong-armed Ukraine into iring its top prosecutor.
In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.<<


Orban meets Putin for ‘peace mission’, infuriating the EU, worrying Ukraine

>>Moscow: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban held talks on a potential Ukrainian peace deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday, angering some European Union leaders who warned against appeasing Moscow and said he did not speak for the EU.<<
- 'How dare that man engage in actual diplomacy when we want continued war. He does not speak for us.'

Does America Need a President?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 July 2024 10:19:08 AM
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Hi Paul,

I watched "The Abyss - Rise and Fall of the Nazis" series
on SBS last night. An interesting series that explores the
Third Reich's rise - from a contemporary perspective to
investigate how the Nazis managed to conquer Germany and
their rise to power." To Make Germany Great Again".

The parallels between the techniques that Hitler used and
the techniques that Trump were identical. Chilling
actually and explained a great deal, especially the party
support that Hitler received - and why he received it.
Explained a lot about the Republican Party in the US.
Hitler, like Trump promised to get rid of democracy.

The American elections are now just 4 months away.
Americans have to decide what kind of country they want
to have, and what kind of leader to lead them. Hopefully
they will choose wisely.

The Democrats have to decide - whether Biden needs to
step aside . And whether or not to persuade him to do so.

Again, they also need to choose wisely.

All we can do is wish them all well.

See you on another discussion.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 7 July 2024 10:35:14 AM
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Robert Conquest wrote a book called "The Great Terror" about the massive death toll of Stalin's Russia. The usual apologists refused to believe it and claimed that, since the Russians denied it, it wasn't true.

After the fall of the USSR, the Soviet archives were opened and proved that everything Conquest had written was true. A few years later a new addition of the book was being done to incorporate this new information. Conquest was a considering a new name for his book and one of his friends. Kingsley Amis, suggested " I Told You So, You Fxxking Fools?".

People on the left are now coming out from all corners admitting they knew about Biden's decline for years but that it was hidden for base political purposes. The good governance of the nation was ignored. We now have journalists admitting that interviews with Biden were completely scripted, that adverse information was suppressed.

People on the right tried to get the truth out for years while the nation was ripped apart under the rule of an increasingly decrepit president. Its glorious to see the fools that fell for all this finally have to acknowledge that they were led, very willingly, down the garden path, but I have to say I feel a little like Kingsley Amis..." I Told You So, You Fxxking Fools?"
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 11:21:41 AM
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Joe Biden is a liar and his lies are dangerous.

Let's look at exactly what Biden said in the debate:

READ: Biden-Trump debate transcript

>> BIDEN: The fact is that Putin is a war criminal. He’s killed thousands and thousands of people. And he has made one thing clear: He wants to re-establish what was part of the Soviet Empire. Not just a piece, he wants all of Ukraine. That’s what he wants.

And then do you think he’ll stop there? Do you think he’ll stop when he – if he takes Ukraine? What do you think happens to Poland? What do you think of Belarus? What do you think happens to those NATO countries?

And so, if you want a war, you ought to find out what he’s going to do. Because if, in fact, he does what he says and walks away – by the way, all that money we give Ukraine and weapons we make here in the United States. We give them the weapons, not the money at this point. And our NATO allies have produced as much funding for Ukraine as we have. That’s why it’s – that’s why we’re strong. <<

'Do you think he'll stop there?' Biden asks.

Well, Putin already did stop.
He withdrew forces from Kiev on March 29 2022 in relation to peace negotiations.
Read what the Ukrainian chief negotiator said:
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 July 2024 11:22:36 AM
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Ukraine conflict could have ended in Spring 2022: David Arakhamia

>>Russia was ready to stop the fighting had Ukraine agreed to remain neutral, but the West advised Kyiv to keep going, the head of President Vladimir Zelensky’s parliamentary faction – and the chief negotiator at the peace talks in Istanbul – David Arakhamia admitted on Friday.

Arakhamia, who heads the ‘Servant of the People’ parliamentary group, told the TV channel 1+1 that Moscow had offered Kyiv a peace deal in March 2022, but the Ukrainian side did not trust Russia.

“Russia’s goal was to put pressure on us so that we would take neutrality. This was the main thing for them: They were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality, like Finland once did. And we would make a commitment that we will not join NATO. This was the main thing,” said Arakhamia.

However, agreeing to neutrality and giving up NATO membership would have required changing the constitution of Ukraine, Arakhamia explained. “Secondly, there was no trust in the Russians that they would do this. This could only be done with security guarantees,” he told 1+1.

During the talks, Arakhamia added, British then-PM Boris Johnson arrived in Kyiv and told Ukrainian officials to keep fighting and not sign any agreements with Moscow.

Johnson’s role in scuttling the peace talks in Istanbul was revealed in May 2022 by the outlet Ukrayinska Pravda. However, neither the British politician – who was ousted as PM in June that year and eventually landed a job at an American think tank – nor the US government ever officially acknowledged pressuring Kyiv into reneging on the draft agreement, which Arakhamia himself had signed with the Russians.

Earlier this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin revealed to African leaders that Moscow and Kyiv had signed a draft agreement “on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for Ukraine” at the talks hosted by Türkiye.

As soon as Russia pulled back its troops from the vicinity of Kyiv, as a gesture of good will, Ukraine reneged on the deal, Putin said.<<
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 July 2024 11:29:03 AM
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Its now reported that the US leading expert on Parkinson's Disease has attended the White House 9 times since 2023.

I can't imagine why.


"As soon as Russia pulled back its troops from the vicinity of Kyiv, as a gesture of good will, "

Wow, what a dill.

Russia invades Ukraine and makes a mad dash for Kiev to hopefully conquer the whole region in a few days before the west can react.

The push to Kiev collapses completely due to bad panning, bad equipment, bad logistics and determined Ukrainian resistance.

Russia pulls back, tail between its legs, loosing untold quantities of equipment.

Russia spins the debacle as a peace move rather than a monumental military screw-up.

The usual dills fall for it.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 11:55:26 AM
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"The usual dills fall for it."
- The usual dills like you.

What, you don't believe what the Ukrainian chief negotiator said in regards to peace talks in March 2022?
And you think this does not align with Russia pulling back on March 29?

I can understand the pathetic 'Everything Russia says is a lie' narrative / attitude.
But when you imply the Ukrainians chief negotiator is lying too, well then you start to look a little stupid.

I don't know why you support Trump, when you sell the Biden Ukraine narrative.
It's a bit messed up.

Oh and btw, Russian Ministry of Defense count for Ukrainian KIA yesterday was 2225.
- But that's a conservative estimate as Russia doesn't count tanks etc as men lost, they count that Ukrainian armoured units destroyed.

Andrei Martyanov: Ukraine's Total Collapse Imminent?! Israel Faces Crushing Defeat by Hezbollah!
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 July 2024 3:59:02 PM
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"Russia invades Ukraine and makes a mad dash for Kiev to hopefully conquer the whole region in a few days before the west can react."
- It was Biden himself stating in the week prior to Feb 22,2022 that the Russian invasion was imminent; and the US spent 8 years arming, training and building defenses from 2014 making the Ukrainian army the strongest in Europe except Turkey.
And of course Biden knew, Russia told them that they would if they did sign a new collective security agreement in regards to NATO expansion, even Jens Stoltenberg admitted it.

'before the West had time to react' - what rubbish.
The West had been provoking it for 8 years since the Maidan and overthrow of the democratically elected government lead by Viktor Yanukovych in 2014.

'Russia spins the debacle as a peace move rather than a monumental military screw-up.'
- Russia doesn't have to spin anything, all these things are stated by Westerners.

>>Jens Stoltenberg: First of all, it is historic that now Finland is member of the Alliance. And we have to remember the background. The background was that President Putin declared in the autumn of 2021, and actually sent a draft treaty that they wanted NATO to sign, to promise no more NATO enlargement. That was what he sent us. And was a pre-condition for not invade Ukraine. Of course we didn't sign that.

The opposite happened. He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all Allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our Alliance, introducing some kind of B, or second class membership. We rejected that.

So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders. He has got the exact opposite. He has got more NATO presence in eastern part of the Alliance and he has also seen that Finland has already joined the Alliance and Sweden will soon be a full member.<<
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 July 2024 4:19:26 PM
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The Russian advance on Kiev was defeated and the Russian forces, or what was left of them, retreated in significant disorder. Russia calls it a goodwill withdrawal.

AC buys the Russian story. We wouldn't expect anything different.
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 July 2024 6:20:31 PM
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Well even if you don't believe that, the US is still a stupid weak nation.
They convinced the Ukrainians to fight instead of making peace.
And the Ukrainians are going to end up with a million plus dead, loss of more territory the more they fight as well as Ukraine, NATO and the collective West will lose the war, Europe is deindustrialised and the United States is a failing empire.
As for NATO after proving incapable of defending Europe it might end up crumbling as well.
Trump sure as hell doesn't want America to pay for it.
But he's making protectionist policies which will just see the US sink just as quick.
The US will soon have trouble funding it's debts.
It's been given warning by the IMF already.
Interest payments will soon be more than the MIC, Medicaid and pensions combined.
There's really no way back for them except war.
(Except the small issue that they will lose without the use of nuclear weapons, US can't fight ground wars)
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 July 2024 6:54:37 PM
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Well it wasn't exactly a peace gesture.

The Ukrainians argued they couldn't sign the agreement while their capital city was under seige.
That's why Putin withdrew you moron.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 7 July 2024 7:00:28 PM
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Mr Mhaze Trumpster,

"Did you not thank Foxy for the link? Did you not accept that it was true?"

I did thank Foxy for the link, and I said; "It made for interesting reading," So does 'Alice In Wonderland', but that doesn't mean I accept it as true, you might I don't. As for your folk hero The Dangerous Doctor Donald, I didn't need that link to tell me the blokes a criminal, the US justice system has already said that. I did go on to post later; "Bidens an idiot", that must make me anti Biden, but not necessarily pro Trump.

As for the Vaping, you peddled lies, and when I exposed those lies of yours you cut and ran. End of story.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 July 2024 10:44:02 PM
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The moment she realized that her hero Biden doesn’t like black people.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 8 July 2024 7:06:07 AM
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"As for the Vaping, you peddled lies, and when I exposed those lies of yours you cut and ran. End of story."

Well tell yourself whatever you need. But anyone who reads the thread will see that you started it without the faintest idea about the issues around vaping and why it is accepted around the world-wide. They'll see someone who, as you always do, fell for the propaganda from your gurus as opposed to the facts. As to peddling lies, I mere reported the findings of the NZ chapter of ASH (Action for SmokeFree 2025). You didn't want that information to be true and therefore ignored it.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 8 July 2024 11:00:00 AM
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Posted by mhaze, Monday, 8 July 2024 12:50:49 PM
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Colonial Cannon Fodder.
These morons are taking part in the NATO shakedown.
More donations for Ukraine please

Stop trying to grift off the Australian taxpayer to pay for your shiddy foreign wars America!

- You overthrew the country
- You provoked Putin into a war
- You thought the Russian people would rise up and oust Putin from the effect of sanctions.
- You had no plan, you messed everything up.
- You probably even fired a missile at a hospital yourselves to grift more money off western leaders and their citizens.

Now you're kidnapping poor hapless Ukrainians off the street and sending them to the front, in the name of 'democracy and ideals' while trying to grift money off your allies all to keep a demented braindead zombie in the whitehouse, to keep a stupid losing war going that is destroying the West.

And for what?

So untrained kidnapped Ukrainians can be mass slaughtered?

They shake us down for our money.
Soon they will come for our kids to fight the wars they start.
Ukraine war is a lie, US overthrew the country and provoked it.

And these sellouts that call themselves leaders can't bury their tongues up Uncle Sams date deep enough.

First they shake us down
And next we become colonial cannon fodder.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Wednesday, 10 July 2024 11:44:09 PM
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Hi AC,

There is sad news, a young Australian Brock Greenwood (24) has been killed in Ukraine fighting in that unjust war on the side of the Ukrainians. Described as brave, a hero, no one knows what motivated him to, "go off and fight", but his death is another senseless tragedy in a another senseless war! PEACE.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 11 July 2024 6:19:14 AM
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Hi Paul,

People get inspired to try to correct injustice.
Young people joined the Peace Corp many years ago.
Others went to work on a Kibbutz in Israel - when
a Jewish homeland was being formed across the - before
they decided to keep others out. Now many go overseas
to help in other ways.

If the former US President Donald Trump gets re-elected
for a second term - things will change drastically. Putin
will be allowed to do what he wants. Ukraine will be just
a stepping-point for Putin's fantasy of restoring the
previous Soviet Empire. And Israel will also be given
a freer hand.

Poor Us President Biden - and the attacks on him - will
undoubtedly continue. It's a a strategy that the Trumpsters
see as their end-game towards success.

All any sane person can do is hope for a miracle.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 July 2024 10:51:01 AM
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I personally hope that Biden will step aside prior to the
Democratic Convention. I feel sorry for the man - and he
deserves acknowledgement for the past. However he must
now put the country first. A Trump win would be a disaster for
everyone. It would be much worse than anyone of us could
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 13 July 2024 12:59:13 PM
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I feel sorry for Brock Greenwood's mother and family.
If he believed in the cause, well that's for him but I think his decision was misguided.

Russia lost 27 million people in WWII defeating the NAZI's
If you think Russia is going to lose the war then you're sorely mistaken,
- And as gullible and foolish as Brock Greenwood, R.I.P.

I'll show you all something.
This is no joke, truly.

Our Western leaders foreign policy - is SUICIDE

That's our actual foreign policy and I can prove it in 2 minutes.

Here's the Commission On Security and Cooperation in Europe - U.S. Helsinki Commission

We are a US government commission that promotes human rights, military security, and economic cooperation in 57 countries in Europe, Eurasia, and North America.
Nine Commissioners are members of the Senate, nine are members of the House of Representatives, and three are executive branch officials.<<

Now read this about their policy:

Decolonizing Russia: a Moral and Strategic Imperative
Thursday, June 23, 2022, 10:00 am

>>Russia’s barbaric war on Ukraine—and before that on Syria, Libya, Georgia, and Chechnya—has exposed the Russian Federation’s viciously imperial character to the entire world. Its aggression also is catalyzing a long-overdue conversation about Russia’s interior empire, given Moscow’s dominion over many indigenous non-Russian nations, and the brutal extent to which the Kremlin has taken to suppress their national self-expression and self-determination.

Serious and controversial discussions are now underway about reckoning with Russia’s fundamental imperialism and the need to “decolonize” Russia for it to become a viable stakeholder in European security and stability. As the successor to the Soviet Union, which cloaked its colonial agenda in anti-imperial and anti-capitalist nomenclature, Russia has yet to attract appropriate scrutiny for its consistent and oftentimes brutal imperial tendencies.<<

What they are talking about is this 'Russia is too big. We want to balkanise it, make it weak and subserviant and exploit its wealth'
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 13 July 2024 1:37:33 PM
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- Though they pretend its for 'honourable' reasons.

Here's some of the transcript:

Today’s a discussion to look at the foundational reasons for Russia’s aggressive and brutal foreign policy that leaving innocent people dead, displaced, and hurt in ways difficult to imagine. Investigating those reasons will help us craft policies and come up with ideas that will actually contain Russia and make a long-term peace on the Eurasian continent and beyond be possible. Tragically, and ironically to an extent, these are the very same reasons you see ethnic minority Russians dying in Putin’s senseless war in Ukraine in larger proportions than ethnic Russians. Without addressing the core of this, we’ll only be applying a Band-Aid to wound that will inevitably start gushing blood – in this case, literally. And that brings us to the subject of today’s discussion, the issue of decolonizing Russia.
Russia’s barbaric war in Ukraine has exposed the Russian Federation’s viciously imperial character, something that has been apparent to an acute observer for some time, but now it’s apparent to the entire world. Let me make it clear: Ukraine is not the first. And, if left unchecked, it won’t be the last instance of this. The Russians for decades now have waged wars on people Chechnya, Syria, Georgia. This aggression also is catalyzing a long overdue conversation about Russia’s interior empire, giving Moscow dominion over many indigenous non-Russian nations, and the extent to which the Kremlin has taken to suppress their national self-expression and self-determination.

These people are fanatics.
Putin had a 77% turnout in elections.
Of those 77% of people that voted (which was a high turnout) 87% of those people voted for Putin.
The West wants you to believe that all these people are victims and that there was a gun to there heads forcing them to vote as they did.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 13 July 2024 2:05:45 PM
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So what is the United States policy?
- Break Russia into smaller pieces.

Which brings me to the Russian nuclear doctrine.

According to a Russian military doctrine stated in 2010, nuclear weapons could be used by Russia "in response to the use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction against it or its allies, and also in case of aggression against Russia with the use of conventional weapons when the very existence of the state is threatened"

* 'when the very existence of the state is threatened'

Ok so lets summarise here.

If the U.S. gets what it wants,
if it achieves what its setting out to do

Then that would mean threatening the existence of the Russian state,
In which case Russia who has more nuclear weapons than anyone else in the world, launches missiles and EVERYONES GETS VAPOURISED and those who don't die of a nuclear winter that blocks out the sun for 2 years and kills virtually all life on the planet.

The West is the Suicide Squad.
That's our foreign policy, SUICIDE.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 13 July 2024 2:07:13 PM
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An interesting read from the Center For Strategic and
International Studies:
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 July 2024 11:52:27 AM
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Former US President Donald Trump has been shot.
This was the shocking news we heard this morning.
"It's sick," US President Joe Biden has condemned
this vile act. As we all do.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 July 2024 11:57:13 AM
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Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 July 2024 12:00:14 PM
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America badly needs a leader who will unite
not divide.

R3epublicans need to take note.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 July 2024 12:32:26 PM
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Not to be unexpected from such a violent society, a society that believes violence used both internally and externally is the way.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 July 2024 5:45:24 PM
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Hi Paul,

It also doesn't help when a former US President uses
divisive language regularly and incites violence
regularly. Instead of uniting - Trump thrives on
and encourages division.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 14 July 2024 6:07:46 PM
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Hi Foxy,

The extreme thrives on division, Trump is no exception. BTW; I met the local 'ONE NATION' candidate for the up coming Queensland state election in October, the same thing, he tries to ferment divisions within society, with unsubstantiated claims, in his case he was targeting the LGBTIQA+ community. I can see he believes in one nation alright, a nation that only includes those of his ilk, with his social values, others are to be excluded and ostracised. With ONE NATION's extremism, in power, a more aggressive outcome would soon follow.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 14 July 2024 9:08:44 PM
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Hi Paul,

Things politically seem to be taking a shift.
The fanatics on both sides of politics are
not gaining much ground according to polls and
surveys. I live in a safe Liberal electorate
and at the last election there was a swing
against the party. Not a substantial swing - but
enough to have the rising star - Keith Wolahan
a bit worried. The next election should be
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 July 2024 11:36:05 AM
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Hi Foxy,
Do you like info from the Center for Strategic International Studies? (CSIS)
Here's one of their recent videos with some info I'm sure you'll be really pleased about (smile)
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 15 July 2024 9:55:25 PM
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Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 July 2024 10:50:38 PM
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Download the full report from the link.

It's an interesting read.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 15 July 2024 10:53:37 PM
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