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Always The Victim.

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«Should we really try to do the same thing again and expect a different outcome?»

Pity we didn't have you then to give us your sage advice, nor in 1967 or 1973, but perhaps now?

«Try to find another way that doesn't involve so many dead innocent people.
That would please me.»

Israel already tried... and failed - could you help it out?
Think hard over it, but please take into account that Israel considers its survival even more important than pleasing you.

«Hows does one drop a bomb with enough destructive power to destroy an entire city block of multiple buildings Yuyutsu
- How does one drop a bomb with that much destructive power on places such as schools, hospitals, churches etc.
- and then make the argument 'they did not intend to kill'?»

With tears in their eyes, Critic.

A Nazi member in Israel's government yesterday accused the Israeli air-force for sometimes refusing for conscientious reasons to drop bombs where ground forces direct them.

Yes, pilots may be crying, but they have a horrible job which they must do in order to save their own families.
I back their case-by-case moral discretion.

«Not only that, they use AI apps for military applications, that have detailed maps of the whole of Gaza, every apartment building and all occupants who live there»

Just ridiculous: if they had such technology then they could foresee and prevent that attack on October 7th. Israeli forces were surprised time and again to discover the size of Hamas underworld, initially believing the tunnels totalled 500 kilometers long, then updating it to several thousands, including whole cities below ground they never knew of.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 1 January 2024 2:03:16 PM
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Going back centuries, there has been a claim that Jews steal gentiles, particularly infants and the young, in order to harvest their blood and bodies for Jewish rituals. Not a few pogroms against Jews in eastern Europe were, at in part, caused by populations believing these claims.

It also formed a goodly part of the rubbish incorporated in the utterly debunked Protocols of the Elders of Zion and was a vital part of the anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda.

So its not the least bit surprising to see the the utterly despicable AC continuing this viles tradition...." Israel has been robbing the corpses of killed Palestinians for organ harvesting"

What I do find surprising and not a little disappointing is that the Hamas cheer-squad in this group didn't lift a finger to call out these sickening assertions.

The truly sad part of this, which shows the true calibre of AC, is that there is ample evidence of organ harvesting by the Chinese against the Uighur but AC has hastened to excuse that genocide.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 1 January 2024 4:25:25 PM
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The very core of this thread from Foxy shows an appalling lack of understanding of the nature of the Jewish state. Israel isn't a victim here and isn't claiming victimhood.

The Jews have been victims of history for two millennia culminating in the Holocaust. Israel was formed so that Jews will never again be victims, they will always have a place of refuge no matter how prevalent anti-Semitism becomes and they will always be able to fight back against those who seek to destroy them.

That's why they are prepared to spend so much of their wealth on ensuring their armies are pre-eminent in the region. Its why their soldiers are prepared to give all for their place of refuge. Its why Israel has prevailed in four wars against those who seek to destroy it, despite being out manned and out gunned in each encounter.

Israel isn't a victim here. Sure, they suffered a temporary setback on 7 October at the hands of the Palestinian animals, but they are now rectifying that. Victims or those claiming victimhood don't fight back, don't punish their assailants, don't work to ensure they can't be victimised again. Real victims seek mercy or seek protection from others. Israel is doing neither. (Hamas on the other hand...). Israel is just going about its business to ensure it won't be victimised again and Hamas is now learning about the wages of rousing the Israeli ire.

Suggesting that Israel is a victim or is seeking victimhood utterly misunderstands the current situation and the history of the last 70 years. People like Foxy assert that they are well versed in that history but constantly display the opposite.

Israel is neither a victim not seeks victimhood. Hamas is learning that. I doubt Foxy will
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 1 January 2024 4:43:32 PM
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I have posted the facts to the best of my ability.
What you make of them is up to you.
You can define me as you choose.
I know who I am.
End of story.
'Nuff said.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 1 January 2024 5:26:04 PM
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A victim mentality is where you often feel like a victim, even when the evidence says otherwise. Signs include frequently blaming others and having trouble accepting personal responsibility.

This is certainly the case here when talking about previous actions against Jews and the unfortunate ongoing matters in Gaza.

Neither are related, yet some unfortunately some choose to use the terrible, previous actions against Jews to justify current actions in Gaza by the Israeli Government and its military. I would also argue some in Hamas do something similar.

As a person for the sanctity of life (I don't eat animals or support their killing), I don't support the taking of life by others. It is something I cannot support, particularly by an imposed military. Something that should be defunded, stripped in terms of its operations and put to an end.

Unfortunately the military also plays the victim to justify its actions and existence. It has to realise it has achieved very little to nothing in terms of change or positive outcomes.

Unfortunately we still see people forced into military service internationally by Governments. The Israeli Government does the same. (from December 2023).

The situation in Gaza is an ongoing one. I don't support the actions of Hamas, but they are a terrorist organisation. They have no responsibility. Governments I am forced to live and operate under should.

This film link shows how terrible life in Gaza is for innocent Palestinian civilians there, particularly children. One is left with shards of metal in her head, after a building she was in was hit by the Israeli military. You can view the whole documentary for about $3.00.
Posted by NathanJ, Monday, 1 January 2024 8:07:14 PM
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Dear Aries,

«To date, the government of Israel has done nothing to convince me that the killing of thousands of innocent civilians is justified. I see it as an act of barbaric inhumanity. Until they can persuade me otherwise, I will call them out for it.»

Do you consider it the role of the government of Israel to run after you and change what you think?


Dear Foxy,

«I have posted the facts to the best of my ability.»

Still no word about the hostages?

Nor by anyone here!


Dear Nathan,

Having been its "victim" myself, I see no worse atrocity than conscription.
No country who does so has a right to exist.

Yet while I FEEL a victim, it would be wrong of me to consider myself an innocent victim, because my being subjected to conscription due to no visible fault of mine, implies that I must have done similar horrible thing(s) to others in previous lifetime(s).

All that is left for me now, is to be conscious and never do this again in future to anyone else.

Actually, the same can also be said for "innocent Palestinians".

Now the Israeli hostages are in a similar predicament, and they are starving too.
Don't you think that someone ought to enter Gaza to free them, and also to make sure that no others are kidnapped again in future?

I very much appreciate your non-violence, of which you can be proud, yet others have not yet reached that point in their evolution, nor have the privilege of being vegetarian: you should not scorn them just for being behind you!

Among them are those whose natural duty (or Dharma) is to protect others from physical harm and defend their country - not conscripts, God forbid, but others for whom this is their natural inclination and a true expression of their spiritual progress so far. There is nothing wrong whatsoever about them enlisting in an army to fight evil terrorists. They incur no sin while doing this duty of theirs, acting as God's instrument alone with no other agenda in mind.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 1 January 2024 9:49:26 PM
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