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The Forum > General Discussion > What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

What is the Origin of the Palestinian People?

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Being anti-Zionism does not equate to being anti-Semitic.
It includes people like Noam Chomsky, Miriam Margolyes,
Henry Siegman, Richard Cohen, Michael Lerner. Richard
Falk, Elan Pappe, Antony Loewenstein, and many of the
population of Israel.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 November 2023 9:45:17 AM
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I suggest that you get hold of - and read the book:

"Ten Myths About Israel," by renowned Israeli historian -
Ilan Pappe.

It should be available at your local library. Or they can
get it in for you.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 November 2023 10:48:22 AM
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Antisemitism is a more honest word. Anti-Zionism is just antisemitism for intelligent people who should know better.
Posted by Fester, Saturday, 4 November 2023 11:01:18 AM
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Foxy, I get the facts from Israeli themselves.
"In between these last two Israeli offers, Israel unilaterally left Gaza, giving the Palestinians complete control there. Instead of developing this territory for the good of its citizens, the Palestinians turned Gaza into a terrorist base, from which they have fired thousands of rockets into Israel.
Each time Israel has agreed to a Palestinian state, the Palestinians have rejected the offer, often violently.
So, if you’re interested in peace in the Middle East, maybe the answer is not to pressure Israel to make yet another offer of a state to the Palestinians. Maybe the answer is to pressure the Palestinians to finally accept the existence of a Jewish State." end of Quote.

Foxy, you must understand the Islamic mind and their links to land, once it is captured for Allah, it cannot be let go to a democratic State, and any unbelievers occupying the land must convert, pay the tax or be killed.
Posted by Josephus, Saturday, 4 November 2023 11:04:48 AM
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I get the facts from reputable Israeli historians.
From journalists and authors who have lived,
worked and travelled extensively in Israel.
And of course from Israelis themselves.
Including Israeli newspaper and media sources.
And those of the United States - including
their Foreign Affairs.

Defining anti-Zionism as antisemitism leaves
Israel free to entrench its own version of a
one-state - which denies millions of Palestinians
basic rights.

You forget that Palestinians are also Semites.

Antisemitism is not wrong because it is wrong to
denigrate and dehumanize Jews.

Antisemitism is wrong because it is wrong to denigrate
and dehumanize anyone.

Which makes ultimately that any effort to fight
antisemitism that contributes to the denigration and
dehumanization of Palestinians is no fight against
antisemitism at all.

Once again I recommend you get hold of the book -
"Ten myths about Israel," by Ilan Pappe.

Then we can talk some more. For now you are at a disadvantage.
You have an opinion - but it is not an informed opinion.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 4 November 2023 12:15:56 PM
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"The Palestinians turned Gaza into a terrorist base, from which they have fired thousands of rockets into Israel."

Aren't they allowed to fire rockets into Israel?
And if not why not?
Aren't they permitted to resist occupation and theft of land?

Many of you support Ukraine's right to defend itself and make war on the basis of land theft - what's the difference here?

"Each time Israel has agreed to a Palestinian state, the Palestinians have rejected the offer, often violently."
- Which offer was the fair one?
- Do they not offer them stolen land?

Prior to 1948, Jews had increased their numbers from a minority (about 5%) to about one third the population, two thirds Arabs (After WWII). The Jews tried to buy land, but the Palestinian Arabs who had been there for 100 generations refused to sell.
So Israel claimed independence (remember only 1/3rd the population) and just claimed it all anyway.
- Declared this is the Israeli state and kicked everyone off their land, wiped out the population of 4 or 5 hundred villages.

It's obvious they didn't agree to the borders in 1948.
The war in 1973 was in relation to lands several militant groups felt was unfairly taken in 1967, so they obviously weren't pleased with the 1967 borders either.

Israel has been using settlement building to displace and surround the Palestinians (and every other possibly weapon of war, coercion and collective punishment) prevent any Palestinian expansion and expand their own control of the land since this mess started prior to 1948.

Where was the path to a fair settlement?
Where is the right to reasonable resistance?
What happens if you refuse a fair settlement, continue to bulldoze more homes and take more land and impose collective punishment upon any kids of resistance?
Posted by Armchair Critic, Saturday, 4 November 2023 12:27:45 PM
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