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The Forum > General Discussion > Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

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The problem with banning the swastika is that before it became associated with the Nazis it was a symbol used in several religions including Hinduism, Buddhism, Shinto and possibly a few more.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 11:23:54 AM
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How do we know these face-covered NAZI's weren't government provocateurs?
This is for Paul1405 re US Capitol riots on Jan 6

Prosecutor Admits DC Police Officers Acted as Provocateurs at US Capitol on Jan. 6

>>A federal prosecutor admitted in court papers that three D.C. Metropolitan Police Department undercover officers acted as provocateurs at the northwest steps of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

The defendant is not entitled to ‘undesignate’ these videos to share them with unlimited third parties,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Kelly Moran. “His desire to try his case in the media rather than in a court of law is illegitimate, and the government has met its burden to show the necessity of the protective order.

Videos long hidden under court seal have become a major topic, especially with prosecutors disclosing in a number of high-profile Jan. 6 cases the involvement of multiple FBI informants.

The officer clearly incited that area, and we still don’t have video from all other undercover MPD,” Pope told The Epoch Times. “And as the numerous informants in the Proud Boys trial demonstrates, we are only just beginning to scratch the surface on FBI involvement.

Officer 1 repeatedly joined in chants of “Drain the swamp!” and “Our house! Our house! Our house!”

A short time later, Officer 1 joined the crowd in a “USA!” chant, repeating the phrase five times.

At the foot of the northwest stairs, someone leaned part of a bicycle rack against the balustrade. As a protester climbed up the makeshift ladder, Officer 1 shouted, “C’mon, man, let’s go! Leave that sh^t.”

Officer 1 got help from a protester climbing onto the balustrade of the steps. Then, surveying the people moving up the staircase, he shouted, “C’mon, go, go, go!”

Officer 1 encouraged the crowd to move up the stairs with repeated shouts, “Keep going! Keep going!” and “Keep going, keep going, come on!”<<
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 28 March 2023 11:04:31 PM
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Nazi Dom down in New South Wales put on the old Hitler clobber and goosestepped around the place, and it didn't affect his electoral chances. On Saturday he was still as popular as ever! "Winners Are Grinners".
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 29 March 2023 5:36:23 AM
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I'm not sure if we are able to discuss this topic freely due to OLO’s dependence on Google and their Hebrew leadership in Larry Page, Sergey Brin- similarly Facebook- however since the question was asked ...

In context of recent incident called by the media as the Melbourne Anti-Trans Rally where a group of claimed neo-Nazi protesters showed a sign "stop pedo freaks" and gave a Roman Salute- and claimed they were supporting vulnerable Australian children against sexual grooming through badly considered school programs. There have been claims that the Roman Salute should be banned in line with the recent Victorian Labor Government banning of the swastika.

Perhaps it would be helpful to look at why the "neo-Nazi's" might have acted as they did- and the history of opposition of different groups to principles that Nazi's or Hitler may have believed (Communists, Hebrews, others).

My understanding of the so called neo-Nazi's/ neo-Hilterian's is that they see Hitler as the main person that "served" explicitly and decisively in the name of ethno-Germanic people- I suppose they consider Hitler as the German "King David" though they wouldn't frame it that way.

Myself I don't know enough about this controversial part of history. Of course Hebrew's for example have a large vested interest in it- and claim that everyone should have a vested interest in it. The Hebrew's themselves had difficulties on a few levels due to claims of non-integration and insurrection by many host societies after the sacking of Jerusalem/ Judea by the Roman's after 70AD. The Hebrew's seem to have lived on the edge of the Slavic? migration into Europe at the interface between Germanic-Nordic people. You could say that Hebrew's occupied areas on the edge of Europe. It's interesting that the German's were hosts to the Holy Roman Empire for many years and they were the one's that considered that the Hebrew's were a problem for German identity.

In a sense the adventures of Alexander The Great (and The 300) I suppose could be considered as a European attempt to protect themselves from invading Middle Eastern tribes.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 6:52:57 AM
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There are claims that Hebrew's were involved with Communism and certainly a number were. As many powerful groups are- it is claimed that Hebrew's have been involved in intelligence operations to subvert Europe and the West for at least 150 years and possibly going back as far as the Roman conquest of Judea- of course all cultures need to be aware of potential threats and opportunities.

Germany had territory north to Lithuania before the Treaty Of Versailles after World War One. I understand that Hitler was concerned about the migration patterns of Slavic peoples into Europe over the last two thousand five hundred years in various stages- for example during the Greek and Mongol empires.

In the 1890's Hebrew's had differing percentages of the populations of European nations according to my readings- Germany had one of the larger populations and France had one of the lower.

Of course Christian's despite their Judeo-Christian roots have always had conflict with Hebrew's. You could say that the Roman Empire the European Empire was destroyed by the Christian Hebrew Sect.

Perhaps Hitler saw Hebrews as trying to destroy the vestiges of the Roman Empire in the Catholic Christian world due to their failures to destroy Europe through the Judeo-Christian experiment.

Martin Luther founder of the Christian Protestant movement is also claimed to be anti-Hebrew due to his letter to a Rabi refusing to support courting the ruling duke due to suspicion of Hebrew insertionism (after his initial support of the Hebrew community).

Shakespeare is also considered to be anti-Women (Taming of the Shrew) and anti-Semitic (The Merchant Of Venice) perhaps. Probably Dickens (Oliver) and Harry Potter's- J.K.Rowling too.

Walt Disney is apparently considered as anti-Hebrew- apparently there is a claim that a Hebrew animator tried to steal the character Mickey Mouse-

Henry Ford and Thomas Edison are also claimed to be anti-Hebrew.

The British exiled the Hebrew community at various times over thousands of years as did many other kingdoms.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 7:09:25 AM
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Nietzsche opined in Genealogy of Moral's that the Roman Knightly Code was replaced in a Slave Revolt by the Hebrew Priestly Code. Apparently Nietzsche's sister approached Hitler with Nietzsche's philosophy after his death. Hitler seems to have believed that ideas needed to be kept purely ethno-Germanic and authentic perhaps in line with existentialism. It seems that Hitler started with an analysis of various philosophical questions.

Anyway Germano-Nordic peoples fair complexion is recessive so would take more effort to retain it's identity. Some on Tic Toc claim they could destroy blue eyed blonds in one generation- but they don't seem to see this as genocide.

The British seemingly were the main ones to commit to opposing Hitler's policies in spite of their Germanic-Nordic relatedness- and favored a humane solution to Hebrew nationlessness- and paid heavily for their commitment- though they probably didn't know about Hitlers claimed actions against the Hebrews. Perhaps Hebrew's in the US could have supported Britain more after the war. Now British are claimed as one of the most racist cultures on Earth by some- this could be part of a success bias- yet everyone seems to want to settle in the Anglo-Sphere- perhaps hoping to gain power through insertionism rather than creating their own power.

Hebrew's have be said to come to hold disproportionate power in a number of western institutions such as media (more than half of the senior executives at the largest Hollywood movie businesses), Manhattan Project (mostly Hebrew), universities (), law (Ginsberg?), psychology (Freud, Anna Freud, Bernay's, Adler, others), Tech (Google, Facebook, Steve Wozniak- Apple, Stallman- Free Software Foundation), Banking (historically Rothchild banking dynasty). This is concerning if you believe that a culture needs to rule itself. Perhaps some of the actions of US foreign policy could be attributed to disproportionate Hebrew influence in the US foreign policy infrastructure (Kissinger, Wolfowitz, others)
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 7:12:10 AM
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