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The Forum > General Discussion > Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

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Hebrew's seem to hate Nazi/ Hitlerian ideology and people as much as Nazi's hate Hebrew's and can't seem to see any redeeming features- they seem to see Nazi's everywhere. The Hebrew's claim that Nazi's killed 6 million Hebrew's in gas chambers and use this to justify the destruction of Nazi ideology, culture, people to correct or get "Hebrew Revenge" for claimed crimes by Nazi's during ten years in the 1930's and 1940's. Not much seems to be talked about by Hebrew's about any Communist crimes which are still ongoing 100 years later despite the huge numbers of killings due to ideological bigotry.

Maybe revenge is justified in these circumstances maybe not- and how far should it go- in a sense law can be a form of revenge- the Nazi's actions could be said a form of revenge too- I suppose. I'm suspicious of Locke Liberal Democracy and the objectivity of his "government gang". But as Churchill says there are worse.

Little is mentioned of other "crimes" against Hebrew's in Spain, Russia (1890's) in other era's.

Much modern terminology defining "the bad" (Nazi's) and "the good" (Hebrew's) seems to have come out of the period following WWII.

Feminist's argue that if Male's get paid more than Female's then the system is prejudiced (in spite of the fact that Male's do more hours)- in a similar way it could be argued that if Hebrew's hold powerful positions disproportionate with their representation then the system is prejudiced in their favour- especially given that the infrastructure of the US was created by ethnically British investments. Many of the issues of the US Civil War were badly resolved- perhaps Lincoln realised this before his assassination.

If you believe in the concept of individual property by extension you should believe in cultural property and inheritance- as well as cultural appropriation.

David F commented on the use of the pejorative- Nazi or Fascist to discredit those the communist left disagree with.
Programmer Paul Graham talks about the Hierarchy Of Disagreement-
There is also mention of "reductio ad hitlerum" and "ad hitlerum" in reference to "ad hominem"
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 7:16:19 AM
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Communists also use the terms Nazi and Fascist a fair bit to discredit those that disagree- perhaps neo-Hitlerian's try to "own the term Nazi" with a view to reframing it- in a similar way to other perjoratives and concepts have been used for and against other movements.

It's interesting that many so called Classical Fascist principle were the same as those promoted by Liberals and Socialists- such as the 8 hour day, equal rights for Men and Women, solidarity, etc. In fact The Fasci- Fascist symbol has been used in law contexts for hundreds if not thousands of years- and is featured in one of Aesop's Fables.

Everyone has good and bad in them. Where ones rights end the others don't begin.

At least the neo-Nazi's or Roman Saluter's at the Melbourne rally believe they are supporting vulnerable Australian children against sexual grooming through badly considered school programs in their sign "stop pedo freaks".

Sexual education was up to the parents- and perhaps should remain so
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 7:18:12 AM
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You seem to like branding people "communists" you have labelled myself as such on this forum, when I know I am no such thing, you use the term a fair bit here, in fact the majority of your posts contain disparaging
remarks about communists all the time. Communism seems to have its good points, as well as bad, just like all the other isms.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 7:43:35 AM
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Hitler was a National Socialist.

He came from the left and despite his pro German Nationalism, considered himself to be a left wing Socialist in
his books.

The virtuous left, would have people believe a socialist lefty can't be
a racist nationalist. This is because their pretend virtue signalling
implys that they are the ones who care about victim groups and the poor. This being a ploy to gain the votes of these groups.

These caring leftist revolutionaries, cared not a jot for the people they promised to raise out of poverty once the revolution was won and they got their hands on the key to the treasury.

They lived in spendid luxury and palaces, while the people were as poor as before,and they murdered millions of people who spoke out about it. Human nature is wanting to be top dog.
The left are more dangerous because they are harder to spot because of their seeming virtue.
Posted by CHERFUL, Wednesday, 5 April 2023 11:05:48 PM
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Hitler was a National Socialist, Hitler was an extremists. For me there is no left and right, only moderates through to extremes, in the context as the society then exists. If you understand the 'Horseshoe Principle' then you know those deemed to be of the extreme right, and extreme left, have very similar aims, how they apply the principles of their ideology, and the practical way they exert control over society is also similar. For me Hitler and Stalin, although considered politically opposed, were interchangeable.
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 6 April 2023 7:15:46 AM
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you claim that "communism has its good points and bad points", and that Hitler and Stalin were interchangeable and in doing so equate Nazis with communists.

The only good point of communism was that it brings the tyrannical communist countries to their knees economically.
Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 6 April 2023 12:04:11 PM
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