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The Forum > General Discussion > Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

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After clashes between Transgender rights protesters and Neo-Nazi's on Saturday in Melbourne there have been calls for the banning of the Nazi salute (Sieg Heil), the public display of the Nazi swastika is already outlawed in Victoria and some other states. Some are also calling for far right groups to be designated "terrorist organisations" and banned as well.

The violent clashes were sparked by British anti-transgender activist Posie Parker, also known as Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, who was speaking at the demonstration outside parliament house as part of a national tour. Included in the group were anti-vaxxer's protesting along with some others unidentified persons wearing masks and dressed in black who gave the Nazi salute.

Should far right extremest groups be designated "terrorist organisations" and therefore outlawed?
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 20 March 2023 5:58:21 AM
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I want the recently invented aboriginal flag banned; I find it offensive and meaningless. It won't be banned of course. Once you start banning symbols, there is no end it. Anyone who displays or waves a swastika is embarrassing themselves. Let them look silly. Banning only makes people more determined and more dangerous. You don't see them coming.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 20 March 2023 8:30:47 AM
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To be a terrorist you have to plan or commit terrorist acts. I find Nazi salutes are offensive, but they are not terrorist acts. Free speech is not free speech if speech or gestures that some may find offensive is not allowed.
Posted by david f, Monday, 20 March 2023 9:10:17 AM
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I say ban the display of all political flags in australia except the flag that represents Australia and its people, which includes banning the gay flag. They should live their lives quietly, not overtly flaunting their sexual preference in public.
Posted by Josephus, Monday, 20 March 2023 10:34:14 AM
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The aboriginal flag has been around only since 1971. It was proclaimed in 1995. It was designated as the 'Australian Aboriginal Flag' only in 2008.

Now it is seen flapping everywhere, and in anti-white Australia demonstrations. Some people would find this offensive, even though the ratbags waving it do no not represent all aboriginal Australians, any more than the flag itself represents all aboriginal Australians. How could it?

There was no aboriginal flag in the 60 thousand years or whatever up to 1788. There was no flag until an artist saw the opportunity of a few bob 180 odd years after white settlement; over 200 years before somebody thought it was a good idea, and 220 years before it was called the 'Australian Aboriginal Flag'. But which aboriginals?

Depending on the story-teller, there were hundreds of different tribes and languages of people who were never united - often warring - who roamed all over the place, with no fixed abode.

Aborigines were never united under a flag or anything else. They are not united today - just like other Australians; this has never been more obvious than now, with the divisive Voice nonsense.

Idiots waving a swastika around don't worry me. What worries me is anything but one national flag flying over all of us.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 20 March 2023 10:56:59 AM
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Hi there DAVID F...

Essentially you're right Sir. You must have formed the intent; (mens rea) Or, undertaken the criminal act (actus reus) in the company of others to prove conspiracy. It's no offence to simply harbour the ideology of a terrorist.

Any display of Nazi memorabilia, except the swastika, (from my understanding a Buddhist symbol), unless prohibited by State law is in itself, more in bad taste and insulting rather than anything illegal. Notwithstanding the horrendous genocide perpetrated by the nazi regime during the years 1938/45. Still, when it comes to anomalous behaviour, nothing would surprise me with humanity.

I hope you're keeping well Sir.
Posted by o sung wu, Monday, 20 March 2023 12:34:34 PM
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