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The Forum > General Discussion > Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

Should The Swastikas And Nazi Salutes Be Banned

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Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 18 April 2023 5:23:10 PM
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Dear Paul1405,

Shadow minister was not defending the Nazis. He was defending Christians. Nazis appealed to the hate that was already placed there by Christianity. Some Christians of good will such as Pope John XXIII have admitted what Christianity has done in the past to foster hatred, but shadow minister still defends what is indefensible in Christianity.

"Following an approach by Jules Isaac, a French-born Jew who was associated with the Seelisberg Conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews, in which, he claimed that what he called "Christian antisemitism", had prepared the way for the Holocaust, a sympathetic Pope John XXIII endorsed the creation of a document which would address a new, less adversarial, approach to the relationship between the Catholic Church and Rabbinic Judaism. Within the Church, conservative Cardinals were suspicious and Middle Eastern Catholics strongly opposed the creation of such a document. With the Arab–Israeli conflict in full swing, the governments of Arab nations such as Egypt (in particular), Lebanon, Syria and Iraq vocally lobbied against its development (the document was subjected to several leaks during its development due to the involvement of the intelligence agencies of several nations). Jewish organisations such as the American Jewish Committee, B'nai B'rith and the World Jewish Congress also lobbied for their side with the assistance of sympathetic liberal clergymen.[6] After going through numerous drafts, compromises were made and a statement was added on Islam to mollify the security concerns of the Arab Christians. Finally, statements on Eastern religions; Buddhism and Hinduism; were also added."

Pope John XXIII was a Christian of good will. Professor William Nicholls, a former minister in the Anglican Church and the founder of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of British Columbia, who wrote "Antisemitism: a History of Hate" is also a Christian of good will. The past cannot be changed, but it can be acknowledged.
Posted by david f, Tuesday, 18 April 2023 5:38:20 PM
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Jerusalem capitulated to Alexander The Great in 332BC in a Paris type move. Alexander The Great possibly resulted from hundreds of years of attempted invasions from the Middle East until Europe eventually got annoyed enough to teach the Middle East a lesson.

In 70AD (400years later) Jerusalem became a big enough problem that the Roman's destroyed it to the brick to stop them rebuilding/ refortifying it.

Persian Empire and Judea

Looks like Judea had a similar issue with Assyria that Rome had in refusing to pay taxes.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 18 April 2023 5:49:07 PM
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I think we need to be careful how the words of Pope John XXIII are interpreted. Perhaps he was hoping that in admitting the Christian sins Hebrew's would acknowledge theirs.

The words of the Pope are perhaps important but not definitive.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 18 April 2023 5:56:39 PM
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Paul is a liar and a fraud. Menzies was as pro-fascism as the Greens were pro paedophilia.

Secondly, I was explicitly talking about post-WW1 Germany and your failure to acknowledge the government's influence in using Jews as a scapegoat for the defeat and massive losses in the war. Even then the non-Christian Communists had no problem killing Jews, they just killed vast numbers of people that didn't conform putting the Nazis in the shade.

In medieval times the church persecuted all non-believers as did the Muslims and pretty much every other faith. In fact, Christianity seems to be the only faith that seems today to have tolerance for other faiths.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 19 April 2023 1:23:42 AM
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Menzies was pro Fascist, in 1938, he gave a glowing report after a 2 week visit to Nazi Germany.

Love dem pedos don't you SM, can't help mentioning them can you. I think you get off on the subject. Can't top the Liberals they gave Australia a paedophile Prime Minister.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 19 April 2023 6:13:08 AM
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