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A genuine secular democracy would not be so insecure : Comments

By Keysar Trad, published 9/5/2008

We should be able to present arguments in defence of our faith and also our point of view, even if this is unpopular.

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We see Muslim extremists killing innocents in the Sudan, Iraq, Israel, Russia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Pakistan, Britain, Spain, America, Egypt, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Somalia, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen, Uzbekistan. On virtually every continent there are head hackers and human bombs looking for innocent victims. Talk about think globally, act locally. The islmaic extremists have got that figured.

You speak of the invasion of Somalia, but you ignore the Islamic Courts Organistation and Al-Shabaab aka PRM, and their terror activities. The mission has been bolstered by the UN and the African union as a peace mission. The insurgency against the Government of Somalia by Islamic terrorists is typical of the behaviour of Islamic terror groups. It should be no surprise that few Somalis want Taliban style Islamic rule.

You see Abu Ghraib?. I see the beheading of Daniel Pearl. I see the mutilation and burning of the bodies of US contractors. I see the deliberate and targeted killing of 3000 innocent civillians on 9/11. By comparison with our enemies we are remarkably restrained when it comes to prisoners and captured civilians. As for Guantanomo, I have no doubt you are better off there, than in a jail in an Islamic country. You are much more likely to be flogged, have your limbs amputated or be beheaded, certainly you would expect to be tortured.

Fuel prices? Viking 13 is correct. The sabotage of oil installations by the terrorists is undoubtedly a huge problem.

Noam Chomsky’s stuff is grist for the far left mill. It resonates most with those who see conspiracies involving imperialists/capitalist pigs around every corner. I suggest you read Mark Steyns “America Alone”.

You, of course, never linked your answers to the questions I put. So I’ll ask once again. What are your views on Polygamy for Muslims in Australia? Do you think that homosexuality is an abomination and should be made illegal? Is there a role for Sharia Law in this country?

Did-you-say “yet, from-the-Muslim-viewpoint, our-ideology-is-the-best-salvation-for-the people-of-Australia, and-the-people-of-the-world-in-general. Yes, we are a threat to the culture of drunkenness, paedophilia”

Or-this (regarding-assimilation) “They-do-not-film-a-fat-Australian-woman-in-tight bicycle-shorts …an-Australian-drunk … or-an-Australian-welfare-cheat. NO!! They show-a-Muslim-woman-wearing-a-Hijab, she-is-not-assimilating”
Posted by Paul.L, Friday, 23 May 2008 9:21:58 AM
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"What 'you' do is present a whole lot of philosophy about 'The nature of God.. what you said seemed more like a romanticization of how 'you' want God to be like, which you then read/projected back on the textual foundations of the faith."

That, in a nutshell, is at the core of most criticism of your own posts, boaz, be they about Islam (their team) or Christianity (yours).
Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 23 May 2008 10:12:07 AM
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(apologies again to those who have seen this post originally posted to the wrong thread).

Fellow_Human:We don’t call it the lucky country for nothing! Any young son of a migrant, educated in the Australian catholic education system, and LatrobeUni should have the chance to raise a $34 million paypacket regardless of race or religion! Ahmed Fahour wasn’t hired because he was a muslim and he can’t claim his success because of it.

I indicated that muslims living in Dar al-Harb, a country of predominately non-Muslims, were not a threat, and I know enough muslims to substantiate this from my own experience.

The underlying suggestion of Keyser was that Australia was at peace with Islam, when by the Islamic definition, it is not. Islam’s unilateral pursuit of dar al-Islam is mapped out in the holy book and there is no muslim voice to have this expurgated from the Qu’ran.

Conclusion: Behind the muslim greeting of peace is the paradox of sustained warfare and violence.

Keyser: while you condemn me and do not consider me worthy of salvation, my holy book says that God wants all people to be saved (1 Timothy 2:4). He does not want any to perish (2 Peter 3:9). And most importantly, that the blood of Jesus Christ has purchased people from every tribe, lanugage, people and nation (Revelation 5:9).

For "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Acts 2:21)

And "the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believes" (Romans 1:16).

My only desire is for your acceptance of the Gospel. Why else do I bother?
Posted by katieO, Friday, 23 May 2008 7:10:22 PM
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No worries katie0 - clearly an honest mistake :)

However, I'll repeat what I said in the other thread:

Don't you just love it when intelligent and polite Muslims come into a forum like this to explain their points of view, and the resident fundy Christians presume to correct them on their understanding of their religion?


While I'm aware that (their) faith and fear apparently permeate every aspect of (their) apparently miserable existences, could (the Christian fundies) please be aware that this is not the case for normal people?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 23 May 2008 7:44:36 PM
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Dear_CJ.. you would do well to reflect on KatieO's words there..

CJ.. one challenge I find is that you seem to be on the outer looking in, and thus, you seldom tackle the issues under discussion, and end up just criticizing we critics :) Now.. I'm feeling more mellow towards you as of today, after the convo I mentioned in another thread with a lady at my gym. She could have been any of you 'anti GB' mob, but her reasoning was circular in the end, and I went no further as I realized she was in a rather sorry philosophical state.

You say we are wrong to criticize Kaysar about his own faith....right?

But consider this.. really.. would you ask Benny Hinn about "How much money should a Christian give"? Would you ask Jim Bakker about "Biblical Church financial policy and morality"?

Regarding Kaysar himself, I suggest you do a Wiki on him and find out what is there before critizing us too much about attacking his position.

The thing is, my own assertion is based on what their documents say, not so much on how they are interpreted. The documents themselves interpret them.
I went out today, and found a 'Bukhari' interlinear Arabic/English but the relevant volume was not there as it was abridged. The full set is like the Britannica in size (many volumes) I'll follow this up.
Kaysar says "It does not exist in the Arabic"
3 Islamic web sites show "It exists and they all have it word for word"

So.. this HAS to raise some questions in your mind about what is going on and what Kaysars agenda really is.

As Jesus said "a kingdom divided against itself will fall"
I cannot imagine various Muslim web sites publishing non existent hadiths under Bukhari's name. They would be found out immediately.

Once I establish the finality of the matter, then..... you are welcome to make your criticism.

I'm more sympathetic (but sad) to your position now, as it indicates a spiritual state which only Christ will satisfy and fix, (same for FH and Kaysar)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 23 May 2008 9:04:00 PM
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Viking13, being a failed state according to somebody’s judgement is not sufficient grounds for invasion, otherwise, everybody can nitpick and invade at will and steal another country’s resources and then blame then propagandise and we must swallow the popular media. Why not treat the entire subcontinent as part of India, historically, you can say that Pakistan and Bangladesh as well as Kashmir were parts of India. In fact this was the argument of Muslim scholars before the separation, but the Brits insisted on splitting India and creating these artificial borders, therefore, conflicts, but that is another digression from the main point and I won’t say more on it.

PaulL, I see non-religious extremists committing murder and other crimes in every country, when this happens in a Western country, I do not blame their religion for it, I do not call them Christian extremist. Even when I see unreasonable opposition to a Muslim school and Islamophobic attacks on Muslims, I do not blame the perpetrator’s culture or religion, but you don’t seem to wish to apply the same standard. The major wrong in your comment, mate, is that you picked on a response that I made to another person and treated it as a blanket statement. She accused Muslim countries of trying to expand through violence against the West, I gave her facts to disprove her accusations. You on the other hand have taken aberrations in these societies, aberrations that are condemned by Islam and you tarnish Islam with them.

The murderers who killed Daniel Pearl were not a state, they were not a nation, they were simply murderers, you cannot compare them to the state-run Guantanamo or Abu Ghraib. You see the problem is that by saying what you are saying, you are playing the man and not the ball. If you say that killing Daniel Pearl is a contemptible crime, I am fully in agreement with you, if you say the killers are criminals, I am also in agreement with you, but when you blame it on Islam, then we part ways.

To Be Continued

Love and Best wishes.
Posted by K Trad, Friday, 23 May 2008 9:11:53 PM
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