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The Israeli Diaspora soul-searching : Comments

By Antony Loewenstein, published 15/4/2008

The Jewish establishment fails to understand the shifting sands of the debate.

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Daniella: “However, nowdays, people avoid admitting they are antisemites, by saying they like Jews. They say it is just Zionism they hate” – that is NEW anti-Semitism I had already mentioned above.

As known, “Nourished does not understand a starving one”. Maybe, it could forgive misunderstanding of missiles’ impact falling on Israeli heads.
Posted by MichaelK., Saturday, 3 May 2008 2:23:49 PM
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kartiya jim

I have made my position very clear about settlements over the Greenline. I disapprove of them.

The Arab League recognises the legitimate right of Israel to exist. Not all Muslims wish to see Israel pushed into the sea and all Jews slaughtered. It is fundamentalist/extremist Muslims. Arab States have unsuccessfully tried to rein in these people in - indeed, are concerned that they may start activities in their own countries.

Egypt has a militiarised wall between themselves and Gaza; they do not wish Hamas to infilitrate their country.

Saudi Arabia is building a 900-kilometre wall to keep out, among other groups, jihadists and terrorists. The wall is to be the most high-tech in the world. The final decision for the wall was made following car-bombs exploded in Riyadh. As the wall cuts into parts of Yemen there has been considerable dispute.

We would not knowingly accept militant Muslim groups in Australia.

Perhaps we should be grateful, instead of condemning them, that fundamentalist Jews do not serve in the forces ... Incidentally these Jews are a small minority

Israeli law allows most Arabs, ultra-Orthodox Jews, and females who declare themselves pacifists to be exempted from military service. Not living in Israel, I do not know the feelings of the average Jew towards ultra-Orthodox Jews. I doubt if they have much in common.

Twice in my life in different places and circumstances, I have been at risk of death, indeed an actual target (yet innocent of any crime), for just being who I am. A total of ten years before I had reached twenty-one.

If Israel had existed in the early ‘40’s I would not have lost my father, grandmother - in fact, my entire father’s entire family of over 50 members - in Hitler’s gas-chambers. My Jewish grandfather, an Iron Cross holder, had already died from his injuries.

In late 1939, the Australian government granted my father (an Austrian Jew serving in the French army) a visa to enter this country. This was cancelled when Britain entered the war.

cont ...
Posted by Danielle, Saturday, 3 May 2008 2:50:54 PM
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My parents (Australian catholic mother), however, were not informed. My father was arrested, sent to a slave camp, then Auschwitz's gas chambers. They had waited in vain for the promised Australian entry papers.

My father, a secular Jew, attended synagogue once a year. He regarded himself, Austrian.

When the Nazis took France, my mother wanted him to convert to Christianity hoping it might save him. He refused, saying that he “would never desert his people”. Ask your Jewish friends what this means.

My mother and I, imprisoned in Nazi POW camps, were selected as exchange POW’s. The SS commandant personally ordered that neither of us must ever return to Europe.

She wanted to stay in Palestine, the British refused this.

On arrival in Australia, eve of 1943, Australian “Security” were waiting for her. She endured a terrible time:

“We don’t like to get rough unless we have to ...”

But, admittedly, not as unpleasant as she experienced under the SS.

The Australian government condemned her a “fifth columnist” - her association with a Austrian Jew. Later, she stated she would have preferred modern surveillance techniques, no matter how intrusive.

In the 1980’s, I obtained records from the Australian archives. A scrawled handwritten sheet, just four lines - to me, my father’s death warrant, written by the Minister of the Interior, Watson, dated July 1941:

“ xxx... German Jew refugee, resident of Paris ... Permit to enter Australia granted shortly before outbreak of war; subsequently cancelled.”

Britain and her territories were not alone. SS St Lewis, a ship of some 100 Jewish refugees, travelled to the US and elsewhere for haven; but returned to Europe with its full compliment - a triumph of propoganda for Hitler.

The other seven years were spent in Malaya during the Communist Terrorist Emergency, I left just before my 21st birthday.

Antispetic, when you say you like Jews (not all are religious) but say: “you musn’t have a homeland” - you are an antisemite. The worst kind.

Historically - and today - virulent antisemitism - often displayed like yours - exists.
Posted by Danielle, Saturday, 3 May 2008 3:07:14 PM
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kartiya jim

You don't have to fear fundamentalist Jews. They do not wish to convert you, just to be left alone. They follow Jewish teaching which in contrast to Christianity and Islam does not consider it necessary to follow their ways in order to be admitted to heaven. In Jewish teaching all good people will receive divine favours and their beliefs make no difference. No one will be sent to war to protect them.


The citizens of Israel have been subject to threats of annihilation suicide bombs, rocket attacks for so long. Tell me in your own words what should Israel do to protect its citizens, Arab Christian Muslim Jewish alike, the attackers do not discriminate? I trust you have a better solution than the Israeli generals, please share with us your secret.

What guidance do you have for descendants of the 900,000 or so Jewish refugees who left Arab lands?

If Israel falls what would happen to them as well as the Druze, Baha'i and Samaritans who have found refuge in Israel?

All of the other wise contributers to this discussion are invited to contribute to my questions.
Posted by logic, Saturday, 3 May 2008 5:01:05 PM
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Danielle: "you are an antisemite. The worst kind."

So now you're reduced to insult without even trying to answer my simple questions. I'm very sad that you had such a terrible experience, it makes your prejudice understandable, but it doesn't say anything to the subject of the discussion, which is the bad behaviour of Israel, not Nazi Germany or Australia in the 40s and 50s. I was taught that two wrongs make no right. Do you agree?

logic: "Tell me in your own words what should Israel do to protect its citizens"

Israel and the pro-Zionists it relies on for support internationally make all sorts of claims about Israeli democracy and freedom and so on, yet the behaviour of the Israeli State internationally is that of a rogue that will accept no accountability for its own actions.

Invading other countries, dispatching assassins in helicopters, locking up dissenters without trial, etc are not the actions of a democratic, open society, but of an authoritarian State that believes it can do no wrong.

Proportional response is a concept that has been lost from the Israeli lexicon. Perhaps this will all change when the next generation of leaders emerges and the last of the holocaust survivors dies. If the pro-Zionists with their blind propagandising let it, of course.
Posted by Antiseptic, Sunday, 4 May 2008 6:40:32 AM
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Last comment in my last OLO should have read:

Especially so, about Mordecai, Danielle, a problem us socio-political academics were very unhappy about. We finally came to the conclusion that it was the silence from America that caused Mordecai to be virtually given a life sentence, when it was his own leaders whom had broken a law already under protection by the United Nations.

Posted by bushbred, Sunday, 4 May 2008 5:53:10 PM
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