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Positive Muslim integration is possible : Comments
By Imran Lum, published 4/5/2007Issues Deliberation Australia, far from turning ugly, ended up being a real eye opener for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
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I had a read of it. Typical Islamic 'spin' which quickly mentions the 'Christian friendly' verses, such as 'no compulsion in religion' etc but not a syllable of 'ALLAHS CURSE BE ON THEM' .. 'may Allah destroy them' (Quran 9:30)
That one verse (along with the similar hadith where Mohammad repeatedly curses Christians and Jews on his death bed) are definitive about how Islam truly regards Christians (and Jews)
INTERPRETATION. This is crucial. If Christians were cursed because:
-They broke a treaty.
-Had murdered someone.
-Were telling lies.
-Were immoral.
etc, one could understand them being 'cursed' with a degree of legitimacy. But we are cursed and our destruction is called for NOT for any of those reasons, but
-due to the fact that we believe Christ is Son of God.
The end result of this is, that there is no other possible understanding of Islam's regard for Christians than that provided by this verse. Individual Muslims may be friendly and social, but "Islam"...thats the critical bit...the motherload, the refined plutonium, has a different view.
CURSED FOR ALL TIME. This verse does not curse or invite destruction on particular Christians at a specific time or location, it does so for all time.... for as long as we believe in Christ as Son of God, "Islam" wishes to destroy us.
So, while I can agree that the integration of 'moderate/nominal' muslims is quite possible, the danger is that their Imams will drag out the 'May Allah destroy them' verse at the 'appropriate time' which of course is when they have more and more power.
Hitler murdered 6 million Jews based on a wrong interpretation of Jesus cleansing the temple of money changers. How much MORE will Islam seek to destroy Christians when such destruction is based on a CORRECT interpretation of the Quran?
-Moderate Muslims.... basically integratable (but in reality spiritual time bombs waiting to be primed by scorching oratory)
-Islam as a faith....totally incompatable.