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Zarqawi’s war : Comments
By Irfan Yusuf, published 13/6/2006The death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi should be cheered by Muslims.
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Posted by Horus, Saturday, 17 June 2006 7:45:18 AM
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G'day All
Here's a koran that you can read online, it comes complete with annotations Irf. About 15 years ago the US began accepting Somali mossies. Many went to Minnesota and they now have at least 40000 of them. Which is strange as Minnesota is very feminist and as you know Somalis do have a tendency to mutilate the vaginas of young girls. Well it's not so strange actually, feminists have often supported barbaric patriarchal cultures. Anyway, the youngsters of these immigrants are approaching physical maturity. Lo and behold articles are appearing about how violent crime and rapes are increasing,(at least 15% in the last year) they're not mentioning any names though. However you'll read things like this... It's about how the police receive grants to help them 'reach out' and contend with 'issues' among the mossie community. In other articles you'll read about the 'need' for more somali speaking officers, why? You also need the latest tech stuff Irf, if Minnesota said no they wouldn't have these problems, these people and your ideaology are just not worth it. The tradgedy of all this is that the Minnesotans had the luxury to simply look at what happened to western countries that were stupid enough to accept any number of mossies within their borders. They chose to ignore it and will pay the price for years to come. Saintfletch, this is multiculturalism, it sucks Posted by CARNIFEX, Saturday, 17 June 2006 9:57:11 AM
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“I think Dee must have alzheimers” – how witty, what brilliant repartee. Laughably stale and unoriginal, so you didn’t even need to spend much time in thought. Usually I wouldn’t bother to respond to anyone who would say something so lame and offensive to those suffering from or affected by this disease, but in this case –
Re Chicago – the people of Chicago witnessed widespread celebration by the Muslims of Dearborn on 9/11, so I’m not surprised that their tolerance is wearing thin. Otherwise, your list is a joke when compared to the attacks made by Islamic terrorists. Smashed windows? A school forced to remain closed? Are you kidding? Did you forget to list the number of dead and those who were captured and beheaded by angry American mobs? How about car bombs? What, no Christian terrorists planting car bombs and blowing up mosques? ‘Do you agree there is something immoral about the way they bombed Zarqawi's neighbouhood?’ No. However, there is something immoral in the way that Muslim terrorists hide behind their women and children, or use them for guinea pigs, as happened in Gaza the other day. Zarqawi thought it was a safe house. It wasn’t as safe as he believed. End of story. Its fortunate that we were not ruled by people like you 60 years ago – we would probably be speaking German or Japanese right now. ‘I think makes them Australian’. – Fine. If the people you mention define themselves as Australians, and their primary loyalty is to this country, that is more than acceptable to me. The Muslims that bother me are the ones who have no loyalty to this country and do not define themselves as Australians, and there are plenty of those. How do I know? They tell us so with monotonous regularity. "It will take time to clue us all together with multiculturalism" – Multiculturalism is an unworkable joke that was imposed upon Australians without their permission. It has not worked anywhere in the world. Posted by dee, Saturday, 17 June 2006 1:28:30 PM
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You've done it again - avoiding the questions and making me look like the vilain. Bravo! To be a muslim is to agree and follow the law and rituals as set by Allah and his books. Right? I am not inventing or adding anything to what your religion demands of you. Nominal or moderate muslims are still muslims; it is when they become pious and start reading the pages of the Qur'an that most become radical and when they do, they usually blow themeselves up in the name of Allah the almighty god. So the nominal modern secular muslims ... will not condone nor condemn terrorists acts. Its all part of Islam. Deep down they will agree with bin laden - before they agree with john Howard or bush. The difference between a Moderate muslim and a Radical islamist is like being moderately pregnant and radically pregnant. Irfan, can I ask you why you are a muslim? If you were not born a muslim... would you have still chosen islam? on what rationale? It bothers me a lot that muslims don't question their religion. They are so satisfied (or terrified) believing that it is the right path because some arabian nomad decided so. To examine their doctrines (is there any?) is forbidden and considered a grave sin. I know why I am a Christian. My decision was based on concrete evidencial revelations from prophets, events, history, ... and finally God Himself becoming flesh in Jesus. What about Islam? where is the evidence of divine revelation? the words of mohammad? Islam is a political movement rapped in a religious coating. Muslims all over this planet have more in common than you want us to believe. Jihad (in all its forms) and islamic law (from Allah) are two universal codes that all muslim agree and respect above respect for their host country and its laws. Islam is a goverment in waiting - regardless if it takes 15 or 150 years to render Australia islamic. It has no long term interrest in democracy or freedom. Just power for Allah. Posted by coach, Saturday, 17 June 2006 4:00:13 PM
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Coach - " .. muslims don't question their religion."
- or rather, *won't* question their religion. I am tired of the inevitable accusation of 'hating Muslims' directed at anyone who criticises Islam and the antisocial behaviour of many Muslims - perfect example: Irf's dramatic attacks against me - that I am 'full of hate' etc etc. Another is the old 'you-have-not-interviewed-every-Muslim-so-how-can-you-know ....' ploy. Of course not every Muslim is an Osama sympathiser, and I'm sure that many Muslims individually wish to live in peace. This is not the point. The simple truth is that the West has everything to lose and nothing to gain by allowing millions of Islamic immigrants to settle in our countries. Dont believe it? Take a trip to Europe. The generations-old problems in Islamic countries will not be fixed by inflicting them on the West. Irf - 'The diggers .. had more respect for their Turkish enemy than you have for your fellow Australians.' Who are 'these fellow Australians' I am supposed to respect? Re Gallipoli: Even when two "Turks" (really Afghans) shot up a picnic train in Broken Hill on 1 January 1915, there were no actual anti-Muslim riots here (although it came close). This attack on innocent civilians was in 'revenge' for Gallipoli. The murderers fired 20 or 30 shots, killing Elma Cowie and three men and wounding six, including 4 women. One of the killers was an iman from the Broken Hill Mosque. By order of the Attorney General, all ‘enemy aliens’ in Australia were interned for the duration of the war. The Melbourne Argus headline: "Turks Attack Train; Entrenched near railway; Broken Hill Sensation; Four Picnickers Killed; Seven others Wounded; Police Shoot Murderers." Innocent civilians murdered while on a picnic in 'revenge' for something they were not involved in - -- doesn't this have the ring of familiarity? Posted by dee, Saturday, 17 June 2006 7:33:04 PM
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The WMD conspiracy theory started the war against Iraq in the first place. This was incorrect. The alliance of the willing declared "a war against terrorism": Not a war against Islam.
Yet many arguements here discussing the terrorist: Zarqawqi are anti Islamic. Put the qua'rans and bibles away. This is supposed to be irrelevant. Then the excuse was that they had to liberate the Iraqi people. They just divided the Iraqis by chaos and more bombings. It was a disaster. Then they said they had to stay longer to make them democractic. It didn't work; it never will. So many innocent lives of Iraqis have been slain on a lie, and thousands of US soldiers, many unemployed African Americans recuited at Wal Mart car parks, have been been sent back in body bags. They refuse to stop the killing with the excuse that so many have been killed, that they must kill more in the legacy of their dead war heros. This is a wicked spin. So even liberation has nothing to do with it now. Condalisa Rice said "sometimes you just have to drop bombs". She is not safe in many African American areas: she killed their children as cannon fodder. The Americans have worked it out. Bush's opinion polls are way down. It is a lie and it is time to move on. Now the Australians want the war more than the Americans or the British do. Why? Did the yobbos fail to complete the Cronulla riots? Why do so many Australians think that this is a war against Islam? They got one terrorist: Zarqawi. But they could have got him without dropping a huge bomb, killing innocent children. He was not worth thousands of African American unemployed mall kids, and many thousands of Iraqis, in the overall war. When we invaded Iraq, Osama Bin Landen, a Saudi, laughed even more. The superpowers and Australia walked right into his trap. Where is Bin Laden? He was never in Iraq? Who is the enemy? When will it stop? Posted by saintfletcher, Saturday, 17 June 2006 7:33:56 PM
1) Zarqawi got what he deserved. My only regret is he wasn't taken alive.
Now, we could have tried politely knocking on his door (of course after 9AM) and asking him to accompany us to the station for questioning -but I somehow suspect that that may not have worked.
Though I am sure saintfletecher, you with your great powers of persuasion & tolerance could have pulled it off.
Next time we have a Zarqawi like character to arrest, we'll give you a call.
2) “It will take time to clue us all together with multiculturalism” -and you have a sense of humor too!
Multiculturalism is at the root of a lot of our current problems