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Zarqawi’s war : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 13/6/2006

The death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi should be cheered by Muslims.

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About 100,000 Iraqis have been bombed to bits by the coalition of the killing and that was two years ago, details today show that about 750,000 Iraqis have fled and become refugees in the last year and others are to follow. All of this was predicted by those of us who said "don't go and blow up Iraq" but it gives us no comfort that it was true.

The US has detailed how Zarqawi died - for 52 minutes they watched as he literally suffocated on his own blood. The monstrosity of this will be lost on the bloody thirsty but the US were there for the whole time.

The US also now claim they dumped the bodies of the two innocent women and young girl with the Iraqis so the question is "did they also take 52 minutes of gasping for air to die while the US watched"? and what was the crime of the women and girl?

No person has the right to gloat over the brutal death of another because they just prove they are as savage as those they call savages.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Thursday, 15 June 2006 1:31:30 PM
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dee wrote ...

“Abu Musab al-Zarqawi deserves to be cut into pieces because he hurt, killed the people and slaughtered the Muslims”. True. But there is no compassion here (or anywhere in the Islamic world) for anyone but Muslims. Please explain.

dee, can you please provide positive proof that every single Muslim has no compassion? Please advise of what demographic surveys you have done of Muslim communities in the 52-plus Muslim majority states.

Until you are able to provide this evidence, I think most sensible people here will agree with me that your fatwas against Muslims are just xenaphobia and prejudice.
Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 15 June 2006 4:18:07 PM
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coach says ...

"Let’s do everyone a favour – what have you got to hide Irfan? Put your book where your mouth is. Let’s ask Australians if the book should be freely available after they all read it."

coach, any Australian can go to their library and read an English translation of the Quran. Alternatively, they can go to their bookshop and buy one. And if they don't have access to a bookshop but do have access to the internet, they can go to and buy a copy online.

These opportunities are open to all Aussies. It's ok, coach. Not even the giant Islamic conspiracy in your head cannot stop Aussies from reading the Quran people like me are apparently so keen to hide.
Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 15 June 2006 4:49:15 PM
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Jelata – I don’t personally know any Westerners who think its ‘cool’ to kill at a distance. And if there are those who do think this way, why blame it on Christianity?

Please explain to us what you mean by the ‘spiritual teachings of Muhammed’ – are you claiming that the Koran as we know it is not correct? Or has been mistranslated? Even if this is so, the sure way to understand Mohammed is to look at his actions. Fortunately, these are part of recorded history and we do not need to depend on the Koran. Mohammed led armies, planned raids and ordered the assassination of his enemies.

• Ibn Ishaq, (Muhammad’s earliest biographer and a devout Muslim) recounts the massacre of the Jewish Banu Qurayzah: “The apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still its market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for [the men of Banu Qurayza] and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches....There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900.” (Ibn Ishaq’s Sira, 689).

•Mohammed married his wife Aisha at the age of 6 and consummated the marriage at age 9.

How is emulating this behaviour ‘better for humanity?

Irf – obviously I have not taken a ‘compassion survey’ in the Islamic community, but the memory of Muslims celebrating the deaths on 9/11 and Bali probably influences my opinions. I have not seen any Muslim compassion for Western victims of terrorism – I have heard and read a few mealy-mouthed, far from convincing statements by Islamic leaders, always followed by ‘but’… can you provide evidence of compassion? If you can, please do so.

Re my 'fatwa' - an entirely Islamic concept, please do not apply such barbarisms to me. I do not order (or wish for) the death of anyone who 'insults' my religion or with whom I disagree.
Posted by dee, Thursday, 15 June 2006 4:57:09 PM
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Dee, ask soldiers who defeated Iraqis. American are the master in killing from distance. Tomahawk is really cool missile, eh. It is good in remembering terrain map so it doesnt need guidance from satellites. You may need a kind of "Adobe Photoshop" before you want to shutdown enemy military targets, just be careful not to explode civilian wedding parties, satellites are often wrong. Entertaining, right?

American soldiers were listening music while playing with the death buttons. Look at Farenheit 911 movie, you will get a kind of illustration.

I suggest Bush challenges Saddam in one to one fighting with Dayaknese blades so he will know what blood and murder are.

About the islamic matters, simply go to your bookstore and read Karen Amstrong book about Muhammed. Surely she's a bit neutral. Or get read on wikipedia. You must get a bit detail about the situations in 675 A.D in arabia. Muhammad was a great spiritual. No problems with his successor expansionism, fighting Romans and Persians empire were considered heroic at those eras.

You also must note that Islam came peacefully to East Asia region brought by merchants (muslims were good in navigation) and sufis (islamic mystics). Chinese Muslim Admiral Zenghe sailed peacefully to these countries. Meanwhile Christianity came to these islands along with Dutch's galleons and gunpowder, not to mention all their dirty politics. Dont worry I dont blame christianity, but sometime I cannot be very objective.
Posted by Jelata, Thursday, 15 June 2006 7:03:27 PM
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Jelata – Western technology is superior and can target from a distance. Is it more moral to kill up close and personal with a knife or to hack off the heads of bound captives rather than use a Tomohawk missile? You may wish to ponder how many innocent Westerners have been killed by Islamic terrorists while attending parties, eating lunch or working – or how about going to Bali on holidays only to be slaughtered by resident murdering religious fanatics? Let me assure you that tourists do not often run the risk of being murdered because of their religion in Australia.

‘American soldiers were listening music ..’ I don’t need to see a movie to know the nature of war, but why pick on American soldiers when there are brave jihadis hacking the heads off Christian schoolgirls (Thailand)? Why pick on American soldiers when so many Muslims danced in the streets in celebration of Western deaths? The hit record in the Middle East recently was titled 'I hate Israel' - and Muslims in general seem to have no idea how shameful and backward this is.

‘You also must note that Islam came peacefully to East Asia region ..’ Perhaps that is so, I am more familiar with Western history, but is this still the case? Muslim fanatics are causing bloodshed in almost every Asian country today. Why is that?

Perhaps the Dutch did practice dirty politics (along with every other country on earth) but you cannot compare the past with the present. The corruption, stagnation and economic failure of Islamic countries is the reason why Western countries have been flooded with millions of Muslim immigrants and illegals, this is a one-way traffic. Doesnt that tell you something about Islamic societies?

Re Mohammed – I have read the book you mention. Mohammed’s actions are recorded history yet you continue to believe that he was a spiritual man. Perhaps you are the one who needs to do more research on the life of Mohammed.
Posted by dee, Thursday, 15 June 2006 8:31:21 PM
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