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Sexing up stories about those 'evil Arabs' : Comments

By Joseph Wakim, published 15/3/2006

Tim Priest capitalises on the fear factor - aiding, abetting and profiting from Australia's Arab-phobia.

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Wibble ,you can quote all the stats you like,but who compiled them and what were the parameters that defined the palitable facts only for left wing consumption?

Just last Saturday we again see in Sydney Canterbury Middle Eastern men again rioting and bashing anyone of Anglo appearence.Again the police were too afraid to arrest anyone.Morris Iemma wants to use water cannon.Why not simply arrest them like other criminals in our society?

Now if the Skips were to behave in such a fashion,they would find their pictures all over the front page of the Daily Telegraph and shamed.

The likes of the ABC paint a picture of racist Anglos at Cronulla,yet after the revenge attacks we see police protecting the Cronulla locals from violent attacks.

Why weren't the police putting a cordon around Lakemba,protecting the Muslims from the evil marauding Anglo skips.Yes,because the skips did not initiate the aggression.Four Corners only told half truths.

There is a simple solution to this impasse,ie for the likes of Irfan to admit there is a problem in their community and work with the police in bringing back law and order to NSW.
Posted by Arjay, Tuesday, 21 March 2006 9:53:00 PM
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Thank you for bringing us back to the spirit of the article with the link you provided. It confirms Tim Priest 's view.

Since the end of the british and French colonialism, Arabs emerged as the US best friend and allies in the region by giving the keys to global energy sources to US companies (some have exclusive operations right for the next 50 years) and by re-investing the Oil money in the US economy which practically meant the US was getting energy for free (Arab investment in the US exceeds USD 1.3 Trillion).

But the article instead talks about money given to charity that went to help palestinians in distress, ignoring the fact that many other charity organisations run and fund projects in Gazza (including Finnish and Danish Aid).
Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 22 March 2006 8:27:36 AM
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To RObert

During my misspent youth, I lived in a doss house in Balmain, with the President of the Sydney chapter of the Hells Angels. They used to hold club meetings in the house, so I got to know them fairly well.

I would characterise their personalities as being primarily immature and not real bright. Add to that, a conviction that violence should be used as a first resort in any innocuous confrontation, a really serious self esteem problem, a giant chip on their shoulder, a belief that they are not really part of society, a paranoid complex that promotes the idea that society is oppressing them, a conviction that the world owes them a living, and last but not least, a John Wayne complex.

They think and act just like Muslim men.

If you would not encourage the immigration of Hells Angels (or any other form of badass bikers) into Australia, then by the application of the same logic, you should not support the immigration of Muslims. The end result on OUR society if both groups are encouraged to come here will be exactly the same.
Posted by redneck, Wednesday, 22 March 2006 8:58:23 AM
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do you have a source or link for that bashing story mate ?

you continue to be a source of wonderment to me... you are quite articulate, get up very early.. presumably are involved in the construction field.. mis-spent your youth, associate with Hells Angels :) kind-of....

F.H. hope all is well with you, one of my other gym buddies is half Malay/Aussie.. mum is Muslim, and he was a scoundrel one day, put a little toy pig in the freezer.. freaked the mum out :) Hope you always realize that its not 'you' being attacked by my diatribes.

DAWOOD.. I truly feel you need to look more closely at the details/fine print of Islam mate.. just yesterday we all most likely heard about a former muslim in Afghanistan who is now on trial for his life because he left Islam for Christ.. That 'is' Sharia and you know it.

I repeat and emphasise, that if Islam is not the only way of Salvation, then it is unneccessary or is simply 'one of many choices' re religion. But clearly that is not the message it presents, which of course raises the question of the veracity of the message and its messenger. Wakey wakey mate.

WIBBLE you should research the crime stats for South Western Sydney compared to those for the rest of the city, quite revealing. 1998-2001 while all other types of crime including gun crime were decreasing across Sydney, SWS rates skyrocketed.

To all others, no matter the diversity or intensity of views, I personally value and appreciate your presence here.

Have a great day all.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Wednesday, 22 March 2006 10:26:48 AM
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Where did I promote violence against Muslims? You obviously didn't read my post properly. If you read it, you will see that I am all for Muslims reinterpreting their religion to come into this century, but that all those who try are correctly labelled heretics.

This is because, unlike Christianity where the church got Christians to do bad things in the name of God (because only they could read latin: when Luther published it everyone could read Christ's words themselves, which contain no violent thoughts) in Islam, there really are many many horrible teachings, where one's duty is to kill infidels, where non-Muslims are to be second-class citizens, where women are worth half of men.

Don't believe me, don't ever believe what people write here, read the Koran & Hadiths yourself.

I don't really understand your question, but I think your asking me if I'm religious? No, I'm not.

I, personally, haven't seen any dissemination of Islam apart from Muslims themselves, who quote nonsense like "There is no compulsion in religion" without telling you that ALL Muslim scholars read those according to a concept known as ABROGATION. This states that anything later in the Koran which contradicts earlier passages, go with the later one.

If you know anything about Mohammed, you will know that while starting out, he preached tolerance of all, and so on, but when he gained power he massacred Jewish tribes, had people assassinated, and so on. A famous Hadith tells of Mohammed's glee at being brought the head of a famous poet who denigrated him.

Somewhat similar to those who yell "Allahu-Akhbar" while severing the heads of criminal infidels in Iraq.

As for your comment on newspapers, you need to read widely about how it's not back-alley, marginal papers (like the ones published cartoons) but prominent mainstream Islamic papers that publish far worse cartoons of anti-semitism, anti-western sentiment.

I agree with your last comment to, those who sow hatred seeds, like madrassa's who tell pre-pubescent boys that the greatest honor is to kill infidels, or how killing apostates is fine, will get whats coming.
Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 22 March 2006 2:09:02 PM
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The most revered cleric, after Mohammed, Khoemeini of Iran, took a few 9 year old wives when he came to power in 1979. No Muslims have ever protested that Islamic tenet that a girl is a woman at age nine, which is quite despicable. Legalised paeophilia won't protect such men's souls.

I saw a doco recently, about a mosque in England, where a family took the Imam to court for molesting their boy. Now, one would think, and it happens here, that all the parisheners would support the family, but what happened was sickening. They smashed their car, burnt down their house, they had non-stop death threats, and eventually called the case off.

This is in England, so you can imagine how bad paedophillia is in Islamic nations. People think it's just Christians because that's all you hear, but other cultures aren't even prepared to acknowledge it yet is all.

You need to know, too, things like, how, after the gang rape trials, n SBS crew went to Lakemba mosque to ask them what they thought. They were bashed, which happens often when news crews come into contact with Muslims, but before they were bashed, they filmed some great examples of Muslim racism.

They asked what they thought of the rapes, with one Muslim yelling out "they were all just sluts anyway" at which point everyone in the mosque burst out laughing.

Think about what that says about their morals, not all of course, but a great many. Is this pushing hate of Muslims? I don't think so. It's just a fact mangotree.

Read about the man in Afghanistan who is being executed for becoming Christian. Or how, Muslims protest worldwide over cartoons, yet have never protested about cartoons depicting Jews, Christians as animals. Or how Muslims protest when a US soldier threw a Koran, yet Saudi Arabia openly admits to BURNING bibles it finds at its ports. Christianity is illegal there you see.

Grow up, surely you can see who the intolerant ones are?
Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 22 March 2006 2:16:13 PM
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