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Just how Aussie do we have to be? : Comments

By Salam Zreika, published 7/3/2006

Let's move past common stereotypes of Muslims.

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You keep ignoring my comment even though you initiated the challenge.
I illustrated the theological difference between Islam & Christianity is the character of Jesus and the famous 3 days gap that makes the difference.

Many statements in the bible confirms Jesus humanity and him being a lesser of different being than God : his statement on the cross is one example but the obvious one when he was asked about the judgement day he said ‘ only the father knows’.

In this statement, Jesus (pbuh) makes a clear statement that there are difference between Jesus knowledge and God knowledge and them being totally separate beings.

Christians until the year 325 AD worshipped Jesus as a prophet.
Islam preaches exactly what early Christians believe since it’s a confirmation of the Bible & the Torah.

Can you explain how & why did the Trinity come to light?
In case you are wondering why you need to explain: It’s the responsibility of the inconsistent to explain (ie yourself).

Another question you claimed many times the Bible tells about everything in the future. Where does the bible mention prophet Mohamed?

He can’t be the Anti-Christ since:
- He (and Muslims) accepted Jesus as the Messiah and honoured his followers.
- Both prophets (pbut) warned from the Anti-Christ and described him as a man with Jesus ‘like miracles (Prophet Mohamed had no supernatural miracles).

If you challenge, go all the way amigo.


So you think that lebanese thugs go and pray in Mosques and then practice 'thuggery' after hours? You can't be serious.

The BSK gang rapist never prayed and mocked Islam and Muslims in his school. Thugs and gangs are law enforcement issues.

Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 16 March 2006 8:00:04 AM
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"The only way to get rid of Muslim stereotypes is for the Islamic commununity to start outing the thugs among them, get rid of leaders who have said disgusting things.

Muslims need to know as well, that, for Australians, religious people are viewed as decent, empathetic people. All we see in Muslim leaders is vile, racist bigoted comments, yet no Muslim has a problem with this."

---- I am in total agreement with most of what you have said, apart from the last few words. Plenty of Muslims have problems with plenty of things, which is why many younger people are trying to get rid of these old-boys networks that supposedly represent 'us", yet don't know a single thing about us.
Posted by dawood, Thursday, 16 March 2006 9:09:47 AM
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F_H: Jesus claimed to be the Son of God, also claimed that if they [Disciples] saw Him they saw God the Father. Now The Christ is not so stupid as to pray to Himself so here are two that are very close, so close that we puny humans just cannot understand it. Then He said that the Jewish leaders sinned by blaspheming the Holy Spirit. One can only blaspheme a God so it seems there is three and the Bible says they are one. If God intimates that there are three that's fine for this grubby little mortal smelly human.
Christians including many Christ dealt with [before Christianity] fell down and worshipped Him, Thomas called Him "My Lord and my God. Christ did not tell them not to do so.
The Trinity is alluded to throughout the Holy Scriptures trying to explain them to you would take too long and you would not understand.
The Bible does not mention big mo,buddha,etc why should it? All pagan leaders are totally insignificant nothings. They were only false pagan so-called prophets, and they died Jesus lives.
Pagan moslems have never accepted Christ Jesus as THE Messiah. The Messiah is the Son of God and by human lineage is descendant from David - A JEW!. Go on I suppose you pagan clowns claim David as a pagan moslem as well?
Big mo can't be the antichrist this pedophilic, misogynist, robbing murderer [that's in your terrorist h/book the bloody- as in gory - koran] is as dead as a doornail.
I did read that your pagan Mahdi [spelling?] or messiah is hiding in a hole in the ground in Iran.
You ask a lot of questions - how can it be that homosexuality is forbidden, but not 'sex' between men and prepubiscent boys in pagan islam. As well how come that your pagan heroes, those who murder defencless civilians, have 32 'pearls' or eternal untouched boys with bottoms like peaches in your so-called paradise? numbat
Posted by numbat, Thursday, 16 March 2006 12:41:33 PM
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Numbat (soon to be promoted to Numbrain),

- You don't understand the meaninng of messiah in Hebrew (maybe then you will understand why they rejected Jesus).
- You don't understand that Muslims believe in Jesus being the Messiah (Messiah for us means the 'bearer of good news and kindness).
- You finally inserted a Shiite sect belief portraying it as "Islam".

Study some real theology, Mickey Mouse and MAD magazines are not a reliable source.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Thursday, 16 March 2006 12:54:48 PM
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F_H: Thanks for those kind words but I did notice no comment on what I wrote. I do not give a fig what messiah means to a pack of death-loving, misygonistic pagans. Yes, surprise! I do know why the Jewish leaders rejected their Messiah. But He is still their Messiah and He is to return and settle them in their land.
By then allah and the mad despotic, murderous mullahs will be well gone.
F_H You do know that we Christians win in the end eh? isalm will disappear just like their moon god - [hudna, I think or something like that and you use the moon symbol on your flags and pagan temples as well] and the big pedophile mo. It's in your terrorist h/book the LITTLE girl was six when he began indecently fondling her and he raped her when she was nine. Fine upstanding prophet, guide and example - Yes I do feel for you and your deceived fellow pagans. If only you would ask Christ to lead you then you will understand His Word. numbat
Posted by numbat, Thursday, 16 March 2006 4:44:53 PM
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I have an email notification when someone adds a comment. I dont mind that i have had too many for my inbox, but when i get on and you have bible bashers from both sides of the fence still having a crack days after the thing was published, i find it disgusting and it proves why you are all brainwashed and petty.

Religion is like a fart, your own smells good but everyone elses stinks. You are not going to make the other side say, 'hmm yeah your right i should trade my religion for yours', so why bother, except to justify your own position in your own mind.

They fight wars in the name of the lord, and idiots like you all are the grass roots of hate, propoganda and Religious based conflict.

Wake up, go and live in another country if you are like what your words portray (christian muslim haters especially), we dont want your kind in our wonderful freindly nation.

Stop carrying on like kids throwing stones at eachother i have had enough, your ancestors and religious associates have done enough of throwing stones.

Wake up, keep your religious opinions to yourself, and open your mind. We can all get along if you all accept differences and deal with it.
Posted by Realist, Thursday, 16 March 2006 5:02:51 PM
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