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Just how Aussie do we have to be? : Comments

By Salam Zreika, published 7/3/2006

Let's move past common stereotypes of Muslims.

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Phew, slogged my way through all this and found there's only really ONE poster who really hits the nail right smack bang dead centre.

First prize goes to.........wobbles. Bloody well done mate. Excellent stuff.

Stay away from the religious stuff, believe whatever you choose to believe, you are FREE to do so in this great country, of course it is expected, that this be recipricated in kind.

I share your view, WE ARE BEING MANIPULATED, and as you say, you'r parents lived through this once before, as did my parents.
It is very clear to me, we are being set up for something very sinister and there are many fools out there who appear unable or even unwilling to look at this issue from this angle.

A good 20 years of my life was spent under exactly the same vilification that our Muslim brothers claim they are labouring under.
However, I, and my family got on with the job and made a life for ourselves in this fantastic country, even surrendered 6 years of my life to SERVE this country, how many others, BORN here can lay claim to this ?

I feel our Muslim brothers and sisters are crying victim far too much, sure things are tough when you come to a new land, that's how it is, get used to it, learn the ways and get on with your life.
If you can't make the grade, that's fine too, we'll help you go back to where you came from. Better to be a HAPPY person there, then an unhappy person here.

And as far as the division goes between US and THEM, get real people, the only division I see, is the one being deliberately placed there by persons who see something to gain from it.
We all bleed the same colour blood when cut,feel the same pain when shot, even enjoy many of the same things, maybe that's cause WE ARE ALL SIMILAR and it's high time we learned to bloody well live together.
Posted by itchyvet, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 12:27:59 AM
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I don't know Redneck's background completely so I can't tell you how he arrived where he is today but I think it's from personal experience.

The reason I've got a problem with mossies is my personal experiences with them in four different countries. They may me of different nationalities but their behaviour is much the same. Until then I was quite the lefty.

By the way I've worked with many different ethnic groups in this land, if you think Redneck is trouble try asking what Serbs, Croats, Chinese, Vietnamese etc think of mossies. They want to kill them.
Posted by CARNIFEX, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 4:55:29 AM
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Fellow Human says "Where is the Gospel of Barnabos and why was it excluded even though only Barnabos Gospel was written during Jesus's time?" - when it was written in the fourteenth century. This book has never been more than a badly attempted propaganda campaign, the lack of effect in Christianity can be seen in its basis in reason, Islam does not share this reasonable nature. Check out the reference to a law introduced in Rome in the fourteenth century (within a book supposed to be written in the 1st or 2nd), the use of Islamic terminology, the incorrect details of the geography of the Holy Land. This so called gospel was not cited during it supposed life until the fourteenth century despite being the only supposedly christian source which argues the Islamic position. Also check out how bad Islamic scholarship is, they do not notice that there is a epistle of barnabas (from early christianity) but not a gospel, sometimes Islamic scholars quote from both even though they don't recognise the epistle.

It should be noted that the source critical problem noted above, where islam accepts what a text says about when and where it is written, is the basis of the corrupt thinking in Islam. The conspiracy theories promulgated by Islam regarding 911 contain the same problem, newspaper articles are sourced without checking for updated details or contradictory ones etc. Same with the holocaust. But most important of all is this problem within the sunna (hadiths) adn the quran, which both show clear problems of source criticism, particularly the way the governments of the ummah were able to manipulate the propagation of the sunna.

FH - so you accept that you are not able to accumulate wealth in all the ways non-muslims are. logically this will mean you are not able to accumulate wealth at the same rate as non-muslims, do you accept that this will leave you and yours falling behind more and more in successive generations. Will this be blamed on me and mine?
Posted by fide mae, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 10:12:35 AM
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Dobbadan - "The first religion handed down to human kind was Judaism from God to Moses in the first holy Book, the first 5 chapters of the Old Testament." It is not the veiw of mainstream Christianity that the Bible is either immutable (uncreated by man) or that the first five books were written by Moses. Dobadan, why don't you seek out some mainstream answers to your questions as well as your rather wild or outdated answers. If you do not accept the scholarly position, which may not be certain, but is certain that moses was not the author, then you need to say why, not just ignore the issue.

At the moment you are representing a movement more similar to the self imposed ignorance of Islam. I suggest attending a theology course to test your ideas, if you are confident of them then this should be a plus for you (you should have no fear of them being shown to be markedly ignorant). CSU offers a distance course on theology which is excellent, and willing to tolerate all understandings of Christianity, but your position will be tested.
Posted by fide mae, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 10:21:09 AM
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Hi Fide Mae,

Almost there! Let me clarify a step further: the relativity of the word ‘disadvantage’

Running a non-interest investment or finance is the boundary within our faith (we believe it is also in the Torah and the Bible).

You can't describe what is outside your boundary as a 'disadvantage' because its your choice even if others outside your boundary may think so. You chose to follow and practice what is compatible with your ethics & beliefs. To give you an example: a drug dealer can see an honest man disadvantaged and a prostitute can see an honest woman also disadvantaged. An honest man or an honest woman will see the opposite: they are actually advantaged.

I accept that it may look like disadvantage to you because you are outside this boundary.

On GOB: Barnabos was a follower of Jesus (pbuh) and his Gospel was one of the banned ones (Banned by Pope Glacius I in the year 492 AD ie 78 years Before prophet Mohammed 's Birth). The real question is whether the one in circulation today is the same banned one and that is a question to the Catholic Church.

You touched on may topics and some of your views are correct others are not.
The 911 conspiracy theories are predominantly adopted by Americans and is not ‘Islam’s position’ as you referred to it. Few people in the Muslim world believed it others didn’t. Many Muslims view Bin Laden as an Ex CIA man went horribly wrong.

Apologies if my comments to Coach offended you. The point I was making is it’s a good idea for everyone to look examine his own faith which few posters on OLO (who insist they are Christians for some reason) constantly overlook.
Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 11:47:12 AM
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Dear Coach,
Who gave you permission to speakout on Gods behalf, certainly not God, you say the only reason the Jews in Israel are alive and well is because God promised them that it will be so untill the end of time. that may be sooner than you think, because the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem is being put forward for demolition , the plans are now being dicussed, it will be nice to know world war three was started becaused God said it was going to Happen. maybe you could help out here ,because you seem to be in contact with God, why not ask him to come down to earth, appear on the steps of the Sydney Opera House to prove we are not dealing with a antichrist disguised as God , only a antichrist would want world war three to begin, this will not happen so why allow people/religious fanatics, who use Gods name commit one of the greatest crimes against humanity
Posted by mangotreeone1, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 3:32:20 PM
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