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Just how Aussie do we have to be? : Comments

By Salam Zreika, published 7/3/2006

Let's move past common stereotypes of Muslims.

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F-H: I do as you ask in your last post, I am Christian not perfect but forgiven. I add as I have for yonks "I DO NOT that's DO NOT HATE PAGAN MOSLEMS or any other PAGAN". I do hate their bloodthirsty, death loving, lying, brutal, animalistic religion because it's leading many to perhaps eternal death, including yourself.[There's no 70 perpetual virgins or 32 perpetual untouched little boys with bottoms like peaches for you mate] Now if you on your mighty throne do not believe that then it is your problem!
I read a lot about what I call pagan moslems, Having seen what is happening overseas in barbaric, uncivilised islamic countries I DO NOT WANT AUSTRALIA TO GO THE SAME WAY'.Up to now we have been OK but with you mob who knows?
I read what you pagans say in your lying placating posts none refute what I have said you just cry and bleat "Oh we are being persecuted again by right wing rabid Christians" At least you haven't been beheaded by rabid, murderous pagan islamics. At least you haven't had your pagan mosque burnt to the ground. At least you do not hear rabid Christians from Church pulpits condemn you to death as we have heard from both here and overseas from your pagan leaders. At least no islamic nation's embassy has been burned down. At least no islamic nation's embassy has had a bomb detonated at its entrance. You pagans can build your pagan temples, you can proselyte can have study groups, you can distribute anti-western literature/pagan newspapers. In many pagan nations we can do none of those. So stop bleating and peeping, AND stop trying to claim Christianity, cease trying to re-name/re-title the Son of God Christ Jesus by calling Him a pagan prophet. Stick with your ONE bloody, murderous, lying, robbing,misogynistic, pedophile prophet big mo. Whenever I read any pagan post I remember "al-taqiyya" where you are commanded to and told that it's not a sin for you to lie to unbelievers to placate them to get ill-advised 'bleeding hearts'on-side. numbat
Posted by numbat, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 3:46:50 PM
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Numbat my old mate ....
You really do have a way with words now don't you.

The only problem I have with you saying them is that you not only say then better than I, but you say them first, thus beating me to the post almost every time.

I did post previously, saying that I was thinking of being a moslem just so that I could blow myself up in an attempt ...... but someone rained on my thoughts saying that not only were virgins in short supply (they tde-virfinated all of them down here already) but more than likely any of the professsional virgins would probably be ultra feminists - and would really clamber onto me asking - NO DEMANDING - equal servicing, thus leaving me with a perpetual limp strand of spaggetti - and even you know just how usefull that would be to some perpetual virgins.

As for the 32 perpetual untouched little boys with bottoms like peaches - sorry mate, but as I am no poofter, I would most definitely rather be hounded by the perpetual virgins (I hear the Yanks have a new surgical process that facilitates this feature and has been used by Condi?)

You see, I am damned if I do and really buggered if I don't - so it looks like I will be condemned to stay forever and a day in a little dark room surrounded by posters from OLO - or should that be Oh Ho Ho....
Posted by Kekenidika, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 4:36:21 PM
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Sorry mate – I thought hard about your questions – but could not come with workable solutions.

Open debates, scrutinising all islamic teaching materials, penalise anti-social behaviour and anti-democratic impositions, obedience to our secular laws …could be a start.

Unfortunately I insist that Islam is a misfit anywhere it goes.

They will blame everything and everyone except their own cult and false prophet.


You are obviously not a believer in God. I speak with authority from His word. The prophesies contained in the bible have all come true. The few remaining ones including the end times have started to unfold.

Interesting that you mentioned the antichrist. It was once thought it was the Catholic Church (no offence fellas) - but now "islam" fits the glove perfectly.

fide mae,

Islamic "Halal" Finances are really no different from conventional banks, except in the euphemisms they use to disguise interest. They call it profit instead.

The reason why interest was banned is because of pre-islamic “usury” lenders.

Today Islamic banking is booming – namely with Saudi Petro-dollar investments.


I can understand your angst re: backing off muslims. I believe you have a point there – it might improve dialogue.

On the other hand judging by their obvious superior attitude, their general disrespect of others, untruth or semi-truths, circular reasoning, etc…; I wonder if it would really work.

Islam is a cult that was started by an Arab – not a Jew – it has no resemblance to Christianity or Judaism except for some rituals they copied from the latter.

It is all based on arabic tribal paganistic folk rites and customs.

The frustrating part is that they claim truth and are imposing their beliefs by force or ruse. World dominance is their main agenda.

Islam goes against all the freedoms that free societies ever enjoyed.

Christianity has no interest in an earthly empire or governance. Jesus maintained that His Kingdom is in Heaven.

There will never be peace on earth.
Posted by coach, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 4:57:34 PM
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Australia has accepted countless cultures into our community with little, and with some, absolutely no, problems.

Australia has laws that consider ALL people equal under it, men, women, blacks, whites, yellows.

Australians don't practice ethnic marriage. I have never seen a racially mixed couple that doesn't have one white, this shows our tolerance. Contrast this with Muslims who have left Sydney's ghetto to go and live among the wider community. Death threats from their own families?

Same with marriages, although most Muslims just accept the bigotry of their culture, that they can't marry outside their ethnicity.

Australians don't need to have seperate swimming lessons because if our women will be contaminated. Australian men aren't jealous lunatics who need to put bedsheets on our wives. Muslims need to know how that practise looks to an enlightened culture like ours.

The only way to get rid of Muslim stereotypes is for the Islamic commununity to start outing the thugs among them, get rid of leaders who have said disgusting things.

Muslims need to know as well, that, for Australians, religious people are viewed as decent, empathetic people. All we see in Muslim leaders is vile, racist bigoted comments, yet no Muslim has a problem with this.

Decent Muslims have a lot of work to do for sure.
Posted by Benjamin, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 7:39:36 PM
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Islam is a very weird religion only weird people must and want to believe.
It is cruel,vengeful,hateful,murderous ,lying,religiosity is so openly displayed and god is allah not the God of the Bible.

Jesus Christ Emmanuel (which means God with us )
He is the first born of many brethren (Jesus)
He is the first and the last. The alpha and Omega,the beginning and the End.

God said that ,"you are to have no other gods before ME".
So,there are no other god after the first God Almighty and His Son Jesus (God in the flesh) It cannot be changed ever.

So stop your hooting mon, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved ,from God's wrath that is coming on the whole Earth to cleanse it of the sin ,wars ,hate and sin to start an new Heaven and a New earth for all Christ's believers (Followers).

Not the Jehovah's Witnesses who say only 144,000 will be their bunch,No,no they are 144,000 male virgin Jews , 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel (boys)who will preach the Gospel to the lost in the last days tribulation that is starting anyday.

It may have already begun with all this killing,Muslims blowing up anyone including muslims, wars and turmoil everywhere.

Jesus said ,"when you see these things happening,look up your redemption is near."
He is the way the truth and the life . There is No other name under heaven in which you may be saved.
There is ONLY ONE GOD .Jehovah Rapha.
Don't waste time read the New Teastament.Luke Ch 21 Matthew Ch 24 and Mark Ch13 last Revelations of Jesus Christ.
Posted by dobbadan, Wednesday, 15 March 2006 10:55:31 PM
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Over the weekend, I stayed at the house of a South African Muslim who married a Jordanian girl. His mother is a Cape Coloured whose brothers were anti-Apartheid activists. His maternal grandfather was a Hyderabadi Indian who married a Malay woman.

Whilst in Melbourne, I visited an Egyptian friend whose wife is half Anglo-Aussie and half-Kiwi.

I was best man at my best schoolmate's wedding at St Andrews Cathedral School. His wife was a Japanese Buddhist.

I have a Bangladeshi friend who recently married a European/Aussie girl.

Benjy, I think you need to get out more often.

Salam, well done! 108 comments!! Is this your maiden century?
Posted by Irfan, Thursday, 16 March 2006 12:19:28 AM
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