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Global warming the real terror : Comments
By Judy Cannon, published 24/2/2006There is a danger much greater than terrorism - global warming.
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Posted by Chumley, Thursday, 16 March 2006 3:35:49 PM
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Kaep clairvoyant as well. Considering your quick to jump on those you feel have besmirched you, you display that common trait of hypocrisy. I'm not going to defend myself against an insipid religious blank, just hope your thermodynamic god has a good answer.
Chumley, what I say on this subject is from my own observations when traveling, which I do a lot and what I see where I live. I'm no expert, green or a doom sayer, just a person that looks at life and sees the changes. More CO2 may be a bonus, as it may create more rain in dry places, allowing for longer growing seasons, or it might do the opposite. Considering we are wiping out huge numbers of living species, every day. It won't be long before our ecology won't be able to sustain itself as we know it. Whether its thermodynamics, global warming, air pollution, species extinction, or religious wars. We can't sustain this for very long, before something breaks. So it really doesn't matter to me, I'm prepared for many events, except the collapse of our ecology. What that'll do I have no idea, but as life relies on the chain of supply and demand. Once we get to the point where we have lost those life forms that are the base of our ecology, it'll be like a fire at the bottom of a string. It will finally reach and burn those at the top, us. I understand yours and Kaeps fears about being wrong. I know I'm wrong, so its not a problem, just a learning experience. So go for it, abuse me all you like. Just shows how inadequate you are at open rational debate. However thats typical of the religious, can only hurl threats and make unfounded accusations. Even if your religion is just denial, its no different to god freaks, just as stupid. We can regrow trees, reverse climate trends over time, but can't resurrect extinct essential species. Posted by The alchemist, Thursday, 16 March 2006 5:30:08 PM
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A radar-equipped NASA plane is flying low over the Arctic this week to measure the snow on top of sea ice, a finding with implications for polar bears and possibly humans, an ice scientist said.
Snow atop sea ice acts like a thick quilt on top of a thin blanket, slowing the transfer of heat from the comparatively warm water (0-4 deg C) to the intensely cold atmosphere (<-50 deg C). NASA's Aqua satellite has an instrument called an Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer meant to gauge snow depth. This week's radar flights are meant to confirm these satellite observations, Markus said. Satellites meant to track weather often have a distorted view of the polar regions. NASA has obviously become aware recently that heat dissipation from polar regions is not as simple as first thought. Otherwise they wouldn't be checking their Aqua results would they? Black body radiation from ice caps to space is greater than current inadequate satellite measurements present. Heat loss to space at the poles is independent of greenhouse gas warming due to the macromolecular, crystalline, entropic nature of the latent heat of fusion in ice formation. This allows complex diabatic radiative mechanisms to remove heat from the polar atmosphere that would othewise contribute to so called global warming. When NASA finally discovers that loss of snow cover is only a REGIONAL problem and that heating of the polar atmosphere is not widespread, I hope there is no reason for them to hide the fact or its greater implications. These results should vindicate a REGIONAL Thrmodynamic basis for Climate Change and a dismissal of putative greenhouse gas warming theory. Let's wait and see! The real danger? No, its not terrorism and certainly not global warming. The real danger is Ignorance of the Thermodynamic imbalances we are causing by accelerating efflux of pollutants through riverine catchments to coastal oceans and eventually to specific polar REGIONS. And to make matters worse we KNOW how to fix this permanently is less than 5 years as opposed to KYOTOING ourselves into extinction.. Posted by KAEP, Tuesday, 21 March 2006 9:36:09 AM
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Global Warmng and Terror? If Al Queda had caused $1billion damage to Nth Qld it would have meant WWIII.
Australian banana growers cause that damage by frigging around with coastal Thermodynamics and they get Federal government relief. Something is terribly wrong in Canberra and Brisbane. Cyclone Larry was largely a man made disaster based on unusual Thermodynamic imbalances in the East Australan Current and Coral Sea caused by banana growers. The Thermodynamics: The second law states that heat energy will move to cold, ordered systems to disordered ones. In Larry's case, tropical and recently earthquake heated waters around Vanuatu moved to cooler polluted waters in the EAC (east Australian current) that have been polluted by significant runoffs from the Gulf of Papua and from burgeoning Banana spraying operations around Innisfail. Major pollution streams from PNG and Innisfail in the EAC have caused a confluence off Innisfail directly opposite to heated waters in the Coral Sea. The rest is just the Thermodynamics in action that we call cyclone Larry, a $1 billion dollar write off from the Australian economy and God only knows what long term toxic damage to the Great Barrier Reef. While the Federal Government is contemplating assistance for Banana growers and their toxic sprayers they must consider mandating a new coastal protection agricultural strategy. 1-2 acre engineered wetland traps (EWBs) must be installed to capture all runoffs from plantations within Nth Qld river catchments. These EWBs are essenial to minimise high Entropy (pollution) in the EAC off Nth Qld so that seasonal cyclonic disturbances are not magnified into Larry type monsters and so that the GBR is no longer ravaged by what state and federal governments OUGHT to know is a severe threat to long term GBR health and viability. Additionally, depending on agricultural developments around the Gulf of Papua, the Federal Government may need to discuss the situation with New Guinea government with a view to establishing EWBs there. Posted by KAEP, Tuesday, 21 March 2006 1:42:57 PM
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Please click on this link and take a good look at the graphs showing global mean temperatures linked to carbon dioxide concentrations in the air we breathe. We have overwhelming evidence of climate change as a direct result of burning fossil fuels - carbon stored over hundreds of millions of years by nature and released by humans in only two centuries. It now appears that if we were to stop burning coal, oil and gas at this moment, if every car were to stop, every power station were to shut down, it may still be too late. We must do this, however. As the graphs demonstrate, it takes years for the effects of CO2 changes to appear because of "thermal inertia". The carbon dioxide goes up and decades later the temperature follows it. We are at the cusp of catastrophe as the lines are now vertical. The world has never seen such a momentous change in such a short time as this phase we have induced for ourselves. The graphs reflect data from evidence in ice cores and fossils of changes in CO2 and temperatures over hundreds of millions of years. People have argued that there may be only a 10 per cent chance of a catastrophe occurring, so why should we change our fossil-fuel-burning behaviour for such small odds. But if there was a 10 per cent chance of the plane crashing, would you board the plane? Read more at We don't have any time to spare. None. Posted by Bruce H, Wednesday, 22 March 2006 12:48:04 AM
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Bruce H.
If you read the whole article in the link you provided, you will see that there is no real conclusion about anthropological global warming. In fact, one sentence in the article reads “Whatever the explanation it can be seen that, on time scales of millions of years, there are many factors other than CO2 that exert a powerful influence on temperature.” Your second link is to the “Worldwatch Institute” which calls itself "an independent research organization that works for an environmentally sustainable and socially just society, in which the needs of all people are met without threatening the health of the natural environment or the well-being of future generations." The inclusion of the words “socially just” points out the political bias of this organisation- not that there is anything wrong with social justice. Unfortunately, social justice is unlikely to be achieved by a dramatic drop in the average standard of living provoked by a sudden wholesale abandonment of fossil fuels, which is what you appear to advocate, correct me if I'm wrong. The “fat cats” will continue to prosper. I think social justice needs to be achieved by other means. The original leader of this organisation, Lester Brown, is well known as a “climate change and environmental alarmist”. Unfortunately, the issues surrounding global warming and climate change are inextricably linked to political motivations on both sides of the argument. I tend to go along with the opinion of Bjorn Lomborg in his book “The Sceptical Environmentalist”, in that I believe that economic growth will enable us to manage and adjust to climate change, as people become wealthier, and we can afford the necessary industrial processes to take care of the environment. As far as Kaep’s postings about thermodynamics are concerned, I’m afraid I don’t really understand this. However, I am not a scientist with expertise in thermodynamics, so he may or may not be right. I note, along with an earlier poster, that his pen-name is an anagram of “Peak”, I presume referring to “Peak Oil”. Maybe he should come out and declare his own political motivations. Posted by Froggie, Wednesday, 22 March 2006 7:43:26 AM
You talk about fundamentalist christians and there being only one truth so just accept it. Well it's your friend The Alchemist who writes stuff like "It doesn't mater what is causing this, or how you name it, its happening and thats it." I am not an expert in this stuff, but I do notice these sort of comments come far more from green doomsayers than anyone else. You might what to think about that.