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Global warming the real terror : Comments

By Judy Cannon, published 24/2/2006

There is a danger much greater than terrorism - global warming.

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I was surprised at the way my post was attacked particuarly by Kaep. I am new to this particular forum but this is the first time I have come across such unfriendlness when sharing some views on a global issues.
I am surprised people are taking it so personally.

Each person has their point of view.
I notice in later posts that many people to agree with my "suggestion" about the Arctic.
There were no comments about my "suggestion" re use of air conditioning which does happen to be a large user of fossil fuels btw.

Anyway whatever, it was interesting to read some of you posts on this issue which may or may not effect us. Thanks N
Posted by natasha, Sunday, 12 March 2006 6:25:35 PM
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Your post made good sense (unlike any of KAEP's). Don't be put off by the creature.

You are absolutely right about the profligate use of energy by air conditioners.

Air conditioning is necessary in some circumstances: hospital operating theatres, integrated circuit fabrication facilities, vaccine production laboratories - where the requirement is to control not only temperature but airborne contamination.

Most of the rest of air conditioning in the Australian climate is sheer laziness and inertia by architects, engineers and builders. Consider what has been achieved at The Bond in Sydney, - a 5 star energy rated building with minimal air conditioning.

People lived in this continent a hundred years ago without air conditioning (in fact ten thousand years ago). What has changed?
Posted by MikeM, Sunday, 12 March 2006 8:17:23 PM
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Thank you MikeM for your post. I agree that much of the excessive use of air conditioning is due to the way buildings are built in cities like Melbourne. I should be very interested to read your link. Cheers N
Posted by natasha, Sunday, 12 March 2006 8:38:36 PM
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When Arthur Tunstall had a piece of Cathy Freeman in the press, people thought it was unfriendly. The next thing Cath and Artha are sitting having a cup of Liptons and Cathy has won gold. The hand of the Lord moves in very mysterious ways and it is all we can do to play our part.

There is an immediate solution to what we call climate change. It is a mathematical certainty, not an opinion. In the meantime it would be wise to change those things you know you can change such as googling for news articles on how air conditioniong is responsible for NSW needing another coal fired power station. It would be even wiser to defer to those things you KNOW you cannot change like the rough and tumble in our parliaments and in all aspects of free speech. Whether you approve or not THAT is democracy. If you don't believe me ask PJKeating.

In the end, the only thing any of us should expect to win is TRUTH.

Let me summarise the state of play - Climate-ChangeVHumankind:

* We are migrating to coastal areas and this is accelerating.

* We are approaching the dumping of up to 90% of wastes through a variety of primary&tertiary mechanisms in coastal oceans. Ultimately greenhouse gases/aerosols amount to only about 10% effective wastes and they have significantly less heat capacity that oceanic wastes. Although a big problem, air-pollution is a poor second consideration. Mainstream science unwisely ignores this.

* Oceanic wastes do not immediately MIX. As they SLOWLY mix they change the thermodynamic-balance and thus interactions at the land/sea interface, on a REGIONAL basis. Mostly in regions where urbanisation, mining and agriculture predominate. This is climate change.

* I have outlined a dissipative-structure(Prigogine) approach to quantify climate change.
I have also indicated the optimal networked-1-to-5-acre-engineered-wetland solution for treatment of wastes on LAND to address the imbalances in land/sea interactions. This solution also makes land based heat do more work for our economies rather than melt our ice caps. It is thus an alternative energy source of significant magnitude
Posted by KAEP, Sunday, 12 March 2006 8:47:14 PM
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I suspect that KAEP is practising for a comedy role in the event that Monty Python makes a movie on greenhouse warming. I can just imagine him in flowing robes and waist-length wig parading around the fringes of the crowd, wearing a sandwich board inscribed:

S H A L L...R O T...I N...H E L L

I think this makes about as much sense as his posts.
Posted by MikeM, Sunday, 12 March 2006 9:10:16 PM
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You prove nothing except that you have run out of the substance required to critique my work. All you have done to date is google up PROOFS of my assertions without the slightest clue what you have done.
A competent librarian could do as much.

This pleases me no end and I am ROTFLMAO.

Your shameless and cowardly deference to novice Natasha rather than face up to me is indicative of your lazy thinking. The same laziness that prompts you to shill for the IPCC without ever understanding the underlying errors they introduce with their pathetic and desperate consenses to justify their very expensive existence.

Furthermore you will note that I always sledge opponents using their own weak words reflected back against them. You will never hear me make un unprovoked attack like the one where you refererrd to me in the pejorative as some 'creature'. I am aware and so should you be that this may rightly attract the attention of forum moderators.

To all other participants,

I am currently plotting data maps of the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) that already show tenuous dissipative structuring directed at Houston.
The gravity of this means some of us are very concerned about the consequences of major damage to that city which is so vital for oil and space industries and the recovery effort for New Orleans.
The extra load on this city's waterways since Katrina has meant high pollution loadings and this has altered entropy distributions off the coast in that part of the GOM.

And now .... let's on to the US Gulf coast for the June start to the hurricane season and WIN the climate change debate there based on thermodynamic dissipative structures and not on some mythical greenhouse warming, shilled to the hilt insanity.
Posted by KAEP, Sunday, 12 March 2006 10:38:56 PM
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