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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005

Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.

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It's evident that the conflict between posters here is because we have not agreed on one definition of "racism". We're not happy with Greg Barnes definition, which in his eyes, holds those of Anglo Celtic origins as a backwater of hostile loathing of other races. However his definition is merely an expression of his own loathing emanating from some personal agenda of political fear mongering.

If we hold that "racism is endemic"; then what do we mean by that term? Is it the same term as others who say Australia is not racist! As some have pointed out people loathe other people at different levels and manage that expression at different levels. However loathing of others is not necessarily based in race as others have identified. For instance; we loathe Greg Barnes for his loathing of Australians. Are all who disagree with him racist scum? Are we racist because we express verbal difference? But would we take a baseball bat and belt his car windows in or a knife and stab him. At least I would hope we wouldn't. However does Greg consider us on this forum that disagree with him as racist? However his term race is not then a generic term, because we are not here identified by race; except friend Rainer. We might ocassionally disagree but that not on the base of his race. Then if Greg does, then his only answer is to have everyone brainwashed in his world-view. His only answer is a Totalitarian society based in his values. Greg expresses more hatred and loathing than he does in giving an answer for a peace loving multicultural democratic society.

Just a point of notice: I would hope we would all fight for the community of people that makes up Australia its Government, its institutions and laws and not merely for territory. Because in the minds of some the Cronulla riot was about establishing racial territory, whereas the protest should have been focused in drawing attention to the criminal behaviour upon the local community not being addressed by the Police or Government.
Posted by Philo, Thursday, 29 December 2005 7:38:14 PM
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What a namecaller you are Alchemeist. I am not quite sure why anyone should be ashamed of being called a racist, particularly when it is clearly a cheapshot, as Barns clearly demonstrates.

Anti-racism has evolved from addressing black/white segregation in the US, to an intellectual terrorist tactic aimed to smear those with a different opinion. In the context where racism is clearly a cheapshot, we should all strive to be as RACIST and XENOPHOBIC as possible- & take the venom out of these misused words. Perhaps then we can at least have an honest discussion.

It is not racist to strive for social cohesion over and above equality that only ever looks good on paper.
Posted by davo, Thursday, 29 December 2005 7:44:05 PM
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Sneeky/David Boaz,
At last some rational sensible constructive contributions, Sneeky it suits some in this place to "left" bash, as I have said many times the opposite of right is left, not wrong, as individuals we are falable and thus either viewpoint is equally able to be correct or incorrect on any particular subject, we should try to ,learn from one another, state our views and read and absorb others. David I like your 3 suggestions, but, perhaps mistakenly, thought that the current situation was so. If so why doesn't the PM simply not accept any more Lebonese immigrants, and look elsewhere for compatible immigrants. We do not know the whole story of immigrants backgrounds, and I would still support a 2 year good behaviour bond, which if broken would mean instant deportment, to be in force accross the whole immigration spectrum.
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 29 December 2005 9:57:45 PM
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SHonga “you are either racist, or you are not”

Racism is a subjective and ascribed human characteristic. Just as people can have varying degrees of “tolerance” they can likewise have varying degrees of intolerance. Racist attitudes are just one manifestation of “intolerance” - and comes in varying degrees.

You supposition is, therefore, rubbish.

Suggesting paedophilia as a point of elaboration. Whilst your experience and insight into such things may well be extensive, mine is not. Suggesting it is as reprehensible as most of your other drivel.

A view I support is

One can legislate for behaviour but not for attitude.

Tolerance and respect for individuals, regardless of their ethnic origin (or any other point of distinction) is a quality which is best acquired through interaction and education.
Insulating groups, classifying people’s differences, promotes and reinforces those differences.
Hence, I have no time for the teachings of Churches who preach and promote “exclusivity” for their flock any more than for Muslim clerics who do the same.

Understanding Tolerance and respect for the rights of other individuals, shape the attitudes of individual people and it is always the individual person who is the catalysts of all action and activity, good or bad.

The best way to remove differnces is by assimilation. Assimilation is not multiculturalism. Assimilation requires everyone who comes to Australia to place all the allegiance to Australia renouncing their ethnic origins and ties. As an immigrant I personally have no problem is asserting – I am English by accident of Birth but Australian by Choice.

Oh and just to correct some ignorant views being espoused here about Anglo-Celts and Anglo-Saxons.
“Anglos” were of different ethnic origin to “Celts” and different again to “Saxons”. Add to that influxes of Romans, Normans, Vikings and Danes plus intermarriage with Picts etc and it is easy to realise, what Australia has experienced in the past 200 years is nothing compared to the “experience” of the “British” over the past 2000 years. Britain, in whose traditions we were modelled and who have been dealing with “assimilation” for all those 2000 years
Posted by Col Rouge, Friday, 30 December 2005 2:07:04 AM
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So Alchemist disagrees with Boaz David and thus he must be a racist.The left is responsible for the mess of violence and lawlessness.These criminals came from the lawless war torn areas of Lebanon and our Dept of immigration didn't have the guts,brains or will,to select those who would intergrate and their policies haven't changed even in the light of what's happened in France.

It is not just in the hundreds,there are thousands according to Tim Priest who are involved in serious crime in Sydney.They have the police running scared.At the height of the Cronulla riots a vision of Morris Iemma reclining in his chair will stick in my mind,he had the glazed look of fear in his eyes.That is why he makes a lot of noise about arresting a few Anglo white supremacists since they are easy targets.Carl Scully twice referred to the whole group of protesters as,"Those yobbo 5000" Very few of those arrested were actually from Cronulla.No mention of the Middle Eastern thugs who the next day literally trashed and terrorised Maroubra.It is all about cover up and deflecting the blame,since this Iemma Govt has no answers.The criminal thugs have all the power.

Idiots like Greg Barns have no idea.He doesn't even live in Sydney.Sure racism will increase when violence and lawlessness prevails.It is the weak leftist attitudes of people like Greg Barnes that have brought about the demise of France and will bring about the demise of Australia if we don't act.

Morris Iemma,the member for Lakemba,Mr Forty Five Degrees,reclining his chair is looking a bit obtuse and scared.He doesn't have the ticker to do the job and both he and his useless party should resign now.
Posted by Arjay, Friday, 30 December 2005 6:20:00 AM
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Col Rouge,
I actually agree with some parts of your posts mate, and you are quite correct on my knowledge, as I was molested and subject to attempted rape when a teenager.
What I am attempting to get across is that there are good and bad in every race, including muslim races, so for the sake of our own protection, why hasn't the Howard Government instituted a policy for all immigrants to be on a 2 year probation, and if the probation was breached the immigrant would be deported.
I am a Purchasing Officer, paid a pittance, and yes sometimes misspell in the heat of the moment, you may have a much higher station in life, and good on you, if that's the case. However I was under the impression that all Australian citizens had the right to offer a point of view, and to have a vote, so while I disagree with you on many things, I agree on others.
Anyone here who takes personal insults personally probably shouldn't subject themselves to this place, politics is a dirty game where insults are the norm.
Col you are obviously right wing, and I am obviously left wing, providing we stayed away from political debate, we could probably enjoy a drink together, and talk about the cricket. It may be an inability on my part to really understand how one person can condem another on the basis of race rather than deeds, which leads to my stance on this matter, as stated in an earlier post, why not catergorise everyone under the "criminal" banner, and either lock them up or deport them, whether or not they are English, Arabian, or Jew. I am a born and bred Australian, who believes I should have no greater say than an immigrant from England, or the West Indies, all Australians of all political persuasions have helped to build this great country, you included, and of course me.
Posted by SHONGA, Friday, 30 December 2005 11:22:42 AM
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