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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005

Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.

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"Look at me, look at me. I didn't get enough of a reaction telling people they were dolts for being curious about Princess Mary's baby so now I will call them all backwater racists living in a pigsty."

There are some 200 countries in the world and Australia would be in the top five when it came to tolerance of different races and cultures. Maybe in the top two.

Certainly not perfect by any means, but in comparison very good.

Have you ever thought Greg that the reason the riots at Cronulla were such big news were because something like this had not happened for a long time. And even then, no-one was severely injured, let alone killed.

Race hate crimes much worse heppen in all parts of the world every day, with death and serious injuries the results. Why not just write an article that the Earth is a racist backwater inhabited by pigs who call themselves humans (the Greens would endorse you there).

And finally, you are forgetting something about people with racist views. A prejudice against (or for, for that matter) a person on the basis of race is not racist unless that person acts on it. There is no law against thinking a certain way, but turn those thoughts to action and you are in trouble. Very few people hold deep seated prejudices and fewer still act on them.

My grandfather served in World War II and until he died he despised Japanese people. Never acted on it though and no-one got hurt.

And many people on this forum would not consider it cowardly if you moved to Canada. You aren't actually achieving much here anyway except slagging off at ordinary, hard-working Australians.

Posted by the usual suspect, Thursday, 22 December 2005 11:37:15 AM
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Yes Greg, Australia is a backwater full of racists unwilling to do better. And yes it was John Howard decked out in giggle hat, zinc cream, thongs and board shorts who stirred up all that hatred at Cronulla. And yes again Greg, we were too quick to sequester Whitlam, Fraser, Hawke and Keating when we placed them in our national pantheon. Let's bring them back; I'm sure Zimbabwe is looking for an eminent person to lead it out of its inspissated gloom; and we long for those 18% interest rates.

A Pol Pot style 're-education camp' needs to be assembled to deal with Australians who turned their backs on Keating.

And how dare the media depart from the song sheet. It is shameful to give people facts. Things were so much better when the NSW government told us that crime had almost disappeared. Sure, fare evasion, illegally using a hose to water the garden and other serious crimes have shown a slight increase but petty crime like using a handgun, ATM theft and rape are trending down.

Greg, you're so right when you say that Australia has become a pigsty (there's that Keating connection again). If I had my way avaricious Australians (that's all of them) would be taken to their place of work in a submissive coffle. Beatings and re-education for the wayward would be in order but not too severely. After all we do want them to keep sending money to prop up Indonesia, PNG, the Solomon Islands etc. They also serve a purpose when they send money to lessen the suffering of those hit by catastrophe but I don't think they deserve too much credit. I find it better to hector and lecture them without giving any praise. And lets abolish all political parties except those approved by you.

Greg, I nodded so hard in agreeing with you that my head nearly departed company with my neck.
Posted by Sage, Thursday, 22 December 2005 11:47:57 AM
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HarryC “troll article” Spot on

Sneekepete a “Handgrenade”? hardly. More a penny banger which fizzed instead of banging.

wre Barnes demonstrating “self-loathing” Spot on.

AMSADL “Kaffir”, I believe, basically translates to “godless” or “godless people”.

I spent a short while in Zimbabwe. Mugabe has produced his own form of tribal racism and ordinary Zimbabwians (?) are suffering far more than they did under Ian Smith and the “white masters”. From what I hear, South Africa under the ANC, is going down the same road.

I mentioned in another post the notion of “racism” is like suggesting people are short or tall. Everyone has a height and everyone is “racist” to some degree and every nation can be nominally measured on a comparative scale.

My personal rating would suggest where 0 is total tolerance and 10 a fascist xenophobic regime.

Western Europe 4 (average pushed up by France)
Eastern Europe 7
North Americas 3
Southern Americas 6
Eastern Asia 6
Western Asia & Middle East 8
North Korea 9
Australia 2

Why is Australia only 2 – well – Australia has built itself on accepting people from all cultures overseas and continues to do so whereas many countries have not. USA and Canada are, likewise, built on “immigration” (although both have problems dealing with integration on a scale unheard of in Australia)

I might be a little skewed one way or another and am happy to debate the rankings as a serious issue.

Certainly any debate on that basis (above) will be more beneficial than pretending the likes of Barnes, with his mealy mouthed utterances, his condemnation of Mr Howard and adulation of Keating (who kow-towed to SE Asians in suits made in Paris, exulted everything French and publicly decried Australian manufactures) has anything to offer by way of insight or significance at any level.

This flea-bit piece of twisted drivel does not merit publishing. It represents a sad of example of a malignant irrelevance, who whines and carps on about his fellow Australians in disparaging manner simply because

He has no manners and knows no better
Posted by Col Rouge, Thursday, 22 December 2005 11:53:11 AM
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The usual racist extreme right wing are in early I see, we should not be proud to be white, we should be proud to be Australian. A chinese arrived in this country on the first fleet, aboriginals were here 80,000 years before that. I don't know about you redneck ratbags, but if I buy something it immediately becomes mine, after 80,000 years I'd say this was aboriginal land, and since we haven't yet paid for it, still is. Re the anniversiry of the High Court Marbo decision today. As for contempory Australia, Australians have now historic roots in all continents of the world, so when the word Australian is mentioned, it is an inclusive word covering many cultures rolled into one. Must go, and buy my kebab for lunch, and enjoy my Australian culture, see ya...
Posted by SHONGA, Thursday, 22 December 2005 12:13:21 PM
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Greg Begins:
"Australia is a backwater, a racist and inward-looking country that turns its back on adventure and the opportunity to do better."
Great, no argument from me. What of it?
Posted by GlenWriter, Thursday, 22 December 2005 12:19:15 PM
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DEFENDANT: Barns, Greg

CHARGES: Treachery, Racism, Xenophobia, Deception, Perverting Truth and Natural Justice Intellectual Ignorance. Naivity.

The 1st count: TREACHERY.

Evidence. “Australia is a backwater, a racist and inward-looking country”.

of course by ‘racist’ you mean all ethnic segments of the community....right ?

Hating your country is treachery in my opinion.

The 2nd count RACISM against people of Anglo/Celtic background

Clearly hates white people. Loathes them, Despises them. Acts on this loathing, by writing disparaging articles against their legitimate right to protect their culture.

The 3rd count. XENOPHOBIA against people of Anglo/celtic background.

Describes Pauline Hansons call for ‘All Australians to be treated equally” as “inane and stupid rhetoric about Aboriginal Australians” Clearly he is paranoid about equality of races.
Describes her call for equality as ‘Racist Attacks’ This is irrational and clearly ‘white hating’.

The 4th count. DECEPTION of all Australians.

Mentions “racist thugs now taking it upon themselves to beat up anyone who looks as if they are from the Middle East” BUT fails to condemn or even mention the CONVOY of foot soldiers from Lakemba who invaded Cronulla /Maroubra smashing everything in sight and planned BEFORE the ONE ‘single’ riot.

The 5th Count: PERVERTING TRUTH and Natural Justice in a manner detrimental to the Anglo/Celts of Australia.

Blames Conservatism and Shock Jocks for promoting a “myth” about Arab Australians being different and somehow less Australian than the rest of us.
Yet, a Muslim Counsellor from Lakemba when interviewed on national TV about the attitude of young Lebanese Muslims stated “They think they are SUPERIOR to skips and they HATE the West”


Fails to recognize the most fundamental aspect of human motivation in “Collective Behavior” as being present in ALL subcultures, but recognizes it most intensely as an outstanding feature in the predominant culture of Anglos.

Greg Barns..SHAME.... I pity your employer....if u have one.

and yes... I am attacking Greg Barns personally, not just his views, in the light of his statements which are a direct threat to me, my family and my race.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 22 December 2005 12:21:49 PM
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