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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005

Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.

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The use of anti-defamation laws to promote lies and suppress truth is quite pronounced in countries where such laws exist. The reason for the misuse is that they are combined with the theory of racial equality. The races aren't equal because nature was never required to produce equal races, but the liberals have successfully gained a legal endorsement of their false doctrine.

In the United States, the FBI actually collects data by which you can prove that the races are unequal. And, by combining this data with demographic information from the Census Bureau, you can prove that neither poverty nor the degree of urbanization can explain why some races commit more crimes, per capita, than other races do.

I wish that Australia would also collect race-related crime statistics. I'd be willing to wager a bit that your Lebs have per capita rates for the perpetration of violent crimes that's at least five times the Aussie rate. Of course, for such statistics to mean anything, your police will have to start taking notice when Lebs commit crimes. Maybe you can motivate them somehow?
Posted by Jenab, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 6:41:06 AM
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Pericles “Should I? “
– No – no reason at all –
Since, I am not “for sale”, You would, from reading your previous posts, have no interest in me at all.

Shonga “intellegent discussion,” –

ah Shonga – you have created, in your case an oxymoron.

However, true to form, you failed to spell “intelligent” correctly – I guess janitorial duties must challenge the ceiling of your competency.

If you do agree with my assertions regarding relative racism, why are you drooling over the opportunity to cast dispersions my way?

Maybe we should rename you “stumpy” – lacking in strength and length as well as IQ!

(G.Y. now we are “even”).
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 8:10:59 AM
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Folk in glass houses, Col, should be very, very careful when handling stones.

It is clear that it is your style to go for the man rather than the ball. But when you sneer at Shonga for her spelling, shouldn't you at the same time make sure that your contributions are faultlessly presented?

>>why are you drooling over the opportunity to cast dispersions my way?<<

Dispersions, Col? Most educated folk would call them aspersions.

And in case you want to pretend that this is a typing error - or even claim that it is satirical - there are dozens of similar solecisms in your ragbag of contributions, which I will happily list for you should you protest.

As to the topic at hand, your ramblings make no sense either:

>>Since, I am not “for sale”, You would, from reading your previous posts, have no interest in me at all.<<

The point, which you sidestep by pretending to misunderstand the allusion, is that you are yourself a racist. Self-confessed.

By admitting this, you find yourself in broad agreement with Greg Barns, who posited that Australians are, by and large, racist.

It is nonsense to then use "but I'm not as racist as other folk" as a defense, as if being relatively more or less racist is a factor.

Being "less racist" is like being only partly pregnant.
Posted by Pericles, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 9:35:17 AM
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Pericles, I'm interested in the idea's around

'It is nonsense to then use "but I'm not as racist as other folk" as a defense, as if being relatively more or less racist is a factor.

Being "less racist" is like being only partly pregnant.'

I understand your comment in concept but am not convinced that it reflects the reality of the way people think and react.

There have been a variety of posts about the topic of racism, I've seen plenty of agreement that most of us experience forms of it at some time or other. My impression is that the main conflict is what do we do about it.

- Some appear to argue that we should embrace it and seem to say that because we look after the relatives first when the chips are down and resources are tight that racism is a good thing and should be embraced all the time.
- Others of us argue that it is a response which we should seek to put behind us. Like childish temper tantrums it is something we should strive to grow out of. Something which we can train ourselves into or out of.

Any form of racism is a bad thing but as with most things there are degree's of it and different levels of impact. The overt racist is happy for discrimination and harm to befall people of races they don't approve of just because of their race, the milder form may whilst harboring some views about their own or other races still reject any attempts for those views to be translated into action which harms another because of their race.

I have not followed Col's posts on race issues closely but his general focus is on individual responsibility, not an approach which allows a lot of space for group blame.

Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 12:41:42 PM
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Pericles “It is nonsense to then use "but I'm not as racist as other folk" as a defense, as if being relatively more or less racist is a factor.

Being "less racist" is like being only partly pregnant”

What a load of garbage!

Your claim that being “racist” is akin to being pregnant is delusional twaddle.

The point of comparison is not the simplistic absolute which you contrive to promote (an obtuse black-white context) but an almost infinitely graduated scale of measured tolerance / intolerance.

Hence, the correct analogy is, as I suggested, a comparative scale incremented in variable levels of “racial tolerance”.

In this context if you select almost any group of people, at random from the general Australian community you will find varying degrees of “tolerance” as much to racial as to many other issues and if you compare that Australian “racial tolerance” to other ethnic or national groups, you will find Australia has a higher “tolerance” or inversely a “low intolerance” quotient compared to most other nations. Hence, Barnes’ grossly offensive categorisation of Australia projects his own self loathing which is unrepresentative and uncharacteristic of us who actually take some pride in being called “Australian”.

And on the matter of spelling – it is “defence” not “defense”.
I guess that is a good example of some wannabe “elitist black pot” calling me a “kettle”.

Robert “I have not followed Col's posts on race issues closely but his general focus is on individual responsibility, not an approach which allows a lot of space for group blame.”

Exactly Robert!

Whilst we are all individually susceptible to racist tendencies, we are all individually responsible for managing them / curtailing them.

Hence, Barnes & his ilk, in using a broad brush to tar us all “racists” (pretending we all feed from the same trough of socialist swill), presents a morally offensive proposition akin to the KKK pretending they represent my views and interests simply because I happen to be “white”.
Posted by Col Rouge, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 2:59:27 PM
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131 posts so far – not bad even if that means I feel like a johnny come lately (no offence - I'm not here to blame that Johnny).

Racism is indeed endemic, here as well as just about anywhere else you look around the globe. Frankly I cannot see the point in denying it but unlike some I don’t see it as a black and white issue – there are degrees of racism from the virulent genocidal to the very mild feelings that are rarely if ever given expression.

The focus surely must be on how it is managed. Humans have always been suspicious of difference of which race is only one sort. Religion is another obvious example. I see whilst some posters give examples of societies that have well recognised race problems, there does not appear to be much recognition of the fact that amongst whites other differences have led to centuries of hate and butchery – Protestant v Catholic; Catholic v Huguenots; Christian v Jew. White western nations and states have spent centuries fighting one another. When I was a boy the gangs of Rockers that fought the Surfies were not of any particular ethnic or religious persuasion. The ones I knew on both sides of the “conflict” were good ole Anglo-Aussies.

The point is anything that leads to conflict and strife ought, in civilised societies especially, be discouraged and outbreaks condemned.

In Greg's defence - I don’t see that because he feels disgusted about the behaviour of his fellow countrymen that that makes him a self-loather and somebody who ought to ship out. Greg appears from his picture and name to be of Anglo background. It is clear some of you loathe him and yet you too are of Anglo descent – does your disgust with him (and others of a similar background that hold similar views) mean ipso facto you are self loathing? I don’t think so...but then again...

Posted by ModifiedDog, Wednesday, 28 December 2005 5:38:19 PM
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