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Australia - a racist backwater : Comments

By Greg Barns, published 22/12/2005

Greg Barns argues Australians have succumbed to materialism, fear, racism and xenophobia.

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There is only one race and it is called the human race. The real sin is prejudice and we are all guilty of this.

Posted by jeshua, Thursday, 29 December 2005 6:43:04 AM
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Goldbrick is right. I've been calling myself a racist with a certain matter-of-fact pride for the past seven years. The word has lost most of its bludgeon power in certain areas, largely because the liberals have overused it, and partly because people have begun taking notice that a lot of what is called racism is actually true.

We have a problem, however, in that while we were festering in our timidity, the liberals were able to put over certain laws that endorse, require belief in, or require conformity with, race-related lies. These lies will tear our countries apart if we go along with them. But the first thousand of us who rise up against the lies will have our lives ruined because we didn't obey the liberal "race laws."

Ask most people if they're patriotic enough to die for their country, they'll probably say yes. But how likely is it that they're telling the truth, if they won't even sit a while in jail to save their nation? The government will oppose the changes that must be made to preserve the nation - meaning that whether it knows it or not, the government has become a traitor. Treason, in the form of liberal ideas about mixing races, has prospered because for too long nobody dared to call it what is.
Posted by Jenab, Thursday, 29 December 2005 7:29:24 AM
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I still marvel at the left bashing in these posts and wonder where we'd be cullturally and politically if there was no "left". It thankfully is the interplay between the streams of thought clumsily presented as left/right that has got it us where we are -

whether you fall in line with the despair shown by barnsey and his jaundiced view of contemporary Australia or others who despair because we have walked away from the sterile monoculture for which some yearn most would admit we enjoy a pretty good way of life.

So to abandon, or to continually condem, a loose set of ideas that make up such an important feature of the debate is as foolish as saying the current government should be only measured by Tampa, the ineptitude of DIMIA, the IR laws and any other nuimber of leftist objects of disdain when clearly there is much to compliment Howard et al on.

Barnes' assesment is wrong, naive and simplistic - but for others to lump all our current woes at the feet of the influence of the left is equally as wrong naive and simplistic.

If it wasnt for comments from the left or the idea of the left - or the right for that matter, these pages would be empty.
Posted by sneekeepete, Thursday, 29 December 2005 9:32:08 AM
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I can see nothing wrong with wanting your country to be run as it has been.
To build a country such as Australia from convict beginnings into a nation that is up with the best in the world in a short 2oo or so years, speaks much of the way it has evolved.
So why ruin what was a peaceful, pleasant , prosperous land by bringing in immigrants who do not know the meaning of what we are?
Instead of bringing in those who add to our nation, we are importing trouble from troubled countries that for thousands of years have only supported war and grievances.
This is the beginning of the same sickness that has tainted their homelands and wilfully spreading here is unforgiveable.
Posted by mickijo, Thursday, 29 December 2005 3:22:08 PM
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that was a very well argued and balanced post.

Just one point of order though, I think you are misunderstanding the passion of some regarding 'mono-culture'.

I think most who you would normally lump in that camp, would be quite amicable regarding immigration as LONG as it is based on the following:

-We control the numbers
-We decide how many from which countries, races and religions
-We decide to a large degree where they are allowed to settle. (to avoid repeats of Lakemba) Some choices can be offered.

All of which can be addressed with carefully put together immigration information, and instruction. Citizenship can be conditional on good standing over a lengthy period.

and all of the above, without the SLIGHTest concern for political correctness or such outmoded and failed ideas as 'non discriminatory'.

Immigration is about OUR national interests, not those of the would be immigrant except as they coincide with ours.

I have no trouble with groups of immigrants celebrating their culture on special occasions, and for us to embrace them and rejoice with them in this, what I and most others DO have a problem with, is the outcome such as Lakemba, and Cronulla. But digging more deeply into the 'political' aspects of Immigration and settlement, we would see a very ugly picture emerge. (such as ethno/religious branch stacking)

If we scrutinized how ethnic/religious groups seek to influence the political process for the specific and exclusive benefit of their community at the expense of ours, you will see why I am so adamant that we HAVE TO fearlessly adopt policies such as outlined above.

I seek to advance the 'prevailing culture' model, which includes 74% of Aussies as being Anglo/Celtic based on ABS information. A prevailing culture is useful for education and social cohesiveness.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Thursday, 29 December 2005 5:22:07 PM
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What a racist you are BD, I haven't heard so much sense from you for a long time. Did something fall on your head on Hol's, or was it the caught by "the old testement trick", that dumped on you.

That's a sensible approach, as long as we ban religion in parliments as well. So that it can be seen to be secular and not before god.
Posted by The alchemist, Thursday, 29 December 2005 7:15:58 PM
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