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Some will not integrate : Comments

By John Stone, published 25/11/2005

John Stone argues the Federal Government is not facing the reality of an exclusive Islamic culture.

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Dear M3wa
you are doing the classical "Now I'm a victim" thing. If you are wondering 'who' to believe in regard to the events of the weekend, you should be asking the lebanese gangs who have been harrassing 'non lebanese' Australians on Cronulla beach for the past few years, calling OUR sisters and OUR mothers and OUR daughters.. sluts, tarts, get off 'our' beach, etc etc...
...find them, and ask
-"Why did you hate White Aussies like this ?
-Didn't you expect a reaction ?
-Don't you think its unwise to annoy people who are eventually going to get sick of it ?
-Don't you think you might stir up some racist response to your OWN racism ? etc...

Then, you might also try reading the 'unfolding events' outlined in chronological order in The Age today.

See the Video of the car load of Lebanese who shouted out at the camera "We are going to F*CK your MOTHER".

Just like the Lebanese Civil War began with the murder and mutilation of (wait for this.. then go check it) 4 CHRISTIANS one of whom was the son of a high profile politician.

Just like the attacks on the PLO military camps of Sabra and Shatilla were AFTER the genocide of the Christian village of Damour (do a search) where 16,000 PLO and Syrian, Yemeni,Iranian 'Jihad Warriors' meercilessly hacked women, children etc and slaughtered over 500 people. And the Priest of Damour was urging them to FORGIVE ! I don't hear that message coming from mosques much.

None of the above incidents justifies anything but a Just response from legally constituted Authorities. (sadly they were helpless in Lebanon) The alchohol fuelled madness of last weekend by white Australians was most regrettable and very wrong. They would have been wiser to make a peaceful protest by marching down Telopea Street en masse.. touching no-one.

Finally, you have not 'reverted', you have gone totally astray and are heading for a Christless eternity. I encourage you to turn to Him now, and leave forever the hate,violence and darkness which is Islam.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 7:57:37 AM
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You seem to want to blame everyone and everything for your predicament. Your parents should have thought about that before coming to this country.

For each action there is a reaction. (not always fair but inevitable)

You said: >> We are a democracy aren't we? The moral core of democratic liberalism has three elements; personal liberty, social liberty and civil liberty.<<

When you will stop blaming the media, alcohol, the colour of skin, racism, multiculturalism, politicians, the neighbour’s dog, etc…etc… start having a good look at your religion.

Democracy is based on Christian principles (research it). Islam has no concept of it and cannot live or exist with democracy.

Islam has no personal liberty
Islam has no social liberty
Islam has no civil liberty

So I ask you: when are you going to grow up and face the world as it is not as you want to make it.
Posted by coach, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 9:20:54 AM
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merideth, I'm not going to waste any more posts defending my choice to believe that FH has not deliberately lied about the alleged Bosnian attrocity. At the end of it we all make judgement calls about what we believe based on how it fits with what we already believe, our views on the character of the person, the importance we place on the claim etc. In this case I'm not convinced that the particular attrocity happened but don't think FH deliberately lied. Get over it.

PC is a different issue. I see it as a juggling act. An attempt to find a balance between "calling it as we see it" and having respect for others. Like most things we all follow through in different ways.
I've certainly seen plenty of coverage over the last couple of years suggesting that there were significant issues with predominately Lebanese gangs in Sydney, PC did not stop that discussion. No problem with that as long as the reporting is true and balanced. A very different issue when I see the above turned into "get the Leb" or "there are no moderate muslims" and other such tripe.

Extreme PC is probably an attempt to avoid the latter, a total rejection of PC seems to be an attempt to maintain the freedom to do the latter.

Again we will all make different choices about how PC we want to be. I try and find a middle ground, clearly too extreme for you and not extreme enough for others. Feel free to get over that too.

I'm hoping that this bears some kind of relation to the overall thread, tenuous I admit.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 11:27:45 AM
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Dumb and Dumber
Coach said "Democracy is based on Christian principles (research it). Islam has no concept of it and cannot live or exist with democracy."

This would have to be one of the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Democracy is one of the oldest principles of humanity. While it has been codified in many different ways over the years it the basic idea i.e. governing by conesus is as old as man. Democracy has been practice in many cultures long before Christianity was invented. This rewriting of history that Christian fanatical evangelicals continually try to do is pathetic. Western democracy has evolved over the years and has become more inclusive as Christianity influence over the western world has diminished. Christianity has fought against democracy at just about every step and many denotations still have big problems with it. Many western evangelicals wish to have a Taliban style religious Government where religious rules are enforced by the state. Democratic countries make laws that the majority of people want not what some imaginary supernatural being said to some priest 1900 years ago. Wake up to yourself Coach and have a look in the mirror.
Posted by Kenny, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 12:23:54 PM
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Thanks for the history lesson – for someone who believes that man comes from apes you are evolving rather well into the 'human’species.

I was referring in my post to the first ever example of democratic government in world history established by Moses and first recorded around 1300 B.C. Without that initial model you and I would not have civilisation as we know it today.

Your premature conclusions, unjustified attacks and your pre-conceived mumbo-jumbo about my supposed inferences had nothing to do with the subject at hand.

I was merely helping 16 year old "m3wa" above with his quest for integration, belonging and safety in Australia.

So please take your time and re-read carefully before jumping on the keys.

As the French say: the less jam you got the more you spread it.
Posted by coach, Tuesday, 13 December 2005 9:53:32 PM
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I noticed coach is another 'Boaz junior wanna be' without the experience and knowledge of Islam or Christianity (judging by his lat two postings).

Can you "coach" coach over Christmas.

PS: when does the "God is love" thingy actually starts and how many hours or minutes does it go for?


Meredith among few others posters resort to personal attacks when they run out of logic or debate skill, don't bother.
There is also many Merediths using the same PC because one Meredith strongly disagrees with my opinion and the 'other' Meredith sends me an artcile confirming my view.

Merry Christmas to all the Merediths,

Posted by Fellow_Human, Wednesday, 14 December 2005 10:06:36 AM
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