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Some will not integrate : Comments

By John Stone, published 25/11/2005

John Stone argues the Federal Government is not facing the reality of an exclusive Islamic culture.

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Best wishes for your BIG 40 next week! I can honestly say that from my experience that life after 40 is fantastic. I hope it is for you!

Maybe you will wear a head scarf on your Harley!? That would look so funny - oh well, what about a bandana?

Happy Birthday and as you say: Peace.

Posted by kalweb, Thursday, 8 December 2005 6:23:50 PM
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Fellow_Human, You again,

OK since it is your birthday, I have a little test for you:

Islam is a religion of peace,right? and that your prophet came to improve on Jesus' teaching

Let's examine some of Muhammad's teachings versus Jesus Christ

Jesus said:” By their fruit you shall know them” speaking of any prophet that might come after him (Matt. 7:16)

1. Muhammad owned weapons, and he nicknames himself "the obliterator." Christ never owned weapons because he never waged war on anyone.

2. In (Sura 24:2) Muhammad commands that adulterers receive a hundred lashes. In (John 8:1-11)Christ forgave the sins of the adulteress and he told her to go and sin no more.

3. Muhammad permits husbands to beat their wives (Sura 4:34). Christ taught respect and love for one another.

4. Muhammad commands that the hands of thieves be cut off (Sura 5:38). Christ created the human beings therefore he knew that the body is precious and should not be mutilated.

5. Muhammad commands death or the cutting off of hands and feet of rebels (Sura 5:33). Christ 'the Prince of Peace’ died for all the rebels of the world.

6. Muhammad marries many times even with a little infant, Aisha. Christ never did or taught this.

7. Muhammad in his Qur’an promises sensuous, "virgin-rich paradise gardens" for Jihad martyrs (Suras 61:10-12, 9:111). Christ's died on the cross on our behalf; thus he guaranteed heaven for those who trust in him.

8. Muhammad hated the Jews; he killed them, plunder their lands and enslaves their women and children. (Sura 33:25-27). Christ was a Jew himself. He never slaughter anyone.

Christians know prophets by their fruit. Clearly Muhammad fails the fruit test. Therefore does not improve the teachings of Christ the Son of God and cannot by a long shot complement the sequel of the Bible.

Actions speak louder than words. Sorry man I cannot accommodate you anymore. If you want to continue to follow your religion fine; but if you are serious about the truth read (ikra') the Bible - the stakes are too high.
Posted by coach, Thursday, 8 December 2005 9:31:35 PM
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Robert Challenge Part 3 of 3


Some points.

1/ a child ? if I’m not wrong, a Jew is a ‘child’ until around 30 yrs of age.

2/ How ‘bad’ would a child have to be before parents would give up on him and inform the elders of the community about it ?
3/ Most parents love their children.
4/ The Elders of the community would know if the child/youth’s behavior is related to bad parenting.
5/ I highly doubt that a youth would push an elderly man though a plate glass window if he had been warned of the possibility he would be stoned to death by the community if he did it.
(i refer to that incident quite a bit, a 16 yr old was ‘evil incarnate’ at that time, and did this. The only way we could get him off the street was that our youth pastor interacted with him until the offender punched him repeatedly, the pastor did not retaliate, and used the photographic evidence to put the offender away)

For applicability to ‘today’ in Gentile Australia, refer Acts 15 and the Apostolic council in the other post.

It is NEVER easy to put ourselves in the real life situation of the Israelites, or to understand the Laws and the way God dealt with them and mankind. We have inherited a philosophical outlook which always needs to be considered carefully before making sentimental knee jerk emotional responses.

There is NO idea of a “Theocracy” established in the New Testament, apart from on an individual level in our own hearts. Guidelines for corporate Church behavior are very clear, but ‘structures’ are not outlined, apart from the fact that Paul had an ‘Apostolic’ ministry/responsibility to the groups he had evangelized and each group had leaders. Thats it. So, it does not really matter if you have an Anglican or a Presbyterian or a Methodist or Church of Christ tradition, what matters is the living relationship with Christ.
Posted by BOAZ_David, Friday, 9 December 2005 5:17:26 AM
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BD, so why don't the kind of excuses you use for your version of God apply to the muslims? You and other christian posters spend most of your posts on these forums bashing seemingly moderate muslims about the excess of others who may/may not share their faith.

Have you any reason to believe that the thugs causing the problems in Sydney are genuine muslims or could it be that they are like kids of christain families brought up in cultures where church attendance is socially enforced. The classic western image is the mafia. Do you want to be responsible for the behavour of the mafia and treated accordingly because many of them have shared the same religion as you? Is there evidence that the members of the Lebanese gangs are in any way active muslims? Do they spend Friday lunch time singing the muslim version of "I surrender" or "He is Lord" then go out and do this stuff on the weekend or is their version of Islam nominal as is the version of christainity that many people of European origin hold?

Get with the reality that muslims are like the rest of us, they have some who take themselves and their religion far too seriously regardless of the cost to the world they live in and the perceptions others hold of their religion. They have some who think about their faith and live it as well as they can, getting some stuff right and some wrong. (Mostly I assume that you are in the latter, sometimes in the former). They have nominal muslims who hold to the cultural values of the faith without really letting it drive their lives. And all sorts of variations in between.

Most will integrate, some will not, that has been the way with every group that came here and I'm guessing that muslims will do a whole lot better that the first european settlers did. Along the way we will be changed but mostly that will be by us picking up some good bits that work for us.

Posted by R0bert, Friday, 9 December 2005 8:26:18 AM
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Sorry it took me a while to get back to you. I was busy dealing with real issues.

Is that your idea of speed reading? Picking on my opening and closing lines? Have you read the body of my post to ‘Reason’? Where is your opinion there - instead of criticising my “childish” style?

You fantasise in a previous post: >>There is absolutely not the remotest possibility that Australia will become an Islamic state<<

Please reconsider that statement if you care at all for Australia and the legacy we are leaving to our children.

>> But until and unless we wake up to the way in which we are being used by … the problems underneath will remain unaddressed and unsolved. <<

What in your opinion could be the right approach to solving that problem?

Come back to reality. Let me remind you that this is Australia 2005. I don’t know where you have been since 1981 but maybe you should watch some TV news sometime and get on with the programme.

Posted by coach, Friday, 9 December 2005 3:45:03 PM
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Could all the white and/or christian chauvinists on this forum please provide me with solid evidence that muslims intend doing to 20th century australia what the white settlers did and have been doing to aboriginal culture for the past 200-plus years.

and i mean REAL evidence. not some stupid report about some tabloid journo's disturbed cronulla tan.
Posted by Irfan, Friday, 9 December 2005 4:22:11 PM
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