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Some will not integrate : Comments

By John Stone, published 25/11/2005

John Stone argues the Federal Government is not facing the reality of an exclusive Islamic culture.

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It is obvious that in the future we will be in a depression, so the three musketeers and a few foot soldiers, keep your Chomsky publications handy, there will be a shortage of toilet paper; at least you have found a good use for it. Throw out your idols; he really is not the Messiah as you so wish. He is the Gate Keeper, paid by no other than The USA army, how about that for Hypocrisy. You could say Almanac, he created the diversion for the Imperial forces to penetrate and rule The world. UMM anything: Colonizing the world?
You can see the Aunty ABC inspired intellectuals at work again, and those that rant and rave the Racist word should donate $100.00 each rant, to the children’s hospital. A couple of Grand already recorded. At least make good your emotion by demonstrating good will, not just pretend you posses it. Not a good or honorable trait of the left I’m afraid
Posted by All-, Monday, 28 November 2005 4:54:26 PM
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And Kenny, Your History lesson is incorrect about the Moors, and most definitely your assertion that Islam’s contribution was 0 is indeed a misnomer also. The fact was; and is: 0 was Indian until the Islamic invasion, they confiscated the Idea, Remember the Targemahull?, Yes they also claimed that to be Islamic, surprised are you. Post-modern application of History can reinvent anything you wish it to be, but the Facts are somewhat _ Different. I’m sure you will investigate the truth more in depth.
Posted by All-, Monday, 28 November 2005 5:11:59 PM
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Australia's stuffed! We allow refuges and/or migrants who are polar opposites in terms of appearance, garb, values, epistemology, religion and whatever else in with open arms; give them whatever they want and why...because of soft and feeble-minded and unrealistic lefties.

My wife, who's a highly educated (Masters) and stunningly beautiful woman (originally from a central European country) who speaks 5 languages fluently cannot get a job (150-200 applications) here in Perth because she is either too over-qualified or the prospective employers are scared of her beauty...and we are called the lucky country...Her Masters is on the ‘wanted’ skilled migrant list, but can she find work, no!

Oh, and don’t bother going to a skilled migrant expo, unless of course you are skilled in the mining industry!

The sooner people listen to folks like Stone and others who have the guts to see the world for what it really is, the better...Stop allowing throngs of crooks and welfare wanting breeders in and help those ‘skilled’ migrants who come here to work and give back to the society and not sponge off it!

I don't care if I paint an ethnic group with the same brush, Arabs and Africans should not be allowed to come here, they are too different and they are all wrong for Australia…they are a breed apart…am I a racist? I don’t believe in that word as we are all human: there is only one race…however, am I a realist, one whom sees the world for what it really is? Hell yes!

Wake up you soft, soft people, as one of the other respondents said; humans will never, ever join hands and sing songs of peace and love…that line of thought is for feeble-minded and weak drug-taking morons: it is in our very nature to dislike and/or fear those who are different…humans have no divine omnipresent celestial being guiding them; CHRIST! If they did, don’t you think we would have found peace by now?

No more apathy, no more affirmative action, It's time for meritocracy and it’s time to say NO MORE and it’s time to FIGHT BACK!
Posted by puzzlesthewill, Monday, 28 November 2005 6:33:38 PM
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Discrimination & Racism. (extract)

Hello all. My final take on the subject.
If we take a step toward deconstructing the topic, we find –
A great deal of passion. There are two positions of defence in the argument(s) surrounding racism (& discrimination of all kinds). Some wish to see it used & some wish to see it eradicated. To those who wish to see it used for their own defence or benefit, I ask why? ‘Categorizing’ people as a threat is a little like the ant & the house brick. Racism is inefficient.
It’s undeniable that we have ‘good’ & ‘bad’ in all Nations. To categorise an entire group of Australians as a problem to ones self or ones group in modern Australia is inappropriate & incorrect. And for this reason we have a thorough legal system, developed by the people, protecting the rights of the individual.
Nearly all western Governments now outlaw Racism completely. We have grown through slavery, racism & sexual discrimination- we’ve all tried it as nations & it doesn’t work!
Integration of Races does not necessarily mean the homogenisation of Races. We wish to retain our own heritage for valid reasons, but to not allow some physical & cultural space for those who are of different heritage is inappropriate at this point in human society. We are global. To try to enforce cultural barriers is to take the defensive. Why? We can have our cake & eat it too. All cultures have something to good to offer. We can grow through integration. It's much smarter.
The problems currently being experienced in France raise an interesting point. Integration needs appropriate communication. Ethnic groups need appropriate political representation & this need is often not met.
France has a zero discrimination policy, which also denies any categorization according to race. The ethnic communities of France have poor representation at all levels. The situation has come to crisis point & the French govt must do all it can to open dialogue with the affected. It needs to change policy.
Integration needs to be planned. It cannot be left to chance.
Posted by Swilkie, Monday, 28 November 2005 7:06:47 PM
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The psychological reasons for the existence of discrimination source from tribal heritage & the previously greater need (historically speaking) for self-preservation. We may accept these ‘tendencies’ as our destiny, or we may be conscious of them & be in control, as we need to be with other ‘primitive’ traits. Today, as a race, we almost universally accept that ‘control’ is the better approach.
Cheers to all (even Reddy!)
Posted by Swilkie, Monday, 28 November 2005 7:08:26 PM
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Swilkie, nearly all western ban racism, but in order to do so they must import ethnic minorities to keep up to date with the latest b grade civil rights fad (multiculturalism). Countries that were formerly (and historically) white are now delibrately multi-racialised to stay in line with obscure Marxist thinking.

However contrived, Racism is an anticipated reality that will keep our leftist rulers in a longlasting orgasm as they compete for moral righteousness over us 'unsophisticated' and 'uneducated' types.
Posted by davo, Monday, 28 November 2005 8:28:55 PM
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