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Send Muslims home? Fine, I'll go to East Ryde : Comments

By Irfan Yusuf, published 21/7/2005

Irfan Yusuf argues Australian Muslims are as worried and concerned about terrorism as other Australian citizens.

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Irfan I understand your concern - thank you for your article. Somehow we, as Australians, will unite against terrorism, in spite of those who only wish to foster it with their hate comments.
Posted by Trinity, Monday, 25 July 2005 7:44:46 AM
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Sixty Minutes was frightening. We are in a very difficult situation as unless we change the way we deal with these issues, we are not going to be able to deter youths from attending these types of meetings. By discrediting all Muslims for the actions of some and showing anger, discrimination and hate we are helping to recruit new terrorists. We need to be smarter than them.

Because of terrorists acts, young Muslims are being treated with disdain and being picked on, neglected and treated unfairly by adults in positions of power in schools and in society and many western youths take their cues from adults. There is a lot of bad blood and discrimination out there. These Muslims will have no trouble believing that we are against them and they will enjoy hearing hatred and anger aimed at those that have treated them so badly and with such lack of regard and respect. It will make them feel good and worthy. They will believe that the Western world is evil given the way that they have been treated and the level of sex, drugs and nakedness that is openly shown.

We cannot change the views of the older generation but unless we change our attitude to the younger generation and our ways somewhat then they will grow up even angrier than their fathers. Showing understanding, acceptance, guidance and Love at our youth is the only way that we can stop the direction that this is heading.

Of course I personally believe that we need Laws and Rules that have to be adhered to by all. I don’t believe that Multiculturalism works because nobody really accepts each other, we just tolerate each other and there is no obligation when tolerating to be nice or kind. If Muslims want to live in Australia they have to accept the Australian way and culture, they cannot hate the Western way otherwise it won’t work as they will want Australia to change to better suit them.
Posted by Jolanda, Monday, 25 July 2005 9:03:19 AM
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Not sure what Trinity is on about.

Perhaps a side swipe at BD who has both a genuine heart for debate and a hide as thick as a rhinoceros - blessings brother. I fail to see how anyone could accuse BD of hate, such an easy word to roll of the tongue, or the tip of a pen. Perhaps use of the hate word is the simplest way to avoid debate?

But then maybe the trinitarian man or woman (that's the problem with all these nom de plumes, people can say what they want under the cloak of anonymity things they (hopefully) would never say to your face), is instead taking a side swipe at those Muslims who so scared and angered Kalweb.

That's the problem you have got Irfan if you cannot convince a sweet creature like Kalweb who charges you, "I thought you have always said that Islam/Muslim is peaceful". It is like you are pushing water uphill. You should expend less energy on us poor Christian saps (leave it to the atheists- it gives them special pleasure) and more on your fire breathing co-religionists, and in that project I say more power to Irfan and his like!
Posted by David Palmer, Monday, 25 July 2005 9:18:40 AM
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Thanx for that support David :) appreciated. My hide is only as thick as my confidence (God forbid it ever be or become 'smugness and arrogance as I'm oft accused of being) in our Lord and His impact on lives even in spite of my stumbling attempts to engage non Christians on social issues.

TRINITY. I noted with concern and believe it or not, compassion your comment in the other thread about your sad experience with a man who abused you. In the same way that I have 'baggage' which I had to deal with on issues of mistreatment under Islam, and need to ensure as best I can, that my comments don't 'just' stem from that (at times they will .. I'm human and not yet perfect) you also need to understand that while we passionately debate issues close to our hearts, you yourself are close to our hearts, the thought of you being emotionally and psychologically damaged by a mans mistreatment is a shameful thing for sure.

We speak as we believe, and the foundation of our faith is a loving God, and a sacrificial Christ. That same Jesus spoke in very 'unloving' and 'intolerant' terms to certain groups of arrogant, greedy, rich, and power hungry people. So, our comments are not without precedent.

Regarding your bitter experience, whether you believe it or not, there is healing for every level to be found in Christ. had I not experienced His love in my own life, who knows where I might be now.

In our weakness, the temptation to 'win an argument' is always there, but also the urgent desire to share what we understand to be truth.

At least you haven't resorted to Xena's tactic of repeatedly calling me a 'little man' :)

JOLANDA I identify with your comments, which is why I attempt to open up an understanding of 'underlying' issues, that should help people avoid 'knee jerk' responses. To be truthful, my comments are aimed more at policy makers, particularly the immigration area, which would be anathema to some here, but, that's where I stand :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Monday, 25 July 2005 10:05:59 AM
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Thank god for 60 minutes. Where would we be without their fair, honest, objectivity. How anyone can get thru the week without a dose of 60 minutes induced ignorance and histeria, l will never know. It has been routinely discredited and exposed for a highly suspect modus and clear and obvious sensationalism and propoganda. Up there with the likes of Winfrey, Springer and Lake. Actually, l suspect that Home and Away is a better current affairs program the 60 minutes. Its amazing that people still watch it, let alone admit to it, foolishly showing their immature gullibility by actually quoting it and using it to rationalise their views. That show is to information what a chiko roll and 2 litres of lard a day is to food. Some people never learn to cook. [Deleted for obscenity.]

Ironic are the accusations of generalised extremism amongst moslems considering the level of hysterical reactions and extremist views of self professed ozzy moderates. [Deleted for vulgarity] Sorry for the insults, but you [Deleted for obscenity.] l suppose that when that stoipud texan kills 10s of thousands of iraqis and afghanis, in the name of god, after a prayer, that means that those of us who carry the same book of mysticism are extremists too. Just following the 'logic' of the radical westerns who dribble the same muck as those whom they purportedly abhor. You extremists argue but you think the same way, to the extent that you are capable of thinking. Thankfully all u do about your views is blab about them.

Hopefully you hysterical scardy cats will cry yourself into irrelevance or preferably cry yourselves into a lifetime of psychotropic medication. Failing that, you could just lock yourselves away in gated communities amongst your own like minded, like skinned kinfolk and spare the rest of us from your delusional vitriolic rhetoric. Your attitude is the problem. Denial and delusion is your only antidote to the responsibility of lucid existence. HOPELESS is wot you are. [Poster suspended for 48 hours.]
Posted by trade215, Monday, 25 July 2005 10:46:00 AM
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The terrorists are winning. Their goal is to divide us.

Christians are posting anti-Islamic messages. Muslims are feeling threatened. Only if we unite can we defeat the terrorist psychopaths. I tried, in vain, to show that there is good and bad in ALL religious texts. As I have stated before I may as well have quoted from LOTR like Garra.

Please, everyone, put aside your theological differences - the Muslim community is a part of the Australian community to ostracise it now means the terrorists have won.

I don't want the terrorists to win - do you?
Posted by Xena, Monday, 25 July 2005 11:57:41 AM
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