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Blaming the victim : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 1/3/2021

It would have been fairer to all concerned, if these complaints had been properly investigated by police and (if merited) tried in a court.

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Hi Pete

Thanks for the article, I did see the young girl in question on the ABC, very intelligent and forthright with the aims of her petition. We have two girl mokos (grandchildren) in year 10, one 15 and one turning 15 next month. They both have boyfriends their age, I'm not sure what conditions the parents of the older one have put in place as they live in Toowoomba 130Km from Brisbane. But for our local girl, just up the road, conditions are strict, school, sport and home duties come first, she is well aware of the limits imposed on dating, such as only during daylight hours and mum or dad have to know where they are going, etc, he is allowed at the house, but only when someone is home, mum and dad have met the "in-laws", and find them nice people. More importantly I think our girl has a good understanding of what she will tolerate from boys, she demands respect, and she has her own limits as well in place. So far so good, she even rang Nan with; "Nan is it okay if I bring my friend around to meet you both?", Which of course we were pleased to do, he came across as very nice and suitable in our eyes.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 March 2021 5:58:47 AM
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More intrigue in the Porter case.

It seems the women who claimed to have been raped, didn't even remember the incident for 28 years. It was only after being referred to a psychologist who believes in the theory of 'recovered' memories, that she suddenly remembered her 'ordeal'.

Anyone who knows anything about the sordid history of recovered memories will immediately know what a crock this whole saga has been. A man's career destroyed because some crank practitioner convinces her that something she doesn't even remember happening, happened.

From wikipedia...""The notion that traumatic events can be repressed and later recovered is the most pernicious bit of folklore ever to infect psychology and psychiatry. It has provided the theoretical basis for 'recovered memory therapy' — the worst catastrophe to befall the mental health field since the lobotomy era.""

Explain to me again how we should believe all women!!
Posted by mhaze, Sunday, 7 March 2021 9:54:12 AM
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You cannot be serious.
Ditto ! I think insanity has gotten a foothold in Education.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 7 March 2021 10:42:40 AM
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There is a more important matter arising in this Porter case than rape.
The Labor leader has disqualified himself from ever being prime minister.
If his party supports his advocacy of a legalised Kangaroo Court then
it should never take government.
Setting such a precedent will be just what the people who want to
reset everything will need to screw us all down.

I notice that some prominent legal people have said it must not happen.
For a leading MP hoping to become prime minister to advocate such a
course makes you wonder what steps he would consider fair in a case
involving hundreds of citizens.
Posted by Bazz, Sunday, 7 March 2021 11:05:40 AM
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It's really all in the punctuation.

"Don't!! Stop!!"

"Don't stop!!"
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 7 March 2021 2:13:54 PM
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No probs Paul1405

Here is a clip for some of the "Real Men" in this thread to avoid caring about half of humanity:


Posted by plantagenet, Sunday, 7 March 2021 2:51:15 PM
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