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Blaming the victim : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 1/3/2021

It would have been fairer to all concerned, if these complaints had been properly investigated by police and (if merited) tried in a court.

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Dear Issy

Further to your helpful recommendations I suggest Full Disclosure of Consent - LIVE:

1. During this Legal Process. The male participant, wearing a full face helmut, riot shield and most crucially a POLICE STYLE BODYCAM gather proof of consent from female participant-to-be

2. With a live feed to the local Femi-Nazi tent village, handily emplaced on participants front lawn.

3. If the bodycam is proving awkward, in a variety of positions, or due to insertion in a dark place

4. Either or both parties should hold cameras throughout their interface, POV Style.

5. For wicked Christian(s) the POV camera audio and video should be thrust upon one's unsuspecting, aged Priest, during Confession.


6. during a Church service - like one's Wedding.

7. All acts of one's sex life shall hereby be recorded on camera (audio and video) for Court Cases, Blackmail, Slide Nights and Employment Performance Appraisal.
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 5 March 2021 11:00:49 PM
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1. "Femi-Nazi" goes too far, author feeling remorse.

2. However, raising rape to a Guilty Till Proven Innocent crime, above all other serious crimes (eg. above mass murder) is disproportionate and not part of a modern Western legal system.

Guilty Till Proven Innocent is instead practiced in the Mainland China legal system.

3. Guilty Till Proven Innocent is akin to the Salem witch/warlock trials or Spanish Inquisition where the accused had to prove her/his innocence. Before modern legal systems those ordered to prove their innocence were encourage to talk by Ordeal/Interrogation - extended imprisonment before trial being one such encouragement.

4. Joan of Arc was condemned under an old, now discredited, encourage to talk by Ordeal/Interrogation - extended imprisonment before trial, Guilty Till Proven Innocent system .
Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 6 March 2021 9:23:32 AM
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I'm just so tired of hearing about this sexual harassment thing. These females shouldn't leave home without a chastity belt if they have so much difficulty in saying no when they should be saying no !
I'm just so glad there are still some women out there !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 6 March 2021 4:33:47 PM
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Indy, Hear, Hear!
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 March 2021 6:53:29 PM
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If any OLOers don't like the following don't read it. Maybe don't read the thread if you object to people reporting sexual assault or are concerned about it.

ABC Reports 6 March 2021, at

“Sydney school students call for earlier education on sexual relationships and consent in wake of petition”

“...The petition, calling for earlier education on sex and consent, was started by Chantal Contos, who went to a private school in Sydney's eastern suburbs.

She was motivated to act after conversations with her friends revealed that half of them had been sexually assaulted by boys from neighbouring private boys' schools. It was only when she and her friends were taught about consent in year 10 that they realised that what had happened to them constituted rape or sexual assault..."

[A schoolgirl asks] "Without education like this how are we going to know how to act? How are we going to know what to do..."
Posted by plantagenet, Saturday, 6 March 2021 11:25:04 PM
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Plantagenet, REALLY?
I mean, REALLY?
You have just joined the ranks of irrelevance and fake virtuosity.

Without education like this, how are we going to know how to act? How are we going to know what to do...".

You cannot be serious.
You have just lowered yourself to the lowest level or rankings.
I have a million answers to this absolute, crap, obviously spun by an absolute sicko, or was it a preschooler.
This article you so proudly display or parade as a shining example of, what exactly?
Is it to demonstrate how stupid people are?
Is it supposed to mean something, because if so, it has failed so miserably, and in fact muddied the case regarding rape, and quite simply as well.
So someone is trying it on with one of these vestal virgins of today, and you and the author of this piece of fiction, actually expect us all to believe that the girls have suddenly forgotten how to scream and run?
Honestly, the older I get the more pathetic and stupid people get.
Please, try another piece of fiction, this one is beginning to smell by the minute.
Posted by ALTRAV, Saturday, 6 March 2021 11:47:45 PM
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