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Blaming the victim : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 1/3/2021

It would have been fairer to all concerned, if these complaints had been properly investigated by police and (if merited) tried in a court.

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ISSY, now, no truer words have ever been spoken.
What the sanctimonious female, freedom fighters need to fess up is, that the maggots have now gone too far with this equality crap.
This was never more well confirmed when a friend of mine's wife was working in a chemist shop years ago and overheard a gaggle of such females, discussing how they were either feeling horny, or just simply going out that night for the specific purpose of "getting laid".
They were debating condoms.
Some were for them, others were NOT!
So elegant, so charming, so chaste......NOT!
And some of you wonder why I go on so much about slutty females today.
This kind of smutty talk was reserved for the males of the species, and in my life, growing up, women did not talk like this, in a disgusting and openly uncouth, un-lady-like, crass manner.
But as I said before, too bad I'm not young today, Oh what a feast I would have.
Reminds me of the old bull and the young bull just introduced to a new herd of cattle.
The young bull says to the old bull, "let's run down and quickly have our way with one of the cows".
The old bull, casually turns to the young bull and says, NAH, let's stroll down and have 'em all.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 7 March 2021 3:03:02 PM
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Plantgenet, not sure what to make of your last posting.
If that joke of a video is supposed to make guys do or not do something, it was lost in it's absolute absurdity of human fiction.
If these guys are YOUR idea of "Real Men", I suggest you find new venues that are not "gai" bars, and the like.
I am curious what your intended message was with that stupid video.
Those people were so fake, and you could see right through them, starting with the very bad acting through to the unquestionable virtue signaling, and more.
So whoever that video was aimed at or pathetically trying to emulate, it failed badly.
So can you tell me in plain English what was your message or intent by posting it?
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 7 March 2021 4:13:14 PM
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And, where's a video that shows violence to men by females ?
Lucky for me, most people of the opposite sex I encountered were women !
I know a few blokes who got involved with females & really feel sorry for them.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 7 March 2021 4:33:03 PM
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Its easy to see the problem the forums group of frustrated misogynistic old men suffer from. FEMALE REJECTION. Not one being under the age of 85, and with their "best" years well and truly behind them, they have become angry with what might have been, now taking their frustrations out on innocent young women. One likens himself through a joke to an old bull, telling the young bull how best to handle the cows. The truth is he's more likely to be in the class of a old steer than old bull, with only imaginary dreams of what might have been to satisfy himself with in his twilight years.

My wife was having a read of some of the posts on here this afternoon, at my request, her only comment was; "What a bunch of Old Losers, hang out on that OLO site, obviously there is no women, I can see why." I had to agree.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 7 March 2021 9:46:35 PM
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Paul, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha,.......... Oh boy......hang on while I catch my breath.
Whew, that was a close one, nearly peed my pants.
Now let me get this straight, I don't want to spoil the moment or the message;
YOUR WIFE, said; "What a bunch of OLD LOSERS, hang out on that OLO site, obviously there is no women, I can see why".
Seeing as how YOU are if not the most vocal and therefore the leading hanger out on OLO, it is clear to us all now, she was talking about YOU!
And so it is that you have outed yourself, and now can include yourself in the comments of your last posting.
What your wife said about you, must be true, she has had to tolerate you and your warped sense of reason for far too long, but at least now we have irrefutable inside information and therefore vindication and confirmation of what most of us have said and believed about you from the beginning.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 7 March 2021 10:29:48 PM
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I found this article to be forthright and thought provoking.
I had already written something similar in my 'notebook'.
This is part of what I wrote.
I hope it can be taken as relevant.

I have read about, and listened to, reports of two recent incidents of alleged rape.
In both cases the young woman acted very unwisely.
She got drunk.
That circumstance markedly lessened her ability to supervise her own actions.
She was then unable to provide normal adult care and control of her person.
She deliberately put herself in 'danger'.
That fact makes her unavoidably complicit in anything which happened as a result?

In each of these incidents, if we are to condemn one participant, we must also condemn the other?
Let us stop the pretence that one of the parties is squeaky clean, and the other is dark and dastardly.
Let us put any blame squarely where it belongs: on BOTH of them.
And let us train our young to be far more aware of possible threat?
No walking alone down a dark alleyway late at night, in a 'rough' part of town.
Such an act would be totally irresponsible.
Those who persist in living dangerously, will almost certainly come to harm.

I sometimes despair of those who lead this country.
Those who are paid to plan and supervise our future.
Their approach to the above matters is 'all over the place'.
They have us galloping down a road which leads to absurdity.
I also despair of the futile discussions which are taking place amongst news persons.
These are aired regularly on television.
They go round and round in circles, and have no clear purpose.
Time for some straight talking instead?
Time for some strong and sensible comment?
These matters drag on because there are no clear-cut principles being applied to their resolution.
Those in authority appear to sway to and fro, as if engaged in a strange and meaningless dance.
I shake my head, and wonder where it will all end.
Something has to change. And soon.
Posted by Ipso Fatso, Monday, 8 March 2021 2:39:03 AM
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