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Blaming the victim : Comments
By Brendan O'Reilly, published 1/3/2021It would have been fairer to all concerned, if these complaints had been properly investigated by police and (if merited) tried in a court.
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What the sanctimonious female, freedom fighters need to fess up is, that the maggots have now gone too far with this equality crap.
This was never more well confirmed when a friend of mine's wife was working in a chemist shop years ago and overheard a gaggle of such females, discussing how they were either feeling horny, or just simply going out that night for the specific purpose of "getting laid".
They were debating condoms.
Some were for them, others were NOT!
So elegant, so charming, so chaste......NOT!
And some of you wonder why I go on so much about slutty females today.
This kind of smutty talk was reserved for the males of the species, and in my life, growing up, women did not talk like this, in a disgusting and openly uncouth, un-lady-like, crass manner.
But as I said before, too bad I'm not young today, Oh what a feast I would have.
Reminds me of the old bull and the young bull just introduced to a new herd of cattle.
The young bull says to the old bull, "let's run down and quickly have our way with one of the cows".
The old bull, casually turns to the young bull and says, NAH, let's stroll down and have 'em all.