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Blaming the victim : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 1/3/2021

It would have been fairer to all concerned, if these complaints had been properly investigated by police and (if merited) tried in a court.

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The only thing is there is no suggestion in the Porter case that the 16 year old girl was drunk.


The wife doesn't discriminate, her reasoning is; talking to losers, makes one a Loser as well. I've said to her in the past, did she want to participate in this Forum, her reaction was "You got to be kidding!". Claims there's very little diversity in the discussion. I did explain there are a couple of infrequent but good contributors like SR, Pete, David and a couple of others, we did have a good female poster in Foxy but circumstances have made her give it up. Most of the posts she read that were not mine, were yours. Kept saying "Gee, what a LOSER!" not sure if she was reading my posts or yours at the time. The wife wanted to know if anyone here did anything else in life. I said the guys are mostly confined to the 'Shady Pines' retirement village, where the number one rule is "No Chicks Allowed", she wanted to know where it is, so she can put me in there as well. Sad ALTI.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 8 March 2021 5:56:42 AM
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More evidence emerging on the Porter case.

As I said earlier, its now clear that the women underwent "recovered memory therapy" a hypnotic technique which courts have placed restrictions on as evidence because of their potential to affect memory.

It now also seems that her parents (what would they know!!) were opposed to her proceeding with the complaint because of her mental illness. They felt she probably “confected or embellished” the story.

Christine Blasey Ford all over again.

And losers like Paul et al fall for it every time.
Posted by mhaze, Monday, 8 March 2021 6:58:33 AM
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Should credence be given to the recollections of a witness who was drunk at the time of an alleged event in all cases?

Say a person is on trial for their life, i.e. facing life imprisonment, should identification by someone who admits that they were 'legless' at the time be seriously considered?

I think not and allegations are not evidence.
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 8 March 2021 9:38:26 AM
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In your opening post, you said,

"Mere allegations don't provide a victim to blame."

but they do provide a victim to frame!!
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 8 March 2021 9:41:28 AM
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Hi Paul1405

1. Yes, there's very little OLO commenter diversity these days, what with Foxy and Joe gone.

OLO now mainly hosts the ravings of far right oddballs, who wish they were rich, famous "studs" like their Messiah, Trump.

2. FOUR CORNERS tonight will be on this latest Porter case. Source:

3. Where's the happy, blokey, ScoMo now, with senior ministers even three months back:

with threatening words

4. Just 3 weeks ago Scottie was dropping hints about an October 2021 Federal Election (because Labor looked like a pushover). What with Morrison's Government now only having a one seat majority in the House of Reps an Election was meant to increase the House majority.

But the Government now has 2 Cabinet Uglies to resolve first.
Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 8 March 2021 10:22:46 AM
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Its most unfortunate when a poster has to resort to untruths and distortions in an attempt to strengthen their argument. Isn't that so MHAZE. The post in which mhaze claims the woman took 28 years to recollect the alleged sexual assault by Porter. He tries to intimate that theory of 'recovered' memories may have been used. Take the untruths and distortions in the Porter case posted by mhaze;

"It seems the women who claimed to have been raped, didn't even remember the incident for 28 years. It was only after being referred to a psychologist who believes in the theory of 'recovered' memories, that she suddenly remembered her 'ordeal'."

The only interview the sexual assault counsellor, who treated the woman eight year ago, was with the ABC's 'Four Corners' program. What did the counsellor actually say to 'Four Corners' concerning "theory of 'recovered' memories," and the woman's recollection of the event, in about six cessions with the her;

From ABC News,

The woman disclosed to her (the councillor) an allegation about a boy she referred to by his first name as Christian. The counsellor said the woman had sought out her services because she specialised in sexual assault. The counsellor told Four Corners that the woman was "extremely articulate", "not delusional", and volunteered the allegation of her own volition. She said there was no discussion of repressed or recovered memories. "She told me she had always remembered it," Somewhat different from the mhaze hogwash, note mhaze don't supply links so others can verify what he claims. Why is that?
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 8 March 2021 10:30:15 AM
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