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Blaming the victim : Comments

By Brendan O'Reilly, published 1/3/2021

It would have been fairer to all concerned, if these complaints had been properly investigated by police and (if merited) tried in a court.

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About time this incompetent minister came out of the closet
Why didn't Ms Higgins come out straight away ?
Posted by individual, Friday, 5 March 2021 9:10:37 AM
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My respect for Linda Reynolds as a knowledgable Defence Minister - still requires an adequate performance as a leader of her staff.

The Canberra Times reports March 4, 2021

Title: "Minister labelled ex-staffer 'lying cow'"

[Part of the approx 500 word Text:]

"Scott Morrison has confirmed his embattled Defence Minister Linda Reynolds called an alleged rape victim a "lying cow".

Former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins says she was raped by a colleague in Senator Reynolds' ministerial office in 2019.

The prime minister said Senator Reynolds was frustrated over suggestions she did not give enough support to Ms Higgins at the time of the incident. He said the remark was made in a private office and she later apologised to staff for the outburst. "She deeply regrets it. They were offensive remarks. She should never have made them. I don't condone them," the prime minister told reporters in NSW on Thursday.

Ms Higgins says the comments were "incredibly hurtful", and has threatened defamation action unless the defence minister apologises. "I appreciate that it has been a stressful time but that sort of behaviour and language is never excusable," she said in a statement. "It's just further evidence of the toxic workplace culture that occurs behind closed doors in Parliament House."

Senator Reynolds, who is on medical leave following heavy criticism of her handling of the allegation, is under increasing pressure to resign....Senator Reynolds issued a statement saying she had never questioned Ms Higgins' account. "I did, however, comment on news reports regarding surrounding circumstances that I felt had been misrepresented," the minister said.

Ms Higgins has recently reinstated her official complaint with the Australian Federal Police.

Three other women have since alleged they were assaulted by the same man.

[Alleged rapist] was sacked as a ministerial adviser because of a security breach on the night of Ms Higgins' alleged rape..."
Posted by plantagenet, Friday, 5 March 2021 12:10:29 PM
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Let's summarise.
A young girl, goes out, gets drunk, is chatted up by someone she knows, she, being equal to any man, is seeking sex, every man goes out at night for the same thing, which is natural for a young healthy male.
She voluntarily accompanies him to a particular location, with full expectation and keen to engage in sexual intercourse, because she is a strong viable woman and equal to a man, therefore capable of making such decisions and choices.
In the morning she is literally caught with her pants down, and hurriedly gathers her curds and whey, (clothing and belongings) and scarpers.
Many, many years and God knows, why later, she has an epiphany, and decides in her own sick mind and time to ruin a good man's life, and anyone else's as collateral damage, completely devoid of the consequences and destruction she has just unleashed.
Soon after, like a brick in the face, which is what was required, but sooner, she decides she has made an enormous and extremely serious mistake, and does one of the many things, mentally and emotionally unstable people do.
She killed herself!
Now was the Minister just in calling her a "lying cow"?
Most definitely!
Was she a "lying cow"?
Most definitely!
So all you jelly brained, virtue signaling, pions, stop trying to point score using lies and innuendo, knowing full well your way off course, in an inane attempt at looking viable.
She was the guilty party, because as the pions will quickly remind us, that had she said "NO" then perhaps there was a case to answer, it was consensual, in fact if it was not she would have gone running and screaming from the building to get away from a rapist.
Such was not the case, she slept it off and left in the morning when the staff began arriving.
Did she immediately seek the assistance of the first arrivals as to her alleged plight/ (being raped)
End of!
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 5 March 2021 12:21:57 PM
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That is the problem! Right there in that rant.

Only a change in the law will alter the mindset of such people.
Posted by petere, Friday, 5 March 2021 1:40:25 PM
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Petere, would you care to illuminate, because your last comment can be taken as inflammatory.
Or at the very least sarcastic, and refuting or rejecting my submission or account of the matter.
If I have stated something incorrectly or taken something out of context, please highlight my error/s and I will either explain my reasoning or accept your corrective advise.
Thank you, in advance.
Posted by ALTRAV, Friday, 5 March 2021 3:33:39 PM
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"This could be done by simply laying the responsibility on men to prove that they had consent before engaging in sex"

An excellent and well thought out point, you are to be congratulated on your logic and clear thinking.

Every bloke on a night out should have a "Sexual Intercourse Consent Form" and a working black ink pen on his person.

Perhaps condom manufacturers could print such forms and include them with their product.

Forgery might be a problem so provision should be made for a witness to sign that he/she witnessed the signature and that the signee was not visibly affected by alcohol at the time.
Posted by Is Mise, Friday, 5 March 2021 7:45:10 PM
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